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 Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)

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Crumpy Andy
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Best Starters?
Gen. 1: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle
Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) Vote_lcap47%Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) Vote_rcap
 47% [ 7 ]
Gen. 2: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile
Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) Vote_lcap27%Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) Vote_rcap
 27% [ 4 ]
Gen. 3: Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip
Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) Vote_lcap13%Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) Vote_rcap
 13% [ 2 ]
Gen. 4: Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup
Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) Vote_lcap7%Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) Vote_rcap
 7% [ 1 ]
Gen. 5: Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott
Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) Vote_lcap0%Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Gen. 6: Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie
Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) Vote_lcap6%Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) Vote_rcap
 6% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 15


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PostSubject: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyWed 16 Jan 2013 - 12:07

Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) Screenshot_51326_thumb_wide610
Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) Screenshot_51327_thumb_wide610

Thanks to ONM for the images.  No thanks to the Internet at large for the quantity of Fennekin porn it's already produced (I mean really).  Discuss the future present of Pokémon here!

Last edited by Balladeer on Wed 6 Nov 2013 - 20:54; edited 10 times in total (Reason for editing : NEW POLL MK. 2!)
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Raging Pedant

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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyFri 18 Jan 2013 - 4:28

I think in this case I'm going to get a physical copy of one version and if we can download the other
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Grackler Bait

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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyFri 18 Jan 2013 - 12:58

Really looking forward to seeing more from these. I think I'll end up with X. Sounds better, and I prefer Xerneas.
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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyFri 18 Jan 2013 - 17:02

Is it not too soon? Anyway, I'm going for Pokémon X, because a) I love Maths, and b) I can pretend to n00bs that I'm playing the tenth Pokémon game.
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Tingle's Dingle

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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyFri 18 Jan 2013 - 17:07

I'll probably be going for X as I prefer the legendary but I'm really looking forward to seeing more screenshots of them as they look great.
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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyFri 18 Jan 2013 - 18:51

Balladeer wrote:

No thanks to the Internet at large for the quantity of Fennekin porn it's already produced (I mean really).

Wow, you really weren't kidding Pale . Good thing I'm getting froakie...
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Silver light
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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyFri 18 Jan 2013 - 18:57

Prolly'll get Y when it releases (looks like it has the cooler legend to me xD), but i really hope these two actually shake up the gameplay as well as the graphics, though. Pokemon's formula feels a bit stale these days.
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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyFri 18 Jan 2013 - 19:28

There are rumours (and rumours only) that the "happiness" attribute is going to do something besides being an evolutionary condition and affecting two normal-type moves this time around. If so, it's about time, given that the whole "Pokémon are friends not tools" is an absolute joke if you can steamroll the game by buying the Bitter Herbs and making your Pokémon fight even when they're poisoned.

I made done a poll thing! You could vote for your favourite starter and legendary if you want, like I did. (Or just vote for all of them if you're boring.) I voted Froakie and Xerneas, even if the latter does like it'd fall over in a light breeze.
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Ejected into the Lava

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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyFri 18 Jan 2013 - 19:51

I voted for Chespin. I've mostly went with the Grass type starters in each game and it looks like it'll be no different in this one.

Also I'll probably end up buying Y first as the legendary Pokemon looks pretty darn awesome.
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Grackler Bait

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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyFri 18 Jan 2013 - 20:01

Had to vote Fennekin since it's so cute, and I usually prefer the fire starters anyway. I'm glad I haven't seen any disturbing images of it so far.
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Crumpy Andy
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Crumpy Andy

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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyFri 18 Jan 2013 - 20:49

Fennekin will be my starter, I like Fire 'mon, always have. No idea which version though.
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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyFri 18 Jan 2013 - 21:25

Chespin, I chose you! So cute. Also, is it me, or do both the new legendaries look like the letter 'Y'? Surely Xerneas (pronounceable!) should look like an 'X'?
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Ice Climber

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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyFri 18 Jan 2013 - 22:47

Froakie is the only way forward for me. I adore water types!

Don't know about everyone else, but a lot of the new creature names look like they were decided upon by the text guy headbutting his/her keyboard. I mean, really; they'd run out of most of their convincing names by the time they started developing Diamond and Pearl.

That gripe aside, I do look forward to this installment maybe, just maybe being the Pokémon game where the basic format gets a much-needed kick up the bum as well as making logical 3DS hardware-related upgrades.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyFri 18 Jan 2013 - 23:42

As ever I want to see the final form of the starters before I decide, I mean, look how the pig one turned out last time.
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Raging Pedant

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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptySat 19 Jan 2013 - 1:55

Was Tepigs evolution good or bad though?
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptySat 19 Jan 2013 - 2:55

It was an abomination.
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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptySat 19 Jan 2013 - 8:17

Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) Run_emboar__run__by_happyfoe-d5l0nya

Stu_the_great wrote:
Don't know about everyone else, but a lot of the new creature names look like they were decided upon by the text guy headbutting his/her keyboard. I mean, really; they'd run out of most of their convincing names by the time they started developing Diamond and Pearl.

Agreeing with this: but then, what would you name the starters?
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Raging Pedant

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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptySat 19 Jan 2013 - 10:24

Fennekin could be Firefox.. Oh wait
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Crumpy Andy
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Crumpy Andy

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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptySat 19 Jan 2013 - 11:17

It played fine, but it looked awful. Probably would've gone for Oshawott had I known.
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Ice Climber

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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptySat 19 Jan 2013 - 17:17

Balladeer wrote:
Agreeing with this: but then, what would you name the starters?

This is a tough one because it's completely subjective. I prefer the Pokémon names that use zoological/animalistic/species terms (Archeops is one of my favourite Pokémon names, because it acknowledges the animal upon which it was based), but then again there are some of the names that successfully fuse two words together. A lot of them just sound terribly lazy, but some of them hit the mark. Zigzagoon is probably the worst example of a fused word name I can think of. *shudder*

Then, though, I couldn't imagine Blastoise having any other name. Is that because it fits the character, because I've known it for so long, or a bit of both? Probably.

Choose what names they pick, everyone has their expectations now, and in previous years I think a lot of the disappointment has had something to do with the internet allowing people to become attached to the Japanese Pokémon names for six months or more before the translated names roll in.
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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptySun 20 Jan 2013 - 9:53

For me, the best names are either simple, or clever fusions of the animal's name and a characteristic - like Fennekin, only that's not clever. I'd have gone for something like Paraffen (if paraffin isn't trademarked).

Froakie I actually like as a name. Chespin... That's a tricky one. Conquir?
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Flock Step Bird

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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyTue 22 Jan 2013 - 19:35

I like the appearance of Froakie, although choosing him would mean I wouldn't use Psyduck...
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Ice Climber

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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyTue 22 Jan 2013 - 22:19

Another Psyduck fan?! Oh. My. Goodness.

Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) CUTE_Psyduck_by_CAPSed
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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyTue 22 Jan 2013 - 22:54

Stu_the_great wrote:
Another Psyduck fan?! Oh. My. Goodness.

Is it giving you a headache? *giggle*
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll)   Pokémon X and Y (and Another Pokémon Poll) EmptyTue 22 Jan 2013 - 23:03

I'm really interested to see what the final typing of the starters will be. Saw a great suggestion for Grass/Fighting, Water/Dark and Fire/Psychic.
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