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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptyWed 16 Mar 2016 - 13:41

The UK are getting around 12,000 PSVRs at launch with GAME & Amazon having 6k each, Amazon's site says if you don't order before 11.45pm today, you won't get on day one but will be notified when you will get it.
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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptyWed 16 Mar 2016 - 15:28

mas wrote:
This could all change though as Nintendo could be working on VR and it may work with the NX and that might be the most viable option, as that might be £600 for both and I'm likely to buy a VR headset and the NX this year anyway, so why not NXVR instead of PSVR.

I think many of us would feel the same about VR as we do now even if Nintendo entered the market with one.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptyWed 16 Mar 2016 - 17:51

Certainly, I'm just saying if I'm getting VR I'm going for the most viable option and the one with the most content which could be Nintendo.

I still say you got try one of the big 3, before passing judgement on VR or not. It might not be for you but like that old ice tea advert don't knock it in till you try it.
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptyWed 16 Mar 2016 - 19:20

Ideally everyone would be able to give VR a go before buying, but like Crumpyman says it's not really practical.

I'm a little skeptical that we'll get all that many VR kits in shops for people to try to be honest. While a demo Xbox and its controllers can all be safely cocooned/stuck to a surface, a VR kit requires someone's head. Using a Rift at Rezzed always required someone putting it on the users head, helping them adjust it, and, crucially, giving them an area to sit down and play with it. While the ergonomics will likely be solved by PSVR's launch, none of the game stores near me have enough space to sit someone down and use a VR kit, let alone cater for the mass of curious eyes that will probably want to watch someone use the peculiar contraption.

Given the whole motion sickness issue VR inevitably suffers from, it's really important that shoppers have a seat when they use it. Dizzyness and falling over are legitimate Health and safety concerns with the VR kit itself within the shop environment, and that's before we consider the fact that the kit will probably get knackered if someone takes a tumble, drops it, or knocks it from where it should be- and if someone did fall, the shop would be held accountable!

With regards to the 50 games in development for it, that's an impressive sounding number but what are the chances even 5 of them are excellent? Most of them will probably be ok at best, and until there exists a sizable library of awesome games for the PSVR I highly doubt most will consider it affordable. I still think it's priced as one for tech enthusiasts at the moment, or maybe like Mas says people who view PSVR as a console unto itself.  

Although personally, if I viewed VR as a console I wouldn't be getting the PS version, I'd be rifting it up. There's already more Rift support today than there will be for many years on the Playstation - and that's before considering how PC enthusiasts will probably mod games like Skyrim to properly support the Rift.
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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptyWed 16 Mar 2016 - 21:47

Muss's post has made me think: how will we judge if a VR game is a good VR game?
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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptyThu 17 Mar 2016 - 0:44

masofdas wrote:
Certainly, I'm just saying if I'm getting VR I'm going for the most viable option and the one with the most content which could be Nintendo.

I still say you got try one of the big 3, before passing judgement on VR or not. It might not be for you but like that old ice tea advert don't knock it in till you try it.

We all know you like VR so no need to repeat it. Laughing Anyhow the biggest problem for me is the games, if I don't like the look of them (and I currently don't) then I'm not going be that arsed about trying one plus as you've pointed out there's not many places where I could even do that.

I'm not saying VR is bad just that currently I'm not sold on it because the games appear to lack the depth I enjoy from my current consoles.
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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptyThu 17 Mar 2016 - 9:17

But mech combat

mech combat
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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptyThu 17 Mar 2016 - 9:39

...that makes me think of VR XCX.

I wish it hadn't, because now I want VR XCX. Aww!
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptyThu 17 Mar 2016 - 10:24

Muss does talk a lot of sense, maybe they do like Nintendo have with there festivals to show of games or when before the PS4 came out a Sony rep went to my local GAMEs.

Yeah not all GAME's will be big enough to demo it but it's possible. The only thing is do Sony need to as if all the launch units are sold out, if they demo it and you try it Jas and like then they tell you that you can't get in till December you'll be like that's rubbish. But then in the future you might be interested also word of mouth.

