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 Skulls of the Shogun

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Disciple of Scullion

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Join date : 2013-01-18

Skulls of the Shogun Empty
PostSubject: Skulls of the Shogun   Skulls of the Shogun EmptySun 10 Mar 2013 - 15:55

Has anyone picked this strategy title up (GameCentral review: Inspired by the likes of Advance Wars and Fire Emblem (but with a different unit movement system and its own unique setting), I've enjoyed what I've played so far.

What I really want to try out is its Asynchronous multiplayer/Skulls Anywhere mode, which works a bit like those Words games on smartphones (like Words With Friends). Take your turn, it sends your move across the server for the other player to receive when he/she is next online, they take their turn and so on.

It's currently on Xbox 360, Windows 8, Windows RT and Windows Phone, so if anyone else has it let me know!
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