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Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 12 Jun 2013 - 17:23

It amused me that through the Sony and MS conferences, the internet was full of 'yay, another FPS' then Nintendo was full of brightly-coloured, fun games you won't find anywhere else and everyone said 'oh, where's the exclusive FPS.'
Balladeer wrote:
people are rubbish.
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 12 Jun 2013 - 17:26

Too late, I just patented it mwahahaha Bounce  SHOOTYBANG ©️
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 12 Jun 2013 - 18:06

So I found this interesting game chart on Reddit, featuring every game announced during E3. Wii U has 27 games announced for it and 13 of them are exclusive. Also absolutely "hilarious" that the last-last gen PS2 gets EA's FIFA 14, but Wii U doesn't.

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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 12 Jun 2013 - 18:54

Why in the name of all that is good and sensible in the world are they still releasing a game for the PS2?!

EDIT: Okay, looked it up. Apparently the PS2 is HUGE in Brazil, and obviously Brazil are football mad. Go figure.
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 12 Jun 2013 - 19:35

JayMoyles wrote:
EDIT: Okay, looked it up. Apparently the PS2 is HUGE in Brazil, and obviously Brazil are football mad. Go figure.

Brazil has generally been a generation behind console-wise for a number of reasons- notably everyone's really poor and import taxes are absurdly high. New new consoles would be prohibitively expensive even for rich countries if they were subject to the taxes they are in Brazil.

A company had a go at making a console specifically for the market and manufacturing it in Brazil but despite getting some names on board it didn't really last.
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 12 Jun 2013 - 21:13

I expect the PS2 FIFA gets the same treatment as the Wii one, with little more than a roster change.
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 13 Jun 2013 - 0:04

Buskalilly wrote:
I expect the PS2 FIFA gets the same treatment as the Wii one, with little more than a roster change.

I've heard that the last four PS2 FIFAs have all been the same as FIFA 09, just with new music and a roster change.


I had a conversation at the pub with a mate who is something of an anti-Nintendo fanboy. He didn't watch Direct, but laughed at the fact that "Nintendo are bringing out the same games as on GameCube" and that it's "fucked because EA have cancelled all their sports games on it". This is the same guy that said the Wii wasn't worth a tenner and that No More Heroes was one of the most boring games he'd ever played (...despite playing it for less than two minutes). Whadda guy. That all said, I was surprised to hear him admit that some of the games looked very good graphically and that Nintendo have the money in reserve to take a hit on the Wii U's poor performance. Still, he's written it off despite never having played one, as is typical of the vocal minority who spell doom for Nintendo. Muppets.
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 13 Jun 2013 - 0:41

The ones that spell doom for Nintendo usually haven't played their consoles, wonder if there's a link in there somewhere.

Here's an interesting question, I've not actually watched the Sony or Microsoft conferences but, is there any genuinely good reason why I should buy a PS4 or Xbox One because it doesn't seem they've actually got anything that wasn't possible on the PS3 or 360.
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 13 Jun 2013 - 1:43

Graphically, there isn't any huge jump in how the games look. I think we're approaching the pinnacle of what is possible, any improvement will be negligible.

The difference maker is the jump in raw computing power of the consoles. One of the few really impressive moments of Microsoft's conference was when they showed a player playing through a single player game, whilst the console was simultaneously smart matchmaking a game of Killer Instinct for them, before immediately jumping between the two - something that is certainly not possible on PS3/360. It's a jump in functionality and speed, which will allow developers to make even bigger and better games.
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 13 Jun 2013 - 8:06

It's more about the amount of open world they can process, AI etc., isn't it?

Anyway, I was thinking a scenario through in my head: what if we hadn't know there was going to be a 3D Mario, Mario Kart or Smash Bros. at the Direct?  Suddenly, that's three megatons dropped (well, two and a half because the 3D Mario was what it was).  The crowd would have gone wild.  It still leaves us without a killer app. this year, but SM3DW might seem a bit more killer if announced out of nowhere.  Overall, I think I'd have been much more impressed.  

So the question is: who leaked these games?  Was it Nintendo themselves?  Because if so, that was a bit silly.

Oh: and I don't buy the "this is just another Nintendo Direct" point of view, as proposed by Lilly and Axis.  This is the one time of the year when the mainstream's eyes are on the gaming industry.  The BBC website had an article on the Direct, which I haven't seen for any of the previous ones.  For Nintendo, this was their big chance to sell the Wii U to the outside world.
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 13 Jun 2013 - 10:48

Even though I was happy with what was shown I was kind of hoping for a new IP that was an action game (perhaps an FPS/TPS) but maybe Nintendo think they are covered in that area with the likes of bayonetta 2 & watch_dogs?
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 13 Jun 2013 - 12:19

I think they got their message to the world just fine this E3.  They announced everything that always gets their systems selling.  Now all they need is a price cut and the Wii U will be in the exact same spot the 3DS is, and even without a price cut the Wii U is still significantly cheaper than the other two systems. 

I don't really get what people were expecting from Nintendo at E3, this was one of their strongest showings as far as games go.  And like I said before, they seem far more worthy of praise than the other two console makers, especially when I've started getting my doubts about how honest Sony is being about the PS4 being drm free.  

Speaking as someone who hasn't got a single next generation system yet and is in the market I can say Nintendo sold me on the Wii U, Microsoft convinced me I'd be better off throwing my money down a toilet instead, and Sony I'm still out on because I have no idea what their actual stance on drm is outside their own personal games which bore the heck out of me and were never the reason I buy Sony systems to begin with.  So as far as I'm concerned Nintendo were the clear winners, they got my money and the other two haven't.  And it's not like I'm a Nintendo fanboy either, I've had a large amount of resentment towards them since the launch of the 3DS and only recently started even giving them the time of day again.
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 13 Jun 2013 - 12:57

To you, probably. To the mainstream, the ones to be targeted by the BBC, less so. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-22860677 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-22883806
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 13 Jun 2013 - 13:48

Balladeer wrote:

"The return of Nintendo characters Mario, Bayonetta, Donkey Kong and Pokemon has been announced in a video stream from the E3 gaming exhibition."

Anyway, I think it's the connectivity which makes this gen 'this gen'. The autostreaming stuff both systems are offering- while already part of OnLive- wasn't really an option last gen although that's probably a RAM (and a cultural) thing. The push towards a more seamless or passive online play isn't strictly 'new' but will be vastly improved by more powerful devices and better cloud integration.

And you know what? I'm going to say it- all that multitasking we saw at the pre-E3 XB1 reveal is pretty cool. Maybe it's not a better PS4 than the PS4, but it's certainly a better Apple TV than Apple TV.
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 13 Jun 2013 - 14:49

All of gaming is stuffed if they listen to the BBC.  Because it isn't just Nintendo I've heard them talk about as if they're irrelevant.  The other night after the Microsoft and Sony conference they ran a segment on E3 on their World News show (which we get here at midnight or so on ABC News 24) so far and ran up this silly little tally about the two systems half the points of which being determined by the sales and facts of the last generation systems, and then proceeded to end the segment by saying the big question would be if there is even a market for the two systems with the mobile app market supposedly encroaching on the same market game consoles cater to and the console market making losses (the losses having nothing to do with the mobile market and everything to do with the budgets for games being too high to be sustainable, in my opinion at any rate).  

They even missed the golden opportunity to be all doom and gloom about consumer rights by ignoring the ramifications of the Xbox One's drm policies.  They were just trawling out the same old tripe about the gaming industry dying because of what amount to flash games being readily available on phones that I've been hearing since I was a twelve year old.  So their negative slant on Nintendo as far as I can tell is just the typical bias against Nintendo I notice the media generally loves to indulge in and nothing more, same with the doom and gloom of mobile phone gaming.  

At the end of the day the mass market will hear the words Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Smash Bros, and pick one up for their kids.  That's how this always pans out.  And frankly I think Nintendo could have done a show just as flashy as the ones Microsoft and Sony put on for all of their stuff and they would have had the same reports made.
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 13 Jun 2013 - 14:58

I hope you're right.  That show is definitely silly, but the web articles covered consumer disapproval concerning the One pretty well.

EDIT: This article isn't bad either.
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 13 Jun 2013 - 18:46

Quote :
Oh: and I don't buy the "this is just another Nintendo Direct" point of view, as proposed by Lilly and Axis.  This is the one time of the year when the mainstream's eyes are on the gaming industry.  The BBC website had an article on the Direct, which I haven't seen for any of the previous ones.  For Nintendo, this was their big chance to sell the Wii U to the outside world.

Yeah, I agree with that, I was just meaning that there's a widely held "if it wasn't shown in the 37 minute conference, it doesn't exist, and we won't hear anything more until next E3" view, which needs to be dropped....

This is wrong on so many levels. First, E3 isn't merely that 37 minute conference, and secondly, well thanks to the internet, E3 isn't the only opportunity Nintendo will have.

For example, someone was moaning on one forum that Nintendo had abandoned the 3DS in the same way Sony had abandoned the Vita. Another claimed that the LTTP remake clearly wasn't coming this year after all.

This is the age of instant social media. Nintendo could unveil a game to two people in the middle of an abandoned car park at midnight - the games media would still have news of it within an hour. I find it odd that so many people that frequent forums and use the internet daily fail to understand this. Given that E3 coverage was mainly dominated by "OMG!!! NEXT GEN FOR TEH WINZORS!", it's highly likely that announcing something else at another time will make more impact. After all, we're talking about a company that decided to delay the announcement of the 3DS XL 2 weeks after E3 last year lol.

Last edited by Axis1500 on Fri 14 Jun 2013 - 7:55; edited 4 times in total
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Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 13 Jun 2013 - 20:29

Kinda came out of this E3 a little disappointed tbh. And all i wanted was a good localisation announcement and a nice surprise. Got neither, really. The Order 1886 came close on the latter, but not quite.

At least we MS got the stuffing they deserved.

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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 0:43

Nintendo might be back doing a presser next year
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 7:23

That is relatively unsurprising.
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 9:44

Balla sums up my reaction in four words. I have decided that it was sad that Nintendo made way for the other two console manufacturers - if they'd had a press conference to say "Hey, the next generation's already here", they may have been laughed out of town but we'll never know. At any rate, returning to do things properly next year is nice and positive.
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 10:59

Didn't they say they weren't doing one this year as they had no hardware to show, so new hardware next year and remember they said NNID will be used on future systems. Or am i just putting 2+2 together and making 5.
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptySat 15 Jun 2013 - 11:35

Silver light wrote:
Kinda came out of this E3 a little disappointed tbh. And all i wanted was a good localisation announcement and a nice surprise. Got neither, really. The Order 1886 came close on the latter, but not quite.

At least we MS got the stuffing they deserved.

Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 ODypZvU

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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptySun 16 Jun 2013 - 1:29

So, as it turned out, the Nintendo E3 Lanyard spoiled every game shown lol.

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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 26 Jun 2013 - 14:34

Hi guys, I know it’s rather late but I always do my own E3 awards. With this year being no different, so here they are what do you think, am I right/wrong what would you pick.

Best Press Conference Sony
Best Vita Game Dragons Crown
Best 3DS Game the Legend of Zelda a Link between Worlds
Best New IP Destiny
Best Multi-Platform Destiny
Best Current Batman Arkham Origins  
Best Wii U Super Smash Bros for Wii U
Best Xbox One Killer Instinct
Best PS4 Killzone Shadow Fall
Game of E3 Destiny

I wasn’t at E3; my choices are based on trailers, game-play streams and personal hype for them. Likes of The order 1866 only had a trailer, no game-play and little info, so never got included in best of PS4.
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