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 Rayman Jungle Run

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Ice Climber

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Rayman Jungle Run Empty
PostSubject: Rayman Jungle Run   Rayman Jungle Run EmptySat 09 Mar 2013, 12:32

Pointed out by our very own sporkhead, Rayman Jungle Run is now available for Windows devices, including PC!

Having played the demo and generally enjoying it, I doubt I'll be upgrading to the full game because unfortunately I seen no option to substitute mouse taps for keyboard inputs.

Yet another case of Windows 8 clearly being tailored to touchscreen devices. Aww!
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Disciple of Scullion

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Rayman Jungle Run Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rayman Jungle Run   Rayman Jungle Run EmptySun 17 Mar 2013, 01:46

Funnily enough I was just playing this an hour ago - got to the Land of the Livid Dead stage of world 3. It's...difficult.

I echo Stu's thoughts - some customisability would have been nice. Only the spacebar on the keyboard can be used for punching, but there is no key for jumping, so it feels a bit awkward clicking to jump.

Keyboard/360 controller support seems to depend on developer. For example, Skulls of the Shogun has proper mouse and keyboard controls as well as touch support, and Rocket Riot 3D lets you use a 360 Controller for dual analogue shooter controls (it's like Geometry Wars in that respect).
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Disciple of Scullion

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Rayman Jungle Run Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rayman Jungle Run   Rayman Jungle Run EmptySun 24 Mar 2013, 01:49

I finished this recently, and it was really, really good. Developer Pastagames (Maestro: jump in music! Pix'n Love Rush!) really 'get' what Rayman's about by keeping everything fresh through changing level designs which complement Rayman Origins' gameplay but also the autorunner genre. Some truly inventive stages in there, and the land of the dead levels live up to their promise.

Back to the control issues though - using a mouse resolved all of my problems, luckily, and felt really natural as you don't have to cramp your hands around a keyboard to play. But it's a shame the keyboard wasn't used for anything other than space, as before I found a mouse my laptop trackpad+spacebar just wouldn't work properly (there'd be an annoying pause after I tap space before the game would recognise left trackpad click).
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PostSubject: Re: Rayman Jungle Run   Rayman Jungle Run Empty

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