Des and Ember. Because when you put them together, they... er... December.
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 Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective!

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The Next Miyamoto

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Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective!   Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 EmptyFri 31 Oct 2014 - 15:07

Shanks pokemon and smash is same day in the states as well,  so only Japan and You guys down under not having them on the same day.

Prediction SMASH ends up being WiiUs best selling game.
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Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective!   Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 EmptyFri 31 Oct 2014 - 17:20

Quote :
Sucks to you maybe then Andy.

Laughing Tagline pls. (after the halloween ones, natch)
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Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective!   Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 EmptySat 1 Nov 2014 - 9:01

Well, time for a Smash-y update! I pre-ordered it from GAME a couple of days ago, along with the adaptor and a GameCube controller (which the manager irritatingly said might not be available on the day). It's going to be a busy few weeks of gaming and I fear that Alpha Sapphire will win.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective!   Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 EmptySat 1 Nov 2014 - 9:09

Only good thing is they are completely different and SMASH can be picked up & played unlike mon.

It's not like the time when a mario & zelda came out on the same day there two games you want to just sit down and play for a good long session.
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Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective!   Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 EmptySat 1 Nov 2014 - 9:23

The_Jaster wrote:
Quote :
Sucks to you maybe then Andy.

Laughing Tagline pls. (after the halloween ones, natch)

I'd probably need Andy's permission to put that one up, I'm afraid! Laughing
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Crumpy Andy
Zeta Metroid
Crumpy Andy

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Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective!   Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 EmptySat 1 Nov 2014 - 11:35

Fine by me!
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Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective!   Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 EmptySat 1 Nov 2014 - 12:05

Into the backlog with it, then!
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Bargain Hunter

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Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective!   Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 EmptySun 2 Nov 2014 - 17:25

Wait, I'm on holiday 1st-5th December. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective!   Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 EmptyTue 4 Nov 2014 - 2:46

I want Smash Bros! And PES 15! And LittleBig Planet! And WWE! I want all the Amiibo!

Busy month for me Sad quite glad Pokémon is due to be a Birthday or Christmas present.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective!   Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 EmptyThu 13 Nov 2014 - 17:11

So a quick update as you know I'm collecting Wii U games and focusing on UK then rest of the PAL regions, well two games I thought were only coming out in a few select EU country's are coming to the UK in November.

So now on the 21st the Wii U also gets Jett Tailfin along with Sonic & Watch Dog's

Then on the 28th Teslagrad comes to retail for PS4, Wii U, PS3, Vita and PC but is rather pricey at £35 on the U seeing it's £14 on the eShop and doesn't seem to be any bonus stuff like a soundtrack but could become a rather rare title because of that and also it's out the same day as SMASH which at the end of 2014 brings the Wii U to 101 retail games in the UK.

Also I would like to use this update to ask if anyone's got any good name ideas for December's title. December will be going up on 23rd with all 5 games out that month, so I do take a little look at 2015 not DVD's like last year.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective!   Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 EmptyTue 18 Nov 2014 - 11:57

Any names for December, it goes up Sunday
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Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective!   Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective! - Page 2 Empty

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Blaziken used NovEmber on these games. It's super effective!
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