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 Samsung Galaxy S4

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The Next Aonuma

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Samsung Galaxy S4 Empty
PostSubject: Samsung Galaxy S4   Samsung Galaxy S4 EmptyFri 15 Mar 2013 - 11:16

So last night we saw the new Samsung galaxy S4, I will be getting one even though it looks more of a upgraded S3. Some of the new features look okay but main thing it has 2GB of RAM and DDR3 that’s the same as a Wii U right, I don’t play games on a phone due to the touch screen and I doubt we will see 360, ps3 and wiiu quality games but Samsung showed of a controller for the S4 that looks like a 360 pad that clips to the bottom. I would be tempted to get one of these pads just in case there is a game I want to play on my phone always been tempted with those zenoia games, im going to take my phone with me anyway and the pad doesn’t look that much bigger then the phone, so might be easy to carry that then a 3DS XL or Vita for portable gaming needs.
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Galactic Nova

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Samsung Galaxy S4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Samsung Galaxy S4   Samsung Galaxy S4 EmptyFri 15 Mar 2013 - 14:48

And I was just about to upgrade to an S3 as well...

I've heard there's some really cool motion tracking software in the S4 that basically means when you look down to the bottom of, let's say, a webpage on your phone, it autoscrolls without you having to flick down with your finger. There's also some gadgetry in play that means if you're watching a video on your phone and look away, the phone detects that and pauses the video for you.

Although, I just googled this and apparently it's been scrapped. So there we go.
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Ice Climber

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Samsung Galaxy S4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Samsung Galaxy S4   Samsung Galaxy S4 EmptyFri 15 Mar 2013 - 15:07

There's some very interesting tech emerging in the smartphone market, but for me, the speed at which old models lose support and the cost of the handset (outside of some ridiculous contract) prevent me from wanting to upgrade. I still haven't forgiven Apple for dropping iPhone 3G firmware support within two years of them releasing the model into the pay-as-you-go market.

Every time I consider it, I remember that my phone basically exists to send emails/texts and browse the internet, and that lots of portable web browsers still don't support flash these days further keeps me from doing so.
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Galactic Nova

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Samsung Galaxy S4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Samsung Galaxy S4   Samsung Galaxy S4 EmptyFri 15 Mar 2013 - 16:44

No issues with Flash support on Android as far as I'm aware. I remember iOS having issues with that though, at least when I used my iPod Touch frequently.
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Disciple of Scullion

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Samsung Galaxy S4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Samsung Galaxy S4   Samsung Galaxy S4 EmptySat 16 Mar 2013 - 14:47

I personally wasn't particularly impressed with the Galaxy S IV, though it's a good phone without a doubt.

Samsung got lazy this time, retaining the cheap glossy plastic chassis of its predecessor, and just adding more gimmicky TouchWiz functionality/bells and whistles along with a simple specification bump.

I do believe the HTC one to be a better phone, especially in the industrial design department.
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The Next Aonuma

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Samsung Galaxy S4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Samsung Galaxy S4   Samsung Galaxy S4 EmptySat 16 Mar 2013 - 18:05

I have a S3 even thought it seems a bit cheap and plastic ive drioped numerous times and even on concrete and its fine. Ive still not really checked out the HTC but its a HTC which puts me off
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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Samsung Galaxy S4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Samsung Galaxy S4   Samsung Galaxy S4 EmptySun 17 Mar 2013 - 0:18

I've only just got an S3 so the S4 can shove it.
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Disciple of Scullion

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Samsung Galaxy S4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Samsung Galaxy S4   Samsung Galaxy S4 EmptyMon 18 Mar 2013 - 0:47

masofdas wrote:
I have a S3 even thought it seems a bit cheap and plastic ive drioped numerous times and even on concrete and its fine. Ive still not really checked out the HTC but its a HTC which puts me off

Ah yes, plastic is great for durability - just meant it doesn't feel that premium (Especially as it's a top-end phone). But yes, countless iPhones have had their outer glass cracked upon impact, and aluminium tends to dent.

Just that HTC have done a better job with polycarbonate over Samsung - the 8X is a truly amazing piece of design:


I wouldn't worry about Flash anymore. Websites are now supporting HTML5 over it, and mobile browsers excel at this (Blackberry 10's browser scores 485 on, which is higher than any desktop browser). Furthermore, Flash was designed for pixel perfect mouse cursors which have the ability to 'hover' over objects, of which touch cannot emulate.
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The Next Aonuma

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Samsung Galaxy S4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Samsung Galaxy S4   Samsung Galaxy S4 EmptyThu 21 Mar 2013 - 10:02

just looked at the HTC one ics and specs, actually looks a good piece of kit and am in right in thinking screen is better on that than the S4's . i could be tempted to get one but nearly everything i own is samsung made
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Disciple of Scullion

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Samsung Galaxy S4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Samsung Galaxy S4   Samsung Galaxy S4 EmptyFri 22 Mar 2013 - 13:16

Anandtech's mini-review is live:
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The Next Aonuma

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Samsung Galaxy S4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Samsung Galaxy S4   Samsung Galaxy S4 EmptySat 6 Apr 2013 - 13:32

Got a phone call from Phones 4 Uasking if i wanted a S4, the deal wasnt bad but also not great. I'm still going to get one but maybe after next payday not this one.
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