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Galactic Nova

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Vampyr Empty
PostSubject: Vampyr   Vampyr EmptyFri 11 Mar 2016 - 8:31

The new game from Dontnod. After Life is Strange, I'm automatically interested in anything these guys do. An early 20th century vampires combat RPG sounds very interesting.
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The Next Aonuma

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Vampyr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampyr   Vampyr EmptyFri 11 Mar 2016 - 16:56

At the moment Dontnod is 1 for 1 with there games, that I'm excited for it but it could be like Remember Me with great ideas but form what i hear not a great game.
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Disciple of Greener

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Vampyr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampyr   Vampyr EmptyFri 11 Mar 2016 - 17:16

I will defend Remember Me to my last breath

It's not perfect, of course, but it has an amazingly realised world and a fantastic female protagonist. The memory remixes, while few and far between, play like a 3D Ghost Trick and are undoubtedly the best parts of the game. They could have done more with them, especially in increasing their complexity, so it is disappointing that they didn't realise the full potential, but they are still great for what they are. Outside of those segments, the gameplay is solid if not groundbreaking - competent Uncharted-style parkour and an entirely passable Arkham Asylum-lite battle system.

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The Next Aonuma

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Vampyr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampyr   Vampyr EmptyFri 11 Mar 2016 - 17:24

I've not played it, that it's going on what I hear.

I'm surprised as Capcom own the IP haven't done a HD version of it on PS4 & ONE as Capcom love those and people now know who Dontnod are.
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Shiny Shuckle

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Vampyr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampyr   Vampyr EmptyFri 11 Mar 2016 - 17:59

It's nice to see them going in a different direction in an underutilised genre. Or perhaps there are plenty of vampire games, they're just almost entirely ubiquitously naff.

For as much as a buggy mess as Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines was (and still is, despite its community STILL fixing it!), it had a really nice story, great atmosphere, and one of the best haunted mansions in gaming. Handled like pure garbage, and I needed cheats to clear the final bosses, but it was still well worth playing through. It did the whole 20th century living thing, where vampires followed a code - the masquerade - to stay hidden, but there were those who would void it, and a vampire apocalypse prophecy for the player to live through. Pretty cool stuff, and based off of a board game if I'm not mistaken.

Hopefully these chaps can pull off something similar with a good deal more polish.
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Galactic Nova

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Vampyr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampyr   Vampyr EmptyFri 11 Mar 2016 - 18:21

I do really wanna play Remember Me eventually
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Vampyr Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vampyr   Vampyr Empty

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