Muss when I demoed the PSVR at EGX, I put in on myself and even the consumer one doesn't have those silly straps like rift, it's the button that moves the display forward which is fantastic as I wear glasses and by far the most comfy. The only reason the guy was there was to make sure your okay if you did feel ill and if you were going to take it.

Also that's 50 games in the launch window not just in development + ones like DOAX3 which is works with VR, where Rift has 30 games at launch but there is one difference though like you say is PC Mod's, VR Porn and experiences such as the boat trip I tried, where the PSVR will just be games. That it's a weird one as with Sony's presence there more likely to have more games made for it but nothing else well unless VR Porn comes on a blu ray disc, that it's swings and roundabouts and is the rift worth £500 for those differences that's the difference also if I was going for any and money wasn't a issue I'd be Viving it up but I think that has the least in development but it's so dam good.

On Zero's question that's also a hard one as looking forward and likes of Gintendo, If I get a code for Rigs for instance. How will I judge as it's just a mech combat sport thing but because it's in VR, will I be like this is a amazing be shot in the face but if it was just a regular game I could be it's all right.    

Another thing Jas brings up is depth of the games and that is something, I was thinking about as do I want to play something for hours in VR and I doubt it but then take Rigs it's no different to a MP only game and most of them I don't play for long anyway and something like Everybody's Gone to Rapture I reckon would be great in VR not things like Dark Souls III.  

This is the Rift launch line-up along with games coming and price also comfort rating
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Intense games are mostly first-person, or third-person with a fast-moving camera such as racing games, moderate games are third-person with a slow-moving camera, and comfortable games have fixed camera that may switch view, but don't move.

I wonder if the likes of Project Cars if you already own, if there be a update for it even for a small fee or you have to go buy the VR edition.

Just seen one of those analysts reckon at the price of the PSVR and how the PS4 is selling that PSVR will likely hit 8million units by the end of 2018. That seems a lot to me.
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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptyFri 18 Mar 2016 - 11:26

I still think this is just another fad like 3d that'll be over in a few years. The hilariously obscene price tag for an accessory only makes me feel more certain about it, accessories are always hampered by virtue of what they are. It's one of the speculated reasons Nintendo made the Wii in the first place, and at that price I don't see a happy ending.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptyFri 18 Mar 2016 - 19:15

The thing is you say it's an accessory but Sony, Oculus and HTC have all said it's a platform.

For the PS4 you could argue it's a accessory but with PC, I'd say it's a little different as everything from a mouse to
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is a accessory for PC.

Some things like the Mega CD which could say is close to VR as it was it's own platform and that only did around 2.2m units but Kinect which I think we can all say is pretty rubbish for playing games as of 2013 (only number I can find) had sold 24 MILLION SKU's.

The Kinect clearly shows which the right marketing and big enough market, you have to say it was successful for awhile.

Of course the Kinect died off like the motion control crazy, that you maybe right and so these analysts, the PSVR may do 8 Million by the end of 2018 and then what ever the others do and then it may just die.

On 3D is it a fad that's over as 47% of Star Wars Force Awakens opening weekend revenue came from the 3D version, and companies still do films in 3D and I still buy the odd Blu Ray in 3D.

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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptyFri 18 Mar 2016 - 22:25

masofdas wrote:
On 3D is it a fad that's over as 47% of Star Wars Force Awakens opening weekend revenue came from the 3D version, and companies still do films in 3D and I still buy the odd Blu Ray in 3D.
I'd argue that the 3D version was just the most impressive version of a thing people wanted to see anyway. If you suddenly took away the 3D Force Awakens screen from the ticket system, and told punters they'd have to watch it in plain ol' 2D, I doubt very much many people would cancel their ticket pre-order. I forget I'm watching a 3D film after 10 minutes.
I'm still not sold - I'm impressed the price is what it is, but I am still highly sceptical that anyone's going to want to be isolated for 3+ hours at a time - I'm not sure people are going to feel they're getting (or wanting to get) their money's worth.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptySat 19 Mar 2016 - 12:35

IGN have just put this Game Scoop up with some people that aren't chufsters talk VR, it's a very good chat on the subject. I would certainly give it a watch guys.  

They do talk about the length in that video and the guy in the glasses (who I really like from that chat) is working on EVE Valkyrie which is maybe the biggest game in VR and he says at the studio they play for a few hours but they thought it may just be them that they looked at the stats and one person played the alpha or beta in VR for over 5hrs.

I've preordered my PSVR, paid a £100 deposit that I'll be one of the 12k odd people day one to get one but even hearing this and seeing likes of EVE, Chronos a 3rd person Dark Soul's esc game and Edge of Nowhere which looks a bit like Uncharted for Rift.

Those look good especially EoN which is a Rift exclusive urggh but will I want to play them for hours, I doubt it but looking at something like Ethan Carter is only 4hrs long and I will play in VR.

Now is interesting time for me as Rift is coming in 9 days and PSVR is in 7 months, that I can't wait to see with games coming what will be the first AAA VR game and what we see with two platforms on the market what will be PSVR's launch games as at the moemnt from we seen it's not very diverse compared to Rift which has a bit of everything.

One thing is bugging me is that Edge of Nowhere does look great even if I'm unsure I want to play game of that length on VR, is that it's exclusive to Rift same with Star Wars for PSVR. I get having exclusives for things and why I buy a Nintendo system but with what is going to be a very small install base, I just can't see how insomniac can really make money of EoN just on Rift. I know it's likely be paid for by Oculus but I'd like to see devs if they make a VR exclusive game it's on all VR.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptySat 26 Mar 2016 - 18:15

Good news if you like what the internet is made for as PornHub now have VR Porn up on there site and it works with the likes of Gear and Cardboard

This is from the press release and from a tech site

“Virtual reality is the next phase in the constantly metamorphosing world of adult entertainment, and will provide users with a mesmeric experience unlike anything they’ve seen before,” Pornhub Vice President Corey Price said in a press release. “Now, our users are not only able to view our content, but be protagonists in the experience and interact with their favorite porn stars.”

The site so far offers just 27 VR videos, which give viewers a panoramic view of the action. Among the titles: "Tour of Booty," "Harley Gets a Tune Up" and "Dominate and Be Dominated."

Still, porn's adoption of virtual reality could be a technological game changer. After all, love for XXX entertainment fueled the early adoption of VHS players in the 1980s and alter Blu Ray.

Here's the advert for it, if you want but it's NSFW

The last bit it true which may help VR in the experience department.
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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptySat 26 Mar 2016 - 20:42

Gives a whole new meaning to the word 'headset'. Cheeky / No
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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptySun 27 Mar 2016 - 19:07

It's finally here. The moment you've all been waiting for.
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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptySun 27 Mar 2016 - 19:20

*preorders Oculus and box of Kleenex* was inevitable, really. Laughing
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptySun 27 Mar 2016 - 21:44

Balladeer wrote:
It's finally here.  The moment you've all been waiting for.  

Balla I posted about that all last night.
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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptySun 27 Mar 2016 - 22:02

So you did! My apologies.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptySun 27 Mar 2016 - 22:12

For that I'm going to make you play DSIII in VR.
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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptySun 27 Mar 2016 - 23:50

masofdas wrote:
For that I'm going to make you play DSIII in VR.

Is that on the Rad mobile machine?
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptyMon 28 Mar 2016 - 13:50

Unfortunately the Sega System 32 doesn't support VR, but a new Rad Mobile or OutRun for VR would be great.
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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptyMon 4 Apr 2016 - 10:49

I tried out the HTC Vive at the National Videogame Arcade in Nottingham yesterday, it was absolutely brilliant. Like, incredible.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptyMon 4 Apr 2016 - 11:38

Like I said on SONM, don't get your hopes up as Vive is incredible and by far the best VR experience but are you going to spend all that on a Vive plus the rig. That if your now looking a PSVR OR as I know you got a PS4, I would lower your expectations.
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PostSubject: Re: Virtual Reality   Virtual Reality - Page 6 EmptyMon 4 Apr 2016 - 15:00

My expectations of PSVR are not anything like the Vive, don't worry. It's obviously an entirely different experience because of the cameras/physical tracking with the Vive.

Doesn't make it any less amazing even if I won't be getting one!
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