Des and Ember. Because when you put them together, they... er... December.
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 Runner3 (Better Than RunnerWay)

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Runner3 (Better Than RunnerWay) Empty
PostSubject: Runner3 (Better Than RunnerWay)   Runner3 (Better Than RunnerWay) EmptyTue 28 Feb 2017 - 18:01

Yes! I've been wanting to hear more about this game ever since it was announced and now here we are. It looked like quite a step up from the second game, which is a beautiful, underrated tide of joy, as far as I'm concerned. Can - not - wait. Dance

That was ZeroJones, giving his report from the hype train. Nah nah! Anyone else interested in this?
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Galactic Nova

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Runner3 (Better Than RunnerWay) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Runner3 (Better Than RunnerWay)   Runner3 (Better Than RunnerWay) EmptyTue 28 Feb 2017 - 22:36

Big fan of ol' Commander Video and his running adventures, so I'm keen for this. It's been a fair wee while since I played BTR2 too, so I'm up for more running around at the speed of sound.
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Runner3 (Better Than RunnerWay)
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