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 Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread

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The Next Aonuma

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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 26 Feb 2014 - 9:15

So me and the GF are having problems,

well not really problems but she has finally found a job which is great, the problem is now shes is working it looks like mon-fri 9-5 ish. My working week is always different (buska will know what I mean) and will never be able to get apart from when I'm on holiday (6 weeks worth), the same day's off as her as there Saturday & Sunday.

So I can't see how we are meant to see each-other because of the distance it's not like I can pop around after work or something.

I do care about her a lot but I don't know if I should keep seeing her and try to make it work but seems hard to have a relationship where you might only each-other once or twice a month at best or end it now before it goes to far but I feel really bad doing that to her again.

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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 26 Feb 2014 - 9:26

At least you have one mumble mumble moan moan.

What's her stance on the distance/time matter?
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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 26 Feb 2014 - 9:33

Balladeer wrote:
At least you have one mumble mumble moan moan.

You ditched her, you've only got yourself to blame.  No 
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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 26 Feb 2014 - 9:36

I know, I know. It should be "At least you have one you're happy with mumble mumble moan moan." I presume you are, Mas, apart from this matter? If so, I'd persevere, but that's just me.
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The Next Aonuma

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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 26 Feb 2014 - 9:38

It doesn't seem to bother her what so ever. As I think I can do no wrong in her eyes, and wouldn't bother her if she only saw my once in 3 months as it's me.

If she had her way she would move in and then find a job here, save some money get are own place which I agree makes sense to do after we've been dating for a while but last time she wanted that after about 2 weeks of seeing each other which made me end it as she wanted everything right away including her religion (shes not said anything about it this time).

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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 26 Feb 2014 - 9:39

masofdas wrote:
It doesn't seem to bother her what so ever. As I think I can do no wrong in her eyes,

Then the problem's solved. Find some random to sleep with while she's away!  Twisted Evil 
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The Next Aonuma

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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 26 Feb 2014 - 9:46

I don't know about that,

I would say I'm fairly happy with her, sometimes she does or says something which is just idiotic which really bugs me and she never seems to help be it maybe paying for dinner or doing dishes for instance.
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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 26 Feb 2014 - 9:48

Oh. That last point is something that really irks me. At least she's improving, though!
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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 26 Feb 2014 - 9:49

masofdas wrote:
I don't know about that,

Quick word of advice: don't take any of mine in this thread.
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The Next Aonuma

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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 26 Feb 2014 - 9:57

Balladeer wrote:
Oh.  That last point is something that really irks me.  At least she's improving, though!

Yeah but to me it seems, she has know idea about life as she lives at home (I do as well) where everything is done for her and nearly everything bought for her. She did buy her 2DS herself for instance as she been saving her jobseekers as she hasn't got anything to spend it on.

But me for instance still lives at home has to cook my on dinner, washing, hoovering etc and pay some bills. So when I come home from a 10hr shift a few weeks ago I find dishes in the sink really pissed me off. All she been doing all day was playing pokemon.

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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 26 Feb 2014 - 10:07

Yeah, I'd have wrung her neck by now.
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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 26 Feb 2014 - 10:09

Balladeer, the person first on the scene to condemn any suggestion of sexism on GNamer every time, has just suggested he'd strangle a woman for not doing housework. Discuss.
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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 26 Feb 2014 - 10:11

Cheeky bugger. Laughing The number of times I almost strangled one of my lazy and thoroughly male housemates for not doing their share of the housework during my last uni. year is... far too many.
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The Next Aonuma

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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 26 Feb 2014 - 10:25

So what are thoughts what I should do, you can see why I would consider ending it.

So might wonder what the attraction is and before beemoh

Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Zooey_10 Know she doesn't look like that.

Her personality is lovely and we like the same things also apart from my nan she's the only women ever to give a dam about me.
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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyWed 26 Feb 2014 - 10:39

I'm not going to give advice, because I know that I wouldn't be able to follow my own, and also you're not me. I've told you what I say I would do (I'm not sure if I would in practice): up to you to decide whether it's sensible. (And I don't mean the strangling part.)
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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 27 Feb 2014 - 2:09

If you like her, try it. Worst case scenario; you don't like it and you move on. Never give up on something because of the possibility of failure or it stops being a possibility and becomes an inevitability.
Anyway, as soon as a girl pays for dinner, I know the romance is dead. It's nice for them to try, though, so I can feel like a big man and insist
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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 27 Feb 2014 - 5:41

Buskalilly wrote:
Anyway, as soon as a girl pays for dinner, I know the romance is dead. It's nice for them to try, though, so I can feel like a big man and insist

That reads as being unbelievably patronising...
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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 27 Feb 2014 - 8:45

Rum Rapture wrote:
Buskalilly wrote:
Anyway, as soon as a girl pays for dinner, I know the romance is dead. It's nice for them to try, though, so I can feel like a big man and insist

That reads as being unbelievably patronising...

I think pretty much anything goes after strangley's revelation earlier, to be honest.
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The Next Aonuma

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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 27 Feb 2014 - 16:03

Buskalilly wrote:
If you like her, try it. Worst case scenario; you don't like it and you move on. Never give up on something because of the possibility of failure or it stops being a possibility and becomes an inevitability.
Anyway, as soon as a girl pays for dinner, I know the romance is dead. It's nice for them to try, though, so I can feel like a big man and insist

Good advice, but it is 2014 and equal rights & all that
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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 27 Feb 2014 - 16:20

Buska, are you talking about the beginning of the relationship or throughout? Because there's no way I'm paying for everything in a relationship. We can blinking well split things fifty-fifty, unless one earns more than the other - in which case they pay for the same amount of events, just nicer ones. Fancier restaurants etc.
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Galactic Nova

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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 27 Feb 2014 - 21:00

To be clear, I was talking about at the initial wooing period. I find that girls like it if the chap pays  in a romantic scenario but feel guilty if a friend pays for them on a friend thingy. So if we're only at the second date and she's insisting on paying, I figure she doesn't see me that way.

This bit was fine but then I went on to sound like a real tosser.

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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 27 Feb 2014 - 21:49

Buskalilly wrote:
...feminists might hate that but girls who don't look like Bill Bailey seen to like it...

Define "feminist" in this case, Buska. Because right now, I have a major problem with that clause.
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Galactic Nova

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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 27 Feb 2014 - 21:51

Uuuurgh shut up already 2014 Luke you idiot.

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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyThu 27 Feb 2014 - 21:54

Okay, but you do need to make the distinction! I have dated a couple of very nice feminists (without the speechmarks) in my time. And the one who wasn't a feminist... I still don't talk about.

And I don't look like Bill Bailey either. Maybe that's my problem... (contemplates beard)
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The Next Aonuma

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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 EmptyFri 28 Feb 2014 - 9:03

No Balla the girl looks like Bill Bailey not you.

Also men and women get paid the same in Tesco for instance, so if you started dating that girl you like you would have same income if you did the same hours unless you get mangers job & shes a lowly colleague etc. But yeah I'm the same I don't mind paying as you could say where still in the wooing period but then again you could say I've been dating this girl on/off for about a year and just feels like I'm keeping her (in a financial sense) and it's annoying. Like yesterday she said about going euro-gamer in September but she want's me to pay for all of it, she want's to go at least offer to pay for your own ticket.
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Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread   Dear Daisy, GNamer Romantic Mishaps Thread - Page 6 Empty

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