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 MMOs - ever dabbled?

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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: MMOs - ever dabbled?   MMOs - ever dabbled? EmptyThu 05 Feb 2015, 12:30

I've recently found myself falling into the timesink that is Runescape. I played this a lot about 7 years ago, but a 3 month cheap membership offer pulled me back in. And jesus, the time I've spent on this is ridiculous.

What about you lot? Any MMO stories?
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: MMOs - ever dabbled?   MMOs - ever dabbled? EmptyThu 05 Feb 2015, 12:43

I've played a few a bit like DC Universe BETA on PS3, which was okay.
I've wanted to get into FFXIV but not sure if I've got time for it and from the BETA was a bit iffy of it.
I will try TES:Online seeing there's no fee now.

And I guess back in the day Phantasy Star Online on the Dreamcast as well, good old dreamcast had MMO's how long ago and were only just gettign them proper on consoles now.
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: MMOs - ever dabbled?   MMOs - ever dabbled? EmptyThu 05 Feb 2015, 12:44

MMOs are a funny one, I've never really GOT the multiplayeryness of them. I played a lot of Runescape back in the day and I've played several free ones over the years and more recently have dabbled in DCU:O and FFXIV but I just lose my way with them. I pay a months sub, use them for a day and then stop. I know my problem with FFXIV is that I need people to do the raids with but I just keep losing my way with DCU:O.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: MMOs - ever dabbled?   MMOs - ever dabbled? EmptyThu 05 Feb 2015, 13:06

andyman949 wrote:
MMOs are a funny one, I've never really GOT the multiplayeryness of them.

That's more or less my problem with them too - I play it as a really long RPG with other people occasionally speaking to me. Laughing

From what I've heard FFXIV is quite a good one. Nobody fallen into the WoW sinkhole?
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Crumpy Andy
Zeta Metroid
Crumpy Andy

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PostSubject: Re: MMOs - ever dabbled?   MMOs - ever dabbled? EmptyThu 05 Feb 2015, 13:16

PC power has always been a bit of an issue for me so I've not even considered it really, XIV was more than a good enough as a PROPER MMO to me. I have played a hell of a lot of that.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: MMOs - ever dabbled?   MMOs - ever dabbled? EmptyThu 05 Feb 2015, 13:23

I mean, the fact that FFXIV is still going strong is a good sign, considering the remarkably low shelf-life of most MMOs these days. Elder Scrolls Online seems to be dying already.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: MMOs - ever dabbled?   MMOs - ever dabbled? EmptyThu 05 Feb 2015, 15:53

But do you think the relaunch of TES:O make any difference though.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: MMOs - ever dabbled?   MMOs - ever dabbled? EmptyThu 05 Feb 2015, 17:48

Maybe a little bit, but I think one of the issues people had with TES: Online was that it didn't do a good job of being either an MMO or a TES game. It'll certainly bolster numbers for a while, but I don't think the game will have staying power.
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FMK Tagline

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PostSubject: Re: MMOs - ever dabbled?   MMOs - ever dabbled? EmptyThu 05 Feb 2015, 18:03

I bought a few MMOs with monthly subscribtions while they were on sale but only played for the free month included because I find it hard getting into MMOs that have already been around a while.
I got FFXIV at launch though and have been playing for a month or so whenever I've had some money spare to pay for the subscription.
I've played quite a bit of Guild Wars 1 and 2 as well but I stopped playing 2 because my laptop was struggling to run it and I haven't bothered to get back into it now I have a decent PC
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Ice Climber

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MMOs - ever dabbled? Empty
PostSubject: Re: MMOs - ever dabbled?   MMOs - ever dabbled? EmptyFri 13 Feb 2015, 17:28

I played the trial version of Warcraft many moons ago, and while I could see the appeal of picking a character and making it badass, it just felt an even more repetitive and time-wasting venture than a longwinded RPG. Being stuck on PC killed it for me, too. Keyboard and mouse controls just feel wrong to me.
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Bandana Waddle Dee

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PostSubject: Re: MMOs - ever dabbled?   MMOs - ever dabbled? EmptyFri 13 Feb 2015, 22:05

andyman949 wrote:
I pay a months sub, use them for a day and then stop..

This is my problem with MMOs. I have never properly played one and what I have seen engenders no desire in me to buy into it at all, but it is the subscription fees that are the main reason I won't. I feel that if I sign up and it is costing me money every month, I feel like I have an obligation to play it jut to justify the money I have spent, potentially convincing myself that it is fun, when in reality it isn't. It is the same reason I have no PSN or XBox Live account, as I have no desire to spend that money, knowing I will see little real return for me.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: MMOs - ever dabbled?   MMOs - ever dabbled? EmptySat 14 Feb 2015, 10:39

PSN+ is worth it just for the games you get a month back, one friend in work has barely bought a PS3 game for a while as he just plays the 2+ games he gets a month and the money he would normally use to buy games, he saved to buy a PS4.
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Bandana Waddle Dee

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PostSubject: Re: MMOs - ever dabbled?   MMOs - ever dabbled? EmptySat 14 Feb 2015, 13:14

masofdas wrote:
PSN+ is worth it just for the games you get a month back, one friend in work has barely bought a PS3 game for a while as he just plays the 2+ games he gets a month and the money he would normally use to buy games, he saved to buy a PS4.

I am not sold. I looked at the free games at the moment and none of them would get played at all. I assume that might change, but still, I can't see it working for me.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: MMOs - ever dabbled?   MMOs - ever dabbled? EmptySat 14 Feb 2015, 13:19

He did think the same with some games but this way you get try games you might not of, I know PS3 has had things like Red Dead, All three Bioshocks, Tomb Raider, Catherine just to name a few of the top of my head.

He now has a PS4 along with his PS3 & VITA so he gets 6 games a month at least and can play online of course with the PS4 for £40. Even if you bought no games you get 72 games a year for that £40, this month on the PS4 was Transistor which you'll know from the GNamer Podcast is my 3rd best game of 2014.

But we are going off-topic so to get back on it anyone played Neverwinter as I see it's coming to ONE.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: MMOs - ever dabbled?   MMOs - ever dabbled? EmptySun 15 Feb 2015, 18:53

oldschool wrote:
andyman949 wrote:
I pay a months sub, use them for a day and then stop..
I feel like I have an obligation to play it jut to justify the money I have spent, potentially convincing myself that it is fun, when in reality it isn't.

Yeah, I found myself trying to play MMOs most days because I felt I was pissing away money otherwise - totally understand this point.
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