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 Were Any Wii Sequels Better Than Their GameCube Prequels?

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Crumpy Andy
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Were Any Wii Sequels Better Than Their GameCube Prequels? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Were Any Wii Sequels Better Than Their GameCube Prequels?   Were Any Wii Sequels Better Than Their GameCube Prequels? - Page 2 EmptyWed 30 Jul 2014 - 9:09

To be fair, this is a console with a much-maligned line-up going up against possibly the best Nintendo home console (YMMV). But another problem in my eyes is that a lot of the best Wii games were new franchises, or at least lacked a GC predecessor. Looking at the Wii voting thread, of the top ten, Xenoblade, Okami, Wii Sports and Monster Hunter Tri had no GC ancestor; Rhythm Paradise and Muramasa from my personal top ten fall under the same boat.

Coming into it afresh, Metroid Prime Trilogy is objectively better than any of the GC Metroid games, because you're getting both and another game!
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The Next Miyamoto

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Were Any Wii Sequels Better Than Their GameCube Prequels? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Were Any Wii Sequels Better Than Their GameCube Prequels?   Were Any Wii Sequels Better Than Their GameCube Prequels? - Page 2 EmptyWed 30 Jul 2014 - 9:14

Yeah the Wii version ran & played like the cube but had the extras of PS2 version but when I think of RE4 I'm thinking cube not Wii, also Wii did get RE:Make & Zero but again ports. But 4 isn't the best resident evil, 2 is which you can play on the Cube.

Yeah agree monkey ball was better on cube.

That's a very good point balla.
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Crumpy Andy
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Were Any Wii Sequels Better Than Their GameCube Prequels? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Were Any Wii Sequels Better Than Their GameCube Prequels?   Were Any Wii Sequels Better Than Their GameCube Prequels? - Page 2 EmptyWed 30 Jul 2014 - 9:30

Resi 4 is not best on wii because the controls are awful. It's probably the only time that I've been so put off by a games controls. The only scary thing about it was trying to shoot straight...

I do believe that the Metroid Prime games were improved with the pointer controls, they added a bit more freedom to a game that I found was quite rigid with its aiming.
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Bargain Hunter

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Were Any Wii Sequels Better Than Their GameCube Prequels? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Were Any Wii Sequels Better Than Their GameCube Prequels?   Were Any Wii Sequels Better Than Their GameCube Prequels? - Page 2 EmptySun 3 Aug 2014 - 8:58

I've got to admit, I thought that, because of the uncomfortable control scheme (sorry, I feel bad writing this), I assumed the Wii would be looked back on as a depressing era for Nintendo gaming. But, I looked at that really sad list I made of my top 100 games, the Wii was the second best represented console after the SNES.

That did include Resi 4 - now admittedly I didn't play the 'Cube version, but I was alright with this.
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Were Any Wii Sequels Better Than Their GameCube Prequels? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Were Any Wii Sequels Better Than Their GameCube Prequels?   Were Any Wii Sequels Better Than Their GameCube Prequels? - Page 2 Empty

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Were Any Wii Sequels Better Than Their GameCube Prequels?
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