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 The Order: 1886

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Crumpy Andy
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The Order: 1886 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Order: 1886   The Order: 1886 - Page 2 EmptyThu 5 Mar 2015 - 12:17

Maybe it's not needed, but I've heard nothing saying The Order is a fully fleshed out package. Short, no replay value, no other modes, no co-