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 Batman: Arkham Knight

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Crumpy Andy
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Crumpy Andy
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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptyThu 26 Feb 2015 - 9:44

I've got to ask, how long has it been since you've played them both? I tend to find everyone prefers Asylum until they go back and play it, especially with recent memories of city Laughing
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Galactic Nova

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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptySat 28 Feb 2015 - 9:46

If I'm being honest, I don't need anything different. A bigger, prettier city for me to Batman my way through would be brilliant.
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Galactic Nova

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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptySat 28 Feb 2015 - 12:33

andyman949 wrote:
I've got to ask, how long has it been since you've played them both? I tend to find everyone prefers Asylum until they go back and play it, especially with recent memories of city Laughing

Played them both back to back about a year ago, so I'm confident in my opinion. I preferred the level design in Asylum compared to City - it felt better designed to me. That's not to disparage City in any way - it's a bloody good game.

Drunkalilly wrote:
If I'm being honest, I don't need anything different. A bigger, prettier city for me to Batman my way through would be brilliant.

Did you play Origins? I felt the way you did going into that, but I think I'll need something more from Knight.
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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptySat 28 Feb 2015 - 15:55

JayMoyles wrote:

Drunkalilly wrote:
If I'm being honest, I don't need anything different. A bigger, prettier city for me to Batman my way through would be brilliant.

Did you play Origins? I felt the way you did going into that, but I think I'll need something more from Knight.

That's what put me right off Origins in the end as it felt I was retreading the same ground doing the same things which were perfectly fine from a mechanics stand point but I expected the developers to put their own stamp or new twist on it but it sadly never happened.

I just hope they have more than the Batmobile in AK to bring something new to the games formula.
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Crumpy Andy
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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptySat 28 Feb 2015 - 17:34

JayMoyles wrote:
andyman949 wrote:
I've got to ask, how long has it been since you've played them both? I tend to find everyone prefers Asylum until they go back and play it, especially with recent memories of city Laughing

Played them both back to back about a year ago, so I'm confident in my opinion. I preferred the level design in Asylum compared to City - it felt better designed to me. That's not to disparage City in any way - it's a bloody good game.

Can't argue with that then Laughing I agree that the level design overall is slightly better due to the more compact nature of it, however I reckon City had just as much good stuff just slightly more thinly spread. Also the combat is a thousand times better.
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Galactic Nova

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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptySat 28 Feb 2015 - 17:35

Yeh, I played origins. The difference is that was literally the same map and the same gadgets. Here we should at least be seeing a legitimate sequel.

Plus, the extra heft is going to make exploring this Gotham feel more exciting, I think. I'm hopeful.
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Galactic Nova

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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptyMon 23 Mar 2015 - 16:31

New gameplay trailer? Here you are!

Looks gorgeous, although it does seem to be more of the same in terms of traversing the city as Batman. The Batmobile looks great, but I'm concerned it's a little too busy visually when bombing about the city. Looking good, though!
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Crumpy Andy
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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptyMon 23 Mar 2015 - 18:42

I don't think they would show off much in the way of traversal changes, if there are gadgets for it they'll want it to be a surprise, if there aren't it's not like it needs them. All looking pretty amazing to me!
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The Next Aonuma

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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptyMon 23 Mar 2015 - 19:52

Guess you seen the remaster rumours of the first two coming in a collection.

And of course the slight delay of Knight.
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The Next Aonuma

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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptyTue 31 Mar 2015 - 19:01

You guys seen the Limited Edition PS4, it looks a bit horrid to me but I do like the controller in silver also the exclusive scarecrow missions sound rather good.
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Galactic Nova

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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptyWed 27 May 2015 - 18:46

Really nice trailer.

I'm super excited for this. Got Asylum on my new laptop, gonna give that a stab before this comes out and get myself even more hyped.
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Crumpy Andy
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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptyWed 27 May 2015 - 20:57

I'm craving this more than ever in a post Witcher world. Cannot wait!
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The Next Aonuma

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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptyWed 27 May 2015 - 22:01

I'm a little Meh due to all the DLC shenanigans with it which has got me down and what's wrong with modern gaming.
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The Next Aonuma

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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptyWed 8 Jul 2015 - 9:59

I finally started this yesterday, I'm 32% done of the story and nearly done of the riddler challenges.

