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 What moments of a game made you tear up? Gamings Emotional Moments Thread

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What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread Empty
PostSubject: What moments of a game made you tear up? Gamings Emotional Moments Thread   What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread EmptyWed 17 Sep 2014 - 8:21

Upon suggestion by Balla this shall now be an actual thread.  Those moments in games, you know them well, those moments of great sadness.  Those moments where the hero doesn't save the day or perhaps a steep price is paid for vitory, those moments when great loss is experienced.  Sometimes described as feels in the modern tongue, this thread is dedicated to listing personal big ones and general discussion related to the subject.  

To kick things off, I'll name a few that grabbed me, starting with the most recent one(s).

Tales of xillia 2:

Next we have wind waker's ending.  I doubt I need to say what I'm talking about.  That whole final dungeon and few boss fights are proof nintendo can do story and do it well when they want to.

And to wrap up my first set of moments there's the ending to persona 3.
Persona 3 ending spoilers:

Over to everyone else!
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Galactic Nova

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What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: What moments of a game made you tear up? Gamings Emotional Moments Thread   What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread EmptyWed 17 Sep 2014 - 9:15

Mother 3 had a few moments like that. That game was bleak.

Also, anyone who's played To The Moon will know that the last half hour is pretty much the definition of "emotional rollercoaster".
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The Next Miyamoto

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What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: What moments of a game made you tear up? Gamings Emotional Moments Thread   What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread EmptyWed 17 Sep 2014 - 9:34

Nope but heard about it, Jay.

Here's the scene from Gears of War 2, what I was talking about. Thought this the best way to show it especially for people that not played the game.

Halo 4

There's a few others but I will leave with just those two at the moment.
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Flock Step Bird

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What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: What moments of a game made you tear up? Gamings Emotional Moments Thread   What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread EmptyWed 17 Sep 2014 - 11:23

Xenoblade Chronicles. The game was full of em!


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What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: What moments of a game made you tear up? Gamings Emotional Moments Thread   What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread EmptyWed 17 Sep 2014 - 12:58

Regarding that first moment...


But now some actual sad moments, in picture form, spoilered for your convenience.

Ace Attorney, second case::

Trials and Tribulations, 4th Case:

FFVI, that bit with Cyan:

Danganronpa 2, chapter 5:

I'm sure there are others, but these ones stand out.
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Raging Pedant

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What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: What moments of a game made you tear up? Gamings Emotional Moments Thread   What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread EmptyWed 17 Sep 2014 - 13:58

Oh yeah that case on Ace attorney on the first time playing got me a little
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Galactic Nova

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What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: What moments of a game made you tear up? Gamings Emotional Moments Thread   What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread EmptyWed 17 Sep 2014 - 17:31

Two metal gear moments stand out, obviously...
She gave her life and her honour for her native land.:

And the callback a game later.:

This is a feeling I've discussed on here before, but some games make me feel very emotional just by the fact that they're ending and I don't know what I'm gonna go without them; xenoblade, most of the zeldas; so when you combine that with mass effects ending, I was properly distraught for a couple of days.
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What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: What moments of a game made you tear up? Gamings Emotional Moments Thread   What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread EmptyWed 17 Sep 2014 - 21:31

The only incident of tearing up I can recall was when the Super Mario Galaxy hub music started playing in Super Mario Galaxy 2. Music can be powerful.
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Silver light
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Silver light

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What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: What moments of a game made you tear up? Gamings Emotional Moments Thread   What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread EmptyWed 17 Sep 2014 - 21:44

Ctrl+F Persona 3, Xillia 2, Danganronpa 2


Anyway, my contribution. No tearing up ever happens for me, but some feels at least;

Ever17 - The Out of Infinity [True End Spoils]:

Valkyria Chronicles:

Last edited by Silver light on Thu 18 Sep 2014 - 17:41; edited 1 time in total
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: What moments of a game made you tear up? Gamings Emotional Moments Thread   What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread EmptyWed 17 Sep 2014 - 23:42

All of MGS4 was kinda sad apart from one bit.
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What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: What moments of a game made you tear up? Gamings Emotional Moments Thread   What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread EmptyThu 18 Sep 2014 - 5:54

The only game that's only ever had me almost tear up is the The Walking dead. (seasons 1 & 2)

(side note: I will probably put up examples later when my brain is working a wee bit better)
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: What moments of a game made you tear up? Gamings Emotional Moments Thread   What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread EmptyThu 18 Sep 2014 - 13:24

Ah good shout - both finales were really sad.
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Bargain Hunter

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What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: What moments of a game made you tear up? Gamings Emotional Moments Thread   What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread EmptyThu 18 Sep 2014 - 23:23

I'll be honest and say most games that try and tug at the heartstrings usually fail - the sequence of events that lead up to the event are usually full of so many plotholes, or so badly explained, they only generate tears of confusion. Which don't exist. So just confusion then. Did anyone ever get to the end of Zack n Wiki? I'm not even going to Spoilers it. Wiki has to sacrifice himself to kill the Big Bad Skeleton Guy; however this is suddenly a conclusion that he came to; no-one knows why or how. So I'm not big on caring about deliberately emotional things.


Ghost Trick

Semi-spoiler (but not really):
*sobs* (but happy ones)
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PostSubject: Re: What moments of a game made you tear up? Gamings Emotional Moments Thread   What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread EmptyFri 19 Sep 2014 - 9:52

Ghost Trick is another I was going to mention as the story is just brilliant in that game.
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PostSubject: Re: What moments of a game made you tear up? Gamings Emotional Moments Thread   What moments of a game made you tear up?  Gamings Emotional Moments Thread EmptyFri 19 Sep 2014 - 10:47

I was trying to think of sad moments, but GT is more about the happy moments that make you gush over how everything's suddenly worked out after all. Most of the ending has that effect, if I'm honest.
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