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 Watch Dogs: Legion

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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Watch Dogs: Legion   Watch Dogs: Legion EmptyMon 10 Jun 2019 - 23:48

LANDAN. Coming March 6th 2020.

It's time for another slice of Watch Dogs action. I must admit, I'm very interested in Legion. The prospect of recruiting any NPC to your hacktivist cause is really interesting as is the prospect of perma-death for your recruits. I wonder if they're being too ambitious with the project, especially as the devs were saying that every mission will have unique dialogue based on who you're playing as.

I suppose that could be rectified by having different "classes" of NPC using the same pool of voice actors. Of course, I'd be doing the OP a disservice without mentioning the legendary granny hacker character. Best bit of the trailer.

I think having an open-world game set in London will be a nice change of pace from all the Californias and NYCs we've explored over the years. And it was incredibly bold of the devs to set the game during present day Britain too.

I'm taking this all with a pinch of salt considering the smoke and mirror show that was the original Watch Dogs trailer, but what did you lot think about this one?

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Disciple of Greener

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Watch Dogs: Legion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Watch Dogs: Legion   Watch Dogs: Legion EmptyTue 11 Jun 2019 - 14:08

This sums up my thoughts
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Watch Dogs: Legion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Watch Dogs: Legion   Watch Dogs: Legion EmptyTue 11 Jun 2019 - 21:08

Well, you could go non-lethal only in the second game so I don't see why it wouldn't be an option here especially if it's true that you can build your network what ever way you like. Also I thought this looked really ace!
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Galactic Nova

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Watch Dogs: Legion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Watch Dogs: Legion   Watch Dogs: Legion EmptyWed 12 Jun 2019 - 0:57

OrangeRakoon wrote:

This sums up my thoughts

I think this would actually ring true for the second game as opposed to Legion. I didn't make sense to use guns in WD2 as you weren't exactly meant to be guerilla fighters or anything. I get the impression that guns make sense as it's a dystopian regime that you're railing against in Legion. I'd imagine gun use would probably increase dramatically in the UK if you could literally 3D print a functional assault rifle and there was an underground resistance group with access to said printers.
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Disciple of Greener

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Watch Dogs: Legion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Watch Dogs: Legion   Watch Dogs: Legion EmptyFri 14 Jun 2019 - 13:43

It's not the availability that I object to, it's the ideology of using them.

But yes, otherwise this game looks really good!
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The Next Aonuma

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Watch Dogs: Legion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Watch Dogs: Legion   Watch Dogs: Legion EmptyFri 14 Jun 2019 - 14:16

Surprised how good this looked even if it killed the rest of the Ubisoft presser.

Just March is stacked and I know it's not exactly the same but Cyberpunk is close to it as well.

It is something I may try via Stadia as will only cost $15 for a month of UPlay+
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Galactic Nova

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Watch Dogs: Legion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Watch Dogs: Legion   Watch Dogs: Legion EmptyFri 14 Jun 2019 - 23:32

OrangeRakoon wrote:
It's not the availability that I object to, it's the ideology of using them.

But yes, otherwise this game looks really good!

Ah, I get ya. Yeah, it'd be quite cool if Deadsec London relied on non-lethal means as a way to return things to how they were, but I suppose Deadsec is more of a militant resistance this time round by way of necessity and due to the foe they're up against. It didn't make sense in storyline in WD2 when you were mercilessly gunning down security guards and police.
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