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 Japanese Kids' book all about the making of Super Mario Bros 3.

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Japanese Kids' book all about the making of Super Mario Bros 3. Empty
PostSubject: Japanese Kids' book all about the making of Super Mario Bros 3.   Japanese Kids' book all about the making of Super Mario Bros 3. EmptySun 20 Apr 2014 - 15:19

I tweeted about this earlier, but its very interesting.

Surprisingly in-depth for a kids' book and includes pictures of a young Miyamoto posing with cigarette + lotsa behind the scenes stuff.

Japanese Kids' book all about the making of Super Mario Bros 3. FamiStars0607

Japanese Kids' book all about the making of Super Mario Bros 3. FamiStars35
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Japanese Kids' book all about the making of Super Mario Bros 3. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Japanese Kids' book all about the making of Super Mario Bros 3.   Japanese Kids' book all about the making of Super Mario Bros 3. EmptySun 20 Apr 2014 - 17:47

D'aww, he looks so young.
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Japanese Kids' book all about the making of Super Mario Bros 3.
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