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 PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas

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The Cappuccino Kid
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PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas    PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas  - Page 3 EmptyMon 3 Dec 2018 - 20:07

fronkhead wrote:
I recently bought a few more PS1 games for my PSP off the Japanese PS Store and I'm having a blast. One of those games is a hot air balloon simulator from Artdink, a developer known today for its railway simulators. Another one - The Adventure of Little Ralph - is the sort of timeless SNES++ title that the PS1 was a beast at delivering on. The PS1 is to the SNES what the DS was to the GBA, and the PS1 Classic simply doesn't speak for the platform in the same way a PS3 or PSP can.
With this and the Switch recommendations, I'd swear you're some sort of wizard who magics unknown good games into existence! What the hell is the Adventure of Little Ralph?! I've just watched 10 minutes of it on YouTube and I want to play it now...
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Disciple of Scullion

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PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas    PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas  - Page 3 EmptyTue 25 Dec 2018 - 14:20

Jimbob wrote:
fronkhead wrote:
I recently bought a few more PS1 games for my PSP off the Japanese PS Store and I'm having a blast. One of those games is a hot air balloon simulator from Artdink, a developer known today for its railway simulators. Another one - The Adventure of Little Ralph - is the sort of timeless SNES++ title that the PS1 was a beast at delivering on. The PS1 is to the SNES what the DS was to the GBA, and the PS1 Classic simply doesn't speak for the platform in the same way a PS3 or PSP can.
With this and the Switch recommendations, I'd swear you're some sort of wizard who magics unknown good games into existence! What the hell is the Adventure of Little Ralph?! I've just watched 10 minutes of it on YouTube and I want to play it now...

Glad to help! The Adventure of Little Ralph is probably best outlined by this excellent shmuplations interview with New Corp, the developers of the game who chose to make the game they wanted to make over a sequel to Victorious Boxers:

It's one of my favourite games ever - its arcade sensibilities and all-killer-no-filler length remind me a lot of Wario Land 4 actually. Basically, there's an emphasis on experimenting and playing stylishly for score, many hidden areas, and lots of opportunities for extra lives. Each world is very much separate from the last, leading to heaps of variety in the level and boss designs, and you're ultimately encouraged to play through it on a single continue from world 1-1. While I've finished the game, the furthest I've made it on one continue is to world 4-2, I think. But it was enough to land me at the top of the scoreboard so I'm content...for now.

I can't recommend it enough.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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The Cappuccino Kid

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PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas    PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas  - Page 3 EmptyTue 25 Dec 2018 - 23:05

Sorry I can't link to the page just now, but this has dropped to £49.85 on ShopTo. I can just about justify treating myself to one at that price - how about youse?
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The Next Miyamoto

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PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas    PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas  - Page 3 EmptyTue 25 Dec 2018 - 23:20

Now that is a great value and one of those annoying things as I got mine today for Christmas and I bet we all got something that we will all could get way cheaper tomorrow.
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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
The Cappuccino Kid

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PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas    PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas  - Page 3 EmptyWed 26 Dec 2018 - 9:04

I'm afraid that you can - it's £49.99 most places now, at the likes of Argos, Amazon, GAME and the usual others. I get the sense that it's not so much of a Boxing Day sale as it is an admission from Sony Europe that they arsed this up.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas    PlayStation Classic coming this Christmas  - Page 3 EmptyWed 26 Dec 2018 - 9:18

I did finally get mine working, which was more of a pain as you'd think as for some reason USB ports on the TV or Xbox One which power SNES Classic fine won't power the PS1 Classic, the PS4 will though otherwise I would have had major issues with cable lengths.

Was going to try my wireless keyboard to see if I could access the debug menu but I can't find the adaptor due to it being wireless. I doubt it work anyway as it seems like it's fancy razer etc ones do.

Not sure if I will mod or not, seems easy enough from a guide I've seen. I know this is going to sound silly especially reading back through my post's but I think I would prefer buying SOTN on VITA, PSTV or even the PS4 version and use them as a "Classic" or even buy the game on disc seeing I now own 4 PS1"s.

As the OG controller takes some getting used to.
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