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 Self-important trumpet blowing - Pretentious Indie Game Workshop

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Bargain Hunter

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Self-important trumpet blowing - Pretentious Indie Game Workshop Empty
PostSubject: Self-important trumpet blowing - Pretentious Indie Game Workshop   Self-important trumpet blowing - Pretentious Indie Game Workshop EmptySun 15 Sep 2013 - 7:52

Hi all,

sorry, I wouldn't normally do this, but I thought I'd also use this to ask some questions.

Inspired by the wide variety of quirky game ideas that have come from indie developers for the PC, and now thankfully to the WiiU/3DS, about once a month (probably 2 months - I'm very lazy) I'm trying to use GameMakerStudio to create a concept for a small, probably stupid, maybe pretentious "this is art", game.
Shill shill shill shill shill shill shill
So far, all I've done is
1) Upload what should have been a marketing campaign for Snickers in 2009 (because it was actually something I finished)
2) Fixed Frogger by making it actual scale.
It's unlikely any of these will become complete "games" (I'm both lazy and short in attention span). But I did want to do one that was SuperPlay>N64>NGC>NGamer>NintendoGamer related. Probably involving Solving Mazes, I Am Gnome or Gracklers. Dunno. Any ideas would be appreciated?
P.S. Bear in mind the end result might be crap. I'm not starting a bloody Kickstarter.
P.P.S. Sorry.
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Self-important trumpet blowing - Pretentious Indie Game Workshop Empty
PostSubject: Re: Self-important trumpet blowing - Pretentious Indie Game Workshop   Self-important trumpet blowing - Pretentious Indie Game Workshop EmptySun 15 Sep 2013 - 9:13

Jimbob wrote:
But I did want to do one that was SuperPlay>N64>NGC>NGamer>NintendoGamer related. Probably involving Solving Mazes, I Am Gnome or Gracklers. Dunno. Any ideas would be appreciated?
"Where in Worldy Bloke is Enjiki?"
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Bargain Hunter

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Age : 42
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Self-important trumpet blowing - Pretentious Indie Game Workshop Empty
PostSubject: Re: Self-important trumpet blowing - Pretentious Indie Game Workshop   Self-important trumpet blowing - Pretentious Indie Game Workshop EmptyWed 18 Sep 2013 - 23:00

beemoh wrote:
Jimbob wrote:
But I did want to do one that was SuperPlay>N64>NGC>NGamer>NintendoGamer related. Probably involving Solving Mazes, I Am Gnome or Gracklers. Dunno. Any ideas would be appreciated?
"Where in Worldy Bloke is Enjiki?"

I think next month's will be based on GamesRadar's "Sweet Walk", but then I might try and re-create N64 Magazine's Lex Luthor's Solve My Maze quizzes.
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