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 Iwata to possibly resign

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Raging Pedant

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PostSubject: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptyThu 31 Jan 2013 - 12:43

Basically says it all
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptyThu 31 Jan 2013 - 12:54

It doesn't make sense to me why he would resign now. He was there as President during the Gamecube years where Nintendo got their asses handed to them by Sony. He then went on to lead Nintendo through the best success they've had since the SNES days. I don't think he'll resign.
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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptyThu 31 Jan 2013 - 13:29

A profit of 100bn yen seems a bit steep but I'm sure if they get close (800/900 bn or so) then he'll probably stay. But perhaps he's just saying to make his apology sound more sincere and is secretly sure he'll make this goal of his.
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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptyThu 31 Jan 2013 - 15:17

If anything this "threat" to resign could give them extra motivation to improve things but IF the worst came to the worst then I actually wouldn't mind it as he could move back into development, something he said he'd love to do but simply doesn't have the time for.

.....with that said I agree with Jay Moyles.
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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptyThu 31 Jan 2013 - 18:29

I don't know whether this is a good or bad thing. Here's hoping that if he does resign, whoever replaces him is committed to the same things that make Nintendo fun. I don't want N8 (I think?) to be "Wii U with more power", great though I'm sure that would be.
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Iwata to possibly resign Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptyThu 31 Jan 2013 - 19:10

I'll take over if he resigns.

Iwata to possibly resign Bananas
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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptyThu 31 Jan 2013 - 19:49

Phillips wrote:
I'll take over if he resigns.

Iwata to possibly resign Bananas

You've got my backing.
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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptyThu 31 Jan 2013 - 22:17

Oh, gosh. I feel sorry for the bloke because he feels he has to go that far. Aww! Iwata has been a good president for Nintendo, with a solid commitment to the things that make the brand unique - and, alas, a stubborn commitment to the things that make the brand infuriating, like not engaging with the Internet as well as their competitors.
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Iwata to possibly resign Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptySat 2 Feb 2013 - 1:56

beemoh wrote:
Phillips wrote:
I'll take over if he resigns.

Iwata to possibly resign Bananas

You've got my backing.

Cheers mate. For your support, it'd like to hand you the developmental rights to the Wii Chess series.
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Ice Climber

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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptySat 2 Feb 2013 - 20:47

I'd hate to see Iwata resign. He's been at Nintendo's helm through much tougher times for the company than this, and the company could do a great deal worse in the presidential stakes.

Choose who is president, there will always be improvements to make and standards to uphold.
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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptySat 2 Feb 2013 - 21:01

Thing is, if Iwata did walk, they might put Reggie in charge. Imagine that...
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Ice Climber

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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptySat 2 Feb 2013 - 21:05

Reggie would be the Chuck Norris of company presidents.
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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptySat 2 Feb 2013 - 23:06

beemoh wrote:
Thing is, if Iwata did walk, they might put Reggie in charge. Imagine that...

An American the head of the Japanese division? Doubt that very much.
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Iwata to possibly resign Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptySun 3 Feb 2013 - 8:29

I hope he doesn't resign.
Anyway, I found an interesting fact: Since 1998, the only years they haven't achieved 100bn yen operating profit were 2001, 2006 and 2012. (Notice a pattern? XD)
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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptySun 3 Feb 2013 - 9:31

Axis1500 wrote:
I hope he doesn't resign.
Anyway, I found an interesting fact: Since 1998, the only years they haven't achieved 100bn yen operating profit were 2001, 2006 and 2012. (Notice a pattern? XD)
*narrows eyes*

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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptySun 3 Feb 2013 - 10:04

Oh, that is bizarre! I guess with Nintendo it takes some time for them to gain an installed userbase and for word of mouth to spread for them to start selling consoles by the millions.
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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptySun 3 Feb 2013 - 10:05

Will be using that fact on CVG soon!
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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptySun 3 Feb 2013 - 10:55

He'd be daft to resign. He's basically done "not as poorly" as other Japanese electronics firms. He's also a respectable human being as well, where he punishes himself (as in this very case) before ruining his underlings. If he did go, the replacement would either be an existing Nintendo head (result would be Status Quo) or some "business expert" in which case Nintendo would plummet off a cliff.
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Iwata to possibly resign Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptySun 10 Feb 2013 - 16:13

Would be sad to see him go - I think he should at least give him more time to sort things out if Wii U's launch year doesn't go so well, after all he did manage to steer 3DS around (though he was responsible for its not so stellar launch).

Even so, I really hope he can reach that target. No Iwata just wouldn't be right, he's the face of Nintendo for many and I really couldn't imagine anyone else heading up the company right now.

The issue with Nintendo to me has always been how each division (NoE, NoA, NoJ) poorly communicates with each other, leading to inefficiencies. And I've read that only Nintendo of Japan has any real power over global decisions.
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Iwata to possibly resign Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptyFri 28 Jun 2013 - 21:54

Sorry for thread bump.

From the recent Investor Meeting....

Iwata: "I don't recall saying I'd resign."

(Sighs of relief all round.)
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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptySat 29 Jun 2013 - 8:50

No, the pay cut must have been bad enough for the poor fellow! Glad to hear you're sticking around, Mr. I!
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptySun 30 Jun 2013 - 16:46

We playing what we would, I would give SEGA a boat load of money to make shenmue 3.
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Ice Climber

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Iwata to possibly resign Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptySun 30 Jun 2013 - 19:19

Ah, good news! As previously stated, I've grown fond of Iwata's presence over the years. As company execs go, he's reassuringly human.
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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptySun 30 Jun 2013 - 19:29

We could always get ourselves another Yamauchi if he does decide to go (although I'd rather he stayed, natch)or is the Yamauchi family out of the business entirely now?
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PostSubject: Re: Iwata to possibly resign   Iwata to possibly resign EmptySun 30 Jun 2013 - 20:36

I find it facinating that folk think that Mr Yamauchi was a bad guy, here's something ye may not know he refused his retirement pension which would've been around $9 to $14 million.
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