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 Plants vs. Zombies

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PostSubject: Plants vs. Zombies   Plants vs. Zombies EmptySun 27 Jan 2013 - 16:46

I'll bet there aren't many here who haven't played this game. Probably one of my all-time favourites, and a game that anyone can enjoy. Who's played it? Which version(s) have you played?

I started out on the iPhone (boo, hiss!), and then moved to the DS version when I fancied giving it another go. It's been ages since I played the DS version to death, and I'd quite like to take it for a third spin on Vita's OLED screen.
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PostSubject: Re: Plants vs. Zombies   Plants vs. Zombies EmptySun 27 Jan 2013 - 17:04

XBLA and Steam versions. It's not bad, kinda addictive for a little while, but....i dunno, it's just nothing amazing. Still, wall-nut bowling is fun Grin
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Ice Climber

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PostSubject: Re: Plants vs. Zombies   Plants vs. Zombies EmptySun 27 Jan 2013 - 19:47

I fit this game into the Animal Crossing category: you can play it for ages when the mood first takes you, but you've got to give it a long rest after that because you start to get a bit tired of it. Same as any game, I suppose.
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PostSubject: Re: Plants vs. Zombies   Plants vs. Zombies EmptySun 27 Jan 2013 - 22:22

Stu_the_great wrote:
I fit this game into the Animal Crossing category: you can play it for ages when the mood first takes you, but you've got to give it a long rest after that because you start to get a bit tired of it. Same as any game, I suppose.

I'd agree with that. I bought the PC version when it first came out and absolutely loved it - I had put in about thirty hours in a week. In total, I've now played about 50 hours. I bought the DSiWare version more recently, and I couldn't really get into it. I figure I've played it enough by this point. I'd highly recommend it to anyone, but I don't think I'd care to go back to it any time soon.
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Raging Pedant

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PostSubject: Re: Plants vs. Zombies   Plants vs. Zombies EmptyMon 28 Jan 2013 - 1:00

Yeah these days I play it on my IOS device
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PostSubject: Re: Plants vs. Zombies   Plants vs. Zombies EmptyMon 28 Jan 2013 - 7:56

Never played it! I've often looked longingly at the boxed game in shops, but I want it to be really cheap before buying it.

*leaves thread*
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Fancy Fancy
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PostSubject: Re: Plants vs. Zombies   Plants vs. Zombies EmptyMon 28 Jan 2013 - 8:55

Bought, loved & completed on my iPod Touch, then bought the DS version. Which is still sealed. Whistle
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Plants vs. Zombies   Plants vs. Zombies EmptyMon 28 Jan 2013 - 12:07

I picked up the Steam GOTY edition on the cheap during the summer sale - adored it, and put about 25 hours into it in a very short space of time.

I keep meaning to go back and complete all the challenges and whatnot, but as Stu and Dar said, a sort of fatigue sets in with this game after a certain amount of time. It's brilliant, don't get me wrong, but it is samey.
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Plants vs. Zombies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plants vs. Zombies   Plants vs. Zombies EmptyMon 28 Jan 2013 - 14:06

Just the DSiWare version, oddly. Agreeing totally with what Silver Light is saying.
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Ice Climber

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PostSubject: Re: Plants vs. Zombies   Plants vs. Zombies EmptyMon 28 Jan 2013 - 21:59

I do hope they make the sequel worthwhile, particulary now it's in the clutches of EA with most of the original team having departed.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Plants vs. Zombies   Plants vs. Zombies EmptyMon 28 Jan 2013 - 22:21

There's a sequel being made? By... by EA? Oh...oh no. Pale

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Ice Climber

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PostSubject: Re: Plants vs. Zombies   Plants vs. Zombies EmptyTue 29 Jan 2013 - 19:58

PopCap are under the EA umbrella now, and apparently there were a lot of layoffs. *gulp*

Some of the PvZ creators have formed their own studio, so there may be something completely new and amazing on the horizon at some point.
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Tingle's Dingle

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PostSubject: Re: Plants vs. Zombies   Plants vs. Zombies EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 20:01

For the two people who haven't played it, it's avaliable to play online for free on
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Raging Pedant

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PostSubject: Re: Plants vs. Zombies   Plants vs. Zombies EmptyFri 22 Feb 2013 - 3:55

It's also free on IOS
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