How is everyone else finding it and the over use of the Batmobile.
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Raging Pedant

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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptyWed 8 Jul 2015 - 12:32

I'm really starting to hate that car
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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptyWed 8 Jul 2015 - 13:44

The more I'm hearing peoples opinions on this the more I'm glad I didn't buy it, now I'm not saying it's terrible but it does seem likes it's just more of the the same with added Batmobile (which many don't like or want to use that much) & that's what I feared the most.
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The Next Aonuma

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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptyWed 8 Jul 2015 - 15:20

It's certainly a good game and as I've never bothered playing my origins, it's been a while since I've played Batman.

But out of the rocksteady 3 it's the worst, so far but that's like saying Return of the Jedi is the worst of the original star wars trilogy but it's still excellent but has its flaws like how that has ewokes and Arkham Knight has the batmobile.
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Crumpy Andy
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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptyWed 8 Jul 2015 - 18:23

It's amazing! It really is superb, the only thing that stops me saying outright that it's the best in the series is the weaker Riddler challenges and the flat twist.

The combat is improved with even more variety added on top of City, the new fear takedowns adds a whole new level of tactics to the predator mode, the side quests each have their own interesting feel and I really love the Batmobile. The combat is superb once you click with it and that's the main use really, the driving is fun enough and it's nice to zip around the streets, however as a mode of transport it's practically missable if you're happy to glide your way around the city.

Top marks!
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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptyWed 8 Jul 2015 - 18:40

I'm just personally burnt out on the Batman games (really wish I didn't get origins) perhaps when the fuss dies down or if I have nothing else to play then I'll give it a go.
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The Next Aonuma

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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptyWed 8 Jul 2015 - 21:54

@Andy I guess your playing it on PS4, hows it run and look. As it came with my XBONE I'm playing on that and I know it's raining in the game, so could be that but it looks grainy and I've had some slow down whilst driving around in the batmobile.
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Galactic Nova

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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptyFri 10 Jul 2015 - 19:00

I'd really like to play this, but the PC version is a pile of dogshite. I went round to visit a mate who's got a very good PC, and it was a mess even on his beast of a rig - awful framerate, missing textures, slowdown everywhere...  Disappointing.
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The Next Aonuma

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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptySun 12 Jul 2015 - 11:37

Didn't they say play it on minimum settings to get it to run like the console version, I know if you have a beast of a rig and your a PC gamer you want to be able to get the game to run at the highest possible settings for your rig and have no issues whilst doing so. But it's not like it's unplayable right, I might need correcting as I've not been keeping up with it.
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Crumpy Andy
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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptySun 12 Jul 2015 - 12:33

I've heard pretty poor things about the PC version, the bugs and glitches alone sound poor. Shame Rocksteady will get the heat for it due to their lack of input.

As for the PS4 performance it ran like a dream, no crashes, glitches and I don't think I saw any slow down. Twas rather brilliant.
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The Next Aonuma

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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptySun 12 Jul 2015 - 12:47

I've only had slow down, not sure on the grain I think it's meant to be like that. So like normal PS4 version best then.
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Galactic Nova

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Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman: Arkham Knight   Batman: Arkham Knight - Page 2 EmptySun 12 Jul 2015 - 18:28

masofdas wrote:
Didn't they say play it on minimum settings to get it to run like the console version, I know if you have a beast of a rig and your a PC gamer you want to be able to get the game to run at the highest possible settings for your rig and have no issues whilst doing so. But it's not like it's unplayable right, I might need correcting as I've not been keeping up with it.

It's pretty unplayable, even on the minimum settings. My mate had his version running at lower graphical quality than his rig is capable of producing and it was still running like ass. What's worse is that they put out a video showing the game running on PC looking as good as the PS4 version and at 60fps. Then the game launches with missing textures and graphical features and capped at 30fps. Disappointing.
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