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 Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game

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Silver light
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Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game Empty
PostSubject: Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game   Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game EmptySat 1 Jun 2013 - 11:01

Just announced at Tales fest, weirdly-named HD collection of Tales of Symphonia and Sporkhead's beloved Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. Early October release in Japan, but since both games are already translated i'd wager it's not impossible we could see it over here before 2014.

I'm far more hyped for this than i should be Laughing

Edit - litrally straight after i posted this, confirmed for EU/NA in early 2014. Western title of "Tales of Symphonia Chronicles"

Last edited by Silver light on Sat 1 Jun 2013 - 11:20; edited 1 time in total
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The Next Aonuma

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Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game   Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game EmptySat 1 Jun 2013 - 11:13

I will be getting this look nice with my graces f and xillia collector's editions.
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Disciple of Scullion

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Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game   Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game EmptyMon 3 Jun 2013 - 10:23

I'm happy about this announcement though it's a shame Namco decided to go down the port route rather than remaking the game (it's not like this is a risky release either), would have been nice to see more than just the same game rendered at higher resolution. Ocarina of Time 3D set the new benchmark for memory-preserving remakes.

I'm just hoping that they mean it's based off the PS2 version in terms of content, rather than the cut framerate to 30fps and other cutbacks that version had (I'll certainly miss the GC opening song, too, which was changed for the PS2 edition).

It'll also be interesting to see how this sells. The original Symphonia had Nintendo's backing, both from a localisation and marketing front, and was purchased by far more than just "Tales" fans as a result.

As far as I'm concerned, Dawn of The New World doesn't exist.
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Silver light
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Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game   Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game EmptyMon 3 Jun 2013 - 10:44

Although it's the PS2 version, they had a redone version of Starry Heavens as part of the announcement stuff, so that's definitely going to be in there i'd think. As for framerate and stuff....who knows. I'm definitely hoping for 60 FPS though.

I'm sure it'll sell, too. Namco have been pushing Tales a lot more in recent times and then there's the rep Symphonia has, too.

Not to mention it has that super-duper-amazing Dawn of the New World you love so much included to boot Razz
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The Next Aonuma

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Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game   Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game EmptyTue 4 Jun 2013 - 0:21

Seen something on ign saying this will have extra content
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Crumpy Andy
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Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game   Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game EmptyTue 4 Jun 2013 - 1:22

I've only played Graces so this sounds pretty good to me. Way cheaper than tracking down a cube copy I reckon too.
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Silver light
Ing Warrior
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Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game   Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game EmptyTue 4 Jun 2013 - 14:12

masofdas wrote:
Seen something on ign saying this will have extra content

Knowing IGN they're just mistaking the PS2 version exclusive content for actual new stuff....
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Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game Empty
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Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - The GC's greatest RPG and Spork's favourite Wii game
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