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 Humble Indie Bundle 8

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Galactic Nova

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Humble Indie Bundle 8 Empty
PostSubject: Humble Indie Bundle 8   Humble Indie Bundle 8 EmptyMon 3 Jun 2013 - 0:36

Little late with a thread for this, but... here it is!

Some crackers on this one. I'd heartily recommend paying above the average to nab Hotline Miami, brilliant game. If you don't fancy paying too much though, Thomas is Alone will tide you over will.

Similarly, the Telltale Humble Bundle is running for this week only, so if you're a fan of point and click adventures, jump on that now. It's pretty much their entire recent library, and beating the average gets you the full Walking Dead game, all the episodes, which would cost a pretty penny to buy on Steam.

Good deals all around!
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Crumpy Andy
Zeta Metroid
Crumpy Andy

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Humble Indie Bundle 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humble Indie Bundle 8   Humble Indie Bundle 8 EmptyMon 3 Jun 2013 - 9:42

I was considering it, but I already had Thomas on both Vita and PS3 (cross buy), I hate Awesomenauts and I'd rather get Little Inferno on the Wii U. As for the Telltale one I own pretty much all of the Telltale games too, which reminds me I really should get back to Sam & Max Season 2.
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