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 Layton Brothers Mystery Room

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Layton Brothers Mystery Room Empty
PostSubject: Layton Brothers Mystery Room   Layton Brothers Mystery Room EmptyThu 05 Sep 2013, 23:40

So this game just hit Android. As a fan of the 3/DS Layton games I'm intrigued to see what this is. I don't expect much, but its free so hey, ho....
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Ice Climber

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Layton Brothers Mystery Room Empty
PostSubject: Re: Layton Brothers Mystery Room   Layton Brothers Mystery Room EmptyWed 11 Sep 2013, 19:23

I'd never heard of this until someone mentioned it to me on Twitter a while back. You'll have to share your thoughts.
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Layton Brothers Mystery Room Empty
PostSubject: Re: Layton Brothers Mystery Room   Layton Brothers Mystery Room EmptyTue 17 Sep 2013, 07:48

It's unfortunate that they've used the Layton name to sell this, as it would stand up on its own, I reckon. Quite brilliantly, it's essentially a Phoenix Wright lite. You play as Inspector Layton's assistant (who calls him 'Prof'! Naughty ) and have to solve cases by finding evidence and questioning witnesses. The first two real cases are free but then there are two packs of more cases, one containing four cases for £1.99 and the other containing 3 for £1.49.
I've bought both. I really like it. Embarrassed
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Layton Brothers Mystery Room Empty
PostSubject: Re: Layton Brothers Mystery Room   Layton Brothers Mystery Room Empty

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