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 You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!

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Crumpy Andy
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! Empty
PostSubject: You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!   You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! EmptySat 7 Nov 2015 - 1:46

So as mentioned in the DEATH thread I've had an idea for a game for the forum, the premise is this:

  • Everyone who plays gets 20 lives (We can increase or extend this depending on people's thoughts)
  • Everyone must play the same 5 games (Again can change depending on other's input)
  • You can use these 20 lives wherever you like within the set games, if you feel you can complete one without dying then by all means go for it, if there's a game you feel you suck at then avoid it at all costs, it's entirely up to you.
  • There won't be any scoring, as difficulty can be subjective it'd be unfair to say one game is worth more/less or the same as another, it's purely to see how everyone else uses their playthroughs.
  • Bonus levels that aren't integral to progress can be completed but deaths will still count towards your tally, question is whether or not they're worth the kudos you'll receive.

That's all there is to it really, should be interesting to see how everyone chooses to manage their lives, now all we need is to decide the games, I'm going to start by suggesting:

Super Mario Galaxy 2
You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! SI_Wii_SuperMarioGalaxy2
I feel this could be the perfect game, I imagine most people will own this and would be more than happy to revisit it.

Super Mario Bros 3
You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! SuperMarioBros3Wallpaper640
A slightly different kettle of fish to Mario Galaxy but brilliant in it's own right, I suck at it though and I'm sure some of you will too. (I'm sensing a pattern with these images).

Mega Man 3
You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! Mega-man-3-usa
Completely new to me this one but nothing says "survival" like Mega Man (or so I hear), also Robot Penises.

Link's Awakening
You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! Link_s_awakening___link_and_bowwow_by_kaigetsudo-d66j34z
AKA that one with chain chomp, I can't comment on it's difficulty or much in fact but by the end of this I'd like to think it'll be as familiar as that pair of socks that have had holes in them a week after buying them but it'd feel a waste to throw them away.

Last edited by Treesmurf on Thu 12 Nov 2015 - 23:05; edited 3 times in total
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! Empty
PostSubject: Re: You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!   You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! EmptySat 7 Nov 2015 - 1:46

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Galactic Nova

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You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! Empty
PostSubject: Re: You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!   You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! EmptySat 7 Nov 2015 - 7:12

Ooh, I'm in! And I've got SMG2 on my Wii U and on disk, so I shouldn't have too much trouble joining in Grin
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You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! Empty
PostSubject: Re: You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!   You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! EmptySat 7 Nov 2015 - 8:26

I no longer have SMG2, having traded it in for drug money something else back in the day. Sad Can I suggest Link's Awakening? It'll be a case of whether folk have it or not, but as your rules state that you're not obliged to play all the games... Grin
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Galactic Nova

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You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! Empty
PostSubject: Re: You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!   You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! EmptySat 7 Nov 2015 - 8:36

I still haven't finished Links Awakening so this might be my incentive.
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The Next Miyamoto

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You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! Empty
PostSubject: Re: You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!   You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! EmptySat 7 Nov 2015 - 9:34

I don't have SMG2 that I will be missing that, maybe stuff on that can be played on Wii U as then we play the console and we can talk about it leading up to it's 3rd birthday vote.
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Crumpy Andy
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Crumpy Andy

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You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! Empty
PostSubject: Re: You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!   You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! EmptySat 7 Nov 2015 - 14:38

I'm not so sure about Links Awakening, surely to score it against something like galaxy it'd need to be something with more of a level structure than that.
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Galactic Nova

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You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! Empty
PostSubject: Re: You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!   You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! EmptySun 8 Nov 2015 - 14:00

I don't have SMG2 unfortunately. Aww!

I'd like to suggest Mega Man 3. It's probably one of the easiest in the series, and I'd love to rocket through that.
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You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! Empty
PostSubject: Re: You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!   You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! EmptySun 8 Nov 2015 - 17:44

I'd do SMG2 but I don't have my Wii U yet and would probably die more than 20 times anyhow.  I have my genres and games where I'm reasonably proficient and likely to win a challenge run, but SMG2 isn't one of them.  

Won't stop me from trying when I do get my Wii U though.  It'll be nice to play a fun innocent game like smg2 again, so if this takes entrants in another four weeks or so count me in!

Actually, scratch that four week remark, I just remembered what comes out in three and a half weeks, so it'll have to start before then. Three weeks sound bout right.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! Empty
PostSubject: Re: You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!   You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! EmptySun 8 Nov 2015 - 23:07

Well I suppose there isn't a limit on when to enter as there's no real way to score it anyway so it's more of a gaming diary type experience.

Are there any preferred Mario games? SMB? NSMB? SMG1? I've elected that mainly because a Mario game seems ideal for this kind of thing. I'm happy with Link's Awakening and Mega Man (don't actually own the latter but I'm sure it's not pricey), both are games I've played very little of so it should make things more interesting for me. I suppose we could just put it to a vote a la the counting classics thread.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Yay
Link's Awakening Yay
Mega Man 3 Yay
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You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! Empty
PostSubject: Re: You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!   You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! EmptyMon 9 Nov 2015 - 2:01

How about Super Mario Bros 3? Surely everyone owns that in some form, also I have no issue with the others that have been suggested
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Disciple of Greener

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You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! Empty
PostSubject: Re: You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!   You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! EmptyMon 9 Nov 2015 - 11:18

Just give me any excuse to play Link's Awakening again

(Also still never played SMG2 lol)
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You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! Empty
PostSubject: Re: You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!   You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! EmptyMon 9 Nov 2015 - 19:16

That's something of a hole in your Nintendo CV, OR. Shocked

Also, very happy to get behind SMB3. If we're going down the platformer road... Sonic 2 (if I retract Link's Awakening)?
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Disciple of Greener

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PostSubject: Re: You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!   You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! EmptyTue 10 Nov 2015 - 16:40

I've never been a massive fan of the 3D Mario games. Always preferred Banjo-Kazooie to SM64, never played Sunshine, and then SMG was great and all but 2 just looks like the same game expanded upon. One day I'll get round to playing it, I'm sure, but it's still so expensive and I have other games that are higher priority.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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PostSubject: Re: You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!   You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! EmptyThu 12 Nov 2015 - 23:08

I've gone ahead and added Super Mario Bros 3 to the mix as well so that leaves just one more, obviously love the idea of Sonic 2 but variety is the spice of life and there are a fair few naysayers to the blue hedgehog.
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The Next Miyamoto

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You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! Empty
PostSubject: Re: You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!   You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! EmptyThu 12 Nov 2015 - 23:26

Also do you need another platformer in the mix
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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PostSubject: Re: You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO!   You have 20 lives, what do you do. GO! EmptyThu 12 Nov 2015 - 23:32

Well yeah that was pretty much my thinking, Mega Man gets a pass because of it's bang, shooty gameplay and then the 2 Mario games are in different dimensions.
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