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 Retro Moments - July 2003

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The Next Aonuma

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Retro Moments - July 2003 Empty
PostSubject: Retro Moments - July 2003   Retro Moments - July 2003 EmptySun 24 Jun 2018 - 20:31

Retro Moments - July 2003 KotOR

July 2003 was not the best month with only really the OG Xbox Exclusive KOTOR really standing out and putting Bioware for me on the map. I've played it on Xbox One recently and it does look good due to the emulation but I don't think it holds up to well.

We also got a bunch of licence games Pirates of the Caribbean, Charlie's Angels, The Italian Job, The Great Escape, Robocop, Butt-Ugly Martians that if you were only on PS2 it was a bad month.

If you had a GameCube much like now you got a great Mario Sports game with Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour that does hold up well still and I don't think we've had a better Golf game in the Mario Universe since.
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Splatted Goomba

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Retro Moments - July 2003 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Retro Moments - July 2003   Retro Moments - July 2003 EmptySun 24 Jun 2018 - 21:34

I still love KOTOR I cant get enough of it, I was so thankful that it was added to XBOX one as it means I dont need to set the old xbox up just for a bash at it.
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Galactic Nova

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Retro Moments - July 2003 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Retro Moments - July 2003   Retro Moments - July 2003 EmptySun 24 Jun 2018 - 22:06

masofdas wrote:
The Great Escape

Wait... as in the film from the 60s? What bout of madness caused somebody to jump on that as the latest hot property for a video game tie-in? Laughing
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The Next Aonuma

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Retro Moments - July 2003 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Retro Moments - July 2003   Retro Moments - July 2003 EmptySun 24 Jun 2018 - 22:13

Yeah based on the film, I don't know why we got it.

I know we've had later licensed games such as Godfather which have been good, that I think you can do a older thing but doing it good is the thing.
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Splatted Goomba

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Retro Moments - July 2003 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Retro Moments - July 2003   Retro Moments - July 2003 EmptySun 24 Jun 2018 - 22:36

Id Happily have a game of The Last Man on Earth and thats a old film. Heck theres a lot of old films id like to see in game form.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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The Cappuccino Kid

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Retro Moments - July 2003 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Retro Moments - July 2003   Retro Moments - July 2003 EmptyMon 25 Jun 2018 - 14:12

That Italian Job game on the PS2/Xbox/GameCube is great! It was reviewing poorly at the time because it was a short, tiny game selling for full price, but these days it sells for virtually hee-haw - even with the GameCube premium, it's only a quid at CEX. Well worth finding!

Mario Golf came out the summer after this, I remember that well. I think July 2003 was when I was starting to get back into the N64, as there was so little out on the up-to-date machines.
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Bargain Hunter

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Retro Moments - July 2003 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Retro Moments - July 2003   Retro Moments - July 2003 EmptyMon 25 Jun 2018 - 21:55

Yeah, I ended up with the Italian Job as well - I think it didn't help that MidTown Madness was a bit big around that time.

@kerr9000 I love the Last Man on Earth idea! Anything that lets you play as a polygonal Vincent Price has got to be good.

Hey, this gives me an idea for a topic...
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