Des and Ember. Because when you put them together, they... er... December.
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 StoryBundle - Pay $3 or more for 6 videogame related ebooks

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StoryBundle - Pay $3 or more for 6 videogame related ebooks Empty
PostSubject: StoryBundle - Pay $3 or more for 6 videogame related ebooks   StoryBundle - Pay $3 or more for 6 videogame related ebooks EmptyThu 3 Apr 2014 - 23:55

Thought this might interest someone.

Pay $3 to get:

How to Do Things With Videogames by Ian Bogost
Atari Inc.: Business Is Fun by Marty Goldberg and Curt Vendel
Collection 01-11 by Ray Barnholt
Service Games: The Rise and Fall of Sega by Sam Pettus
Ghosts in the Machine by Lana Polansky and Brendan Keogh
The Gothic Tower & Assorted Interactive Fiction (Plus Bonus Book Motorcyclus!) by Ryan Veeder

Pay $12 to get the above plus:

The Gothic Tower & Assorted Interactive Fiction (Plus Bonus Book Motorcyclus!) by Ryan Veeder
The Final Hours of Portal 2 (Ebook and Steam Key) by Geoff Keighley

There's also a Minecraft book if you pay >$12 but we're not allowed to get that in the UK for any price because reasons.
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StoryBundle - Pay $3 or more for 6 videogame related ebooks
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