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 Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread

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Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 EmptyWed 26 Jun 2013 - 16:55

Ooh, this looks like fun.

Best Least Bad Press Conference: Sony (begrudgingly).
Best Xbox One: Crimson Dragon.
Best PS4: Knack, probably.  Nothing really stood out though.
Best 3DS Game: So that SSB4 doesn't scoop all the awards, I'll plump for Mario & Luigi: Dream Team.  Pokémon looks pretty good too though.  (But it's SSB4 again really.)
Best Vita Game: Did it have any? Winky Face No, seriously, I can't remember any of them.
Best Multi-Platform: MGSV looked pretty great, although I don't think I'd enjoy it as much as SMT4 or something along those lines.
Best Current: What, games shown at E3 that were already out?  Er... none of them, then.
Best New IP: X.  Unless that's considered a member of the Xeno- "series"; in which case, The Wonderful 101.  Not just because they were the only new Nintendo-exclusive IPs shown, either: they both looked great.
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Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 EmptyWed 26 Jun 2013 - 18:45

I'm really not one to get into who "won" e3 so I'll keep this about the games

Best 3DS: Mario & Luigi dream team

Best New IP: Tom Clancy's The Division
Best Wii U: Super Mario 3d World

Best Xbox One: dead rising 3, what can I say I just love zombie related stuff.

Best PS4: I guess it will have to be inFamous second son which looked a lot like prototype

Best current: Watch_Dogs

Best multi-platform: It has to be Watch_Dogs again, Ubisoft are just one of favourite devs right now.

Last edited by The_Jaster on Wed 26 Jun 2013 - 23:05; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : because Mas didn't make it clear that we were talking exclusives on each system. :P)
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Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 EmptyWed 26 Jun 2013 - 18:55

jaster you no the division is also on xbone hence why i put destiny in multi format.
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 EmptyWed 26 Jun 2013 - 18:57

ps so balla there was no current gen game that remotely interested you.
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Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 EmptyWed 26 Jun 2013 - 19:06

Best Wii U: Tough one, this. Probably Bayonetta 2 out of what was playable, and the stunning X otherwise. But most the first party Wii U content looked quality.
Best Xbox One: D4. Hard to say if this will be another work of art like Deadly Premonition or simply rubbish, but Microsoft bagging SWERY's next game was a big surprise for me.
Best PS4: I must admit the first party lineup was pretty unremarkable, especially compared to Xbox One's. Though Infamous is meant to be shaping up to be decent, so I guess that.
Best 3DS Game: The small 3DS presence has probably led me to vote the wrong game, but Pokemon X/Y thanks to the developer panel.
Best Vita Game: Atelier Meruru Plus.
Best Current: Rayman Legends, Dark Souls II
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Silver light
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Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 EmptyWed 26 Jun 2013 - 19:25

Ehhh....alright, i guess i'm game.

Best Press Conference - Sony.
Best Vita Game - Vita was even at E3? Joking aside, prolly Dragon's Crown
Best 3DS Game - 3DS was even at E3? Serious this time. Don't recall anything besides Pokemon X/Y, so that.
Best New IP - The Wonderful 101 looks to be shaping up very nicely
Best Multi-Platform - Watch_Dogs still seems interesting. Most others got an "eh" from me, really. Hahahaha no scrap that. Somehow managed to forget about Final Fantasy XV
Best Wii U - Bayonetta 2. Very close between it and X though.
Best Xbox One - Halo 5. Yeah, i know, we only got a teaser trailer. Still was the best thing imo /biased
Best PS4 - The Order 1886 caught my attention at least.

Last edited by Silver light on Wed 26 Jun 2013 - 20:22; edited 1 time in total
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Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 EmptyWed 26 Jun 2013 - 19:44

masofdas wrote:
ps so balla there was no current gen game that remotely interested you.

Oh, current gen. Wasn't clear! Er... not, really no. What was there?
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PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 EmptyWed 26 Jun 2013 - 20:20

Best Press Conference: Nintendo
Yes, I just said this.  Sony showed nothing of interest besides saying their system won't be a brick at the end of the generation, meanwhile Microsoft basically committed public suicide.  Nintendo meanwhile delivered what I follow them for, and were solely about games. Simply put, they sold me on their system, Sony made me not rule out their system, and Microsoft basically made sure I'd flush my money down a toilet over buy their system.

Best Vita: Not Applicable
Not applicable because I've no idea if anything was even announced for the thing

Best 3DS Game: Pokemon X and Y
I'm a pokemon nut so this is obviously what I'm going to say. Laughing

Best New IP: X
Basically looking set to be the definitive rpg of the future.  

Best Multi-Platform: Witcher 3
At least it's the only game that interested me outside the next final fantasy anyway.

Best Current: Not Applicable

Best Wii U: X
Sorry Smash, but you will need to show some characters I actually care about before I start fangasming over it.  

Best Xbox One: Not Applicable

Best PS4: Not Applicable

Game of E3: X
I say this a lot, but honestly this was the highlight of E3 for me.  There were plenty of games I'm really looking forward to, but X was abotu the only one that has my hyped.  Smash Bros could come close, but like I said earlier it needs some characters I care about before it gets me hyped.  Announce Shulk and someone like Girahim and I'm there.
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Crumpy Andy
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Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 EmptyWed 26 Jun 2013 - 21:31

[Best Press Conference: Microsoft, it had the games and little faffing around
Best Wii U: SSB4! What else could it be?
Best Xbox One: Dead Rising 3, Titanfall looked pretty snazzy too though
Best PS4: inFamous Second Son, more because I love inFamous than because of what they showed though.
Best 3DS Game: I don't know what was there, Mario and Luigi I guess.
Best Vita Game: Was Tearaway shown again, if so that as I'm really excited for that.
Best Multi-Platform: Really tough one, it's between Watch_Dogs, MGSV and The Witcher 3, think I'll go with Witcher though
Best Current: Watch_Dogs
Best New IP: The Division
Game of E3: Watch_Dogs maybe, it's another tough one but I'm pretty pumped for it.
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Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread   Big Fat E3 (and Nintendo Direct) Thread - Page 7 EmptyWed 26 Jun 2013 - 23:07

masofdas wrote:
jaster you no the division is also on xbone hence why i put destiny in multi format.

I've edited my post.
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