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 Episode 11: The NX Will Change Your Life, Mate

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Galactic Nova

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Episode 11: The NX Will Change Your Life, Mate Empty
PostSubject: Episode 11: The NX Will Change Your Life, Mate   Episode 11: The NX Will Change Your Life, Mate EmptyFri 06 May 2016, 20:05

Episode 11

Bloody hell, been a while, hasn't it? Sorry, bit long this one.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Episode 11: The NX Will Change Your Life, Mate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Episode 11: The NX Will Change Your Life, Mate   Episode 11: The NX Will Change Your Life, Mate EmptySat 07 May 2016, 18:47

Excellent, I hope peeps give it a listen and maybe answer the following

Does 3rd party matter on NX?

If you only had a Wii U, would you be happy about this years lineup?

Now if you could play every single 3DS game that came out this year as well on your Wii U, would that make a difference to the above answer?
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Episode 11: The NX Will Change Your Life, Mate
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