Des and Ember. Because when you put them together, they... er... December.
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 Son of a Glitch

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Galactic Nova

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Son of a Glitch Empty
PostSubject: Son of a Glitch   Son of a Glitch EmptyThu 21 Feb 2019 - 21:24

Inspired by my misadventures with DMC2.

No video game is perfect - we've all ran into a bug or a glitch playing games over the years, so I figured a thread to share some our favourites or our most infuriating glitch moments would be a fun thread.

Share your tales of bugs and glitches. I think my DMC2 video speaks for itself to kick things off!
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Son of a Glitch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Son of a Glitch   Son of a Glitch EmptyThu 21 Feb 2019 - 21:38

I'm guessing some of you must know how hard FFIX's bosses are? So you can probably imagine my reaction when the game utterly froze shortly after getting through the second of the three early-game black mage battles by the skin of my teeth. Stupid Squeenix, stupid dodgy ports... DAMN YOU!
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