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 What are you playing on your Switch 2: Play Harder

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The Cappuccino Kid
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PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch 2: Play Harder   What are you playing on your Switch 2: Play Harder - Page 30 EmptyFri 15 Nov 2024 - 22:58

Rise of the Golden Idol!  Was this a surprise release?  I don't remember Mas mentioning it.  Anyway, sequel to Case of the etc. from last year?  A couple of years ago?  I can't remember, but it was a fun potato-faced set of murder mysteries starring the glorious qualities of Peter Battley that suffered from iffy controls on Switch, and now it has a sequel that's very much in the same vein... right down to the iffy controls on Switch. Some imprecise touch screen usage plus the odd bug that required a quit and restart. Still though, the actual mysteries are a lot of fun. I think I prefer it to its much-lauded prequel, although that might be because I'm playing this with minimal preconceptions as opposed to being told by all and sundry that it's the second coming of Sherlock Christ.

Oh and Sanabi is bloody good y'all, I called it.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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What are you playing on your Switch 2: Play Harder - Page 30 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch 2: Play Harder   What are you playing on your Switch 2: Play Harder - Page 30 EmptyThu 28 Nov 2024 - 22:25

At the start of the month I decided that I’d go back to Metroid Prime Remastered and Tombi Special Edition, to mop those up as my ‘main games’ before the end of the year. I dropped Metroid Prime Remastered several months ago after getting bored with a long stretch of the game that featured very little combat and an awful lot of stoating about. That said, I sensed that I was approaching the games’ end and I really hoped that there’d be more action in store. Thankfully there has been, but I’ll be honest in saying that I enjoyed Metroid Dread a fair bit more than I’ve enjoyed Metroid Prime…and I thought Metroid Dread was a high 7/low 8 out of 10 kind of game.
I finished Tombi though. I liked it and I recommend it, though it’s quite a confusing and esoteric game that needs a walkthrough more than it frankly should. It’s strange to me that Limited Run Games didn’t add some optional guidance in the pause menu or somewhere like that, it would have been an obvious benefit.
Up ahead, I’ll go back to the new Shadow Generations part of Sonic X Shadow Generations, and I’ll get going with Atari 50: Expanded Edition. A few wee Christmassy retro games too, and that’ll likely see me through to the New Year.
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The Next Miyamoto

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What are you playing on your Switch 2: Play Harder - Page 30 Empty
PostSubject: Re: What are you playing on your Switch 2: Play Harder   What are you playing on your Switch 2: Play Harder - Page 30 EmptySat 30 Nov 2024 - 13:52

Not on Switch but is available and I did play GRIS on Switch, is the follow-up Neva.

I started Neva a few nights ago now, and the opening season of Summer seemed fine enough. Then last night I played the start of Fall, and Neva started to fall down as I don't think combat very good or the platforming.

All it has going for it at the moment is artstyle, the doggo-like Neva and it will be short. Very much battling Life is Strange DE as most disappointing game of 2024 at the moment.
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