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 Flappy Bird

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Flappy Bird Empty
PostSubject: Flappy Bird   Flappy Bird EmptyTue 11 Feb 2014 - 6:55

I hesitate to interrupt anyone playing it, but, did anyone pick this up? The pipes will be dreadfully familiar to anyone who's played a 2D Mario game...
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Disciple of Scullion

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Flappy Bird Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flappy Bird   Flappy Bird EmptyWed 12 Feb 2014 - 12:54

I played it on a friend's phone and iPad and it's actually a fairly decent minigame, akin to the sort you'd unlock in the WarioWare games.

It's like the helicopter game but with a lot more consistency and a less unfair obstacle generation system.

One of my gripes with it, which stopped me from playing it more than a few times after I got a high score of around 120 or so, was that the difficulty, unlike the WarioWare minigames I so love (Paper Plane!), stays constant. So it's fairly mundane and ends up being more a test of perseverance than anything else. Though I was told this is also one of its strengths: if you mess up it's your own fault, not because the game just got more difficult.

Of course, all the above may have been a mere coincidence over anything else...
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Galactic Nova

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Flappy Bird Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flappy Bird   Flappy Bird EmptyFri 14 Feb 2014 - 4:59

It was pulled from the Apple Store/Google Play by the dev, wasn't it?
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Raging Pedant

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Flappy Bird Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flappy Bird   Flappy Bird EmptyFri 14 Feb 2014 - 5:49

Yeah and now there are a whole heap of imitations
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Flappy Bird Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flappy Bird   Flappy Bird EmptyFri 14 Feb 2014 - 8:23

JayMoyles wrote:
It was pulled from the Apple Store/Google Play by the dev, wasn't it?

Yes! There's been a big hoo-ha about it. Phones with the original game on them have been auctioned for what sounds like ridiculous amounts of money. It's all gone a little bit south. Shocked
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Galactic Nova

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Flappy Bird Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flappy Bird   Flappy Bird EmptyFri 14 Feb 2014 - 11:43

The fact people are paying through the roof for phones with a cheaply made Helicopter clone on it is mind-boggling.
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Floppy and Salty

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Flappy Bird Empty
PostSubject: Bump...   Flappy Bird EmptyThu 17 Apr 2014 - 17:29

ZeroJones wrote:
I hesitate to interrupt anyone playing it, but, did anyone pick this up? The pipes will be dreadfully familiar to anyone who's played a 2D Mario game...
That fact kind of annoyed me in a certain way.
It's like the bloke who developed Flappy Birds nicked the pipes from Mario.
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Galactic Nova

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Flappy Bird Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flappy Bird   Flappy Bird EmptyThu 17 Apr 2014 - 22:52

It is suspiciously like they stole them from Mario but I'm sure it's just coincidence.
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Floppy and Salty

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Flappy Bird Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flappy Bird   Flappy Bird EmptyFri 18 Apr 2014 - 14:23

Drunkalilly wrote:
It is suspiciously like they stole them from Mario but I'm sure it's just coincidence.
Yeah... But Mario is very popular, and also I read somewhere that the bird seems to resemble Cheep-Cheeps or something like that...
The cheep-cheep part is likely coincidence, but I don't think the same as for the Pipes.
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PostSubject: Re: Flappy Bird   Flappy Bird Empty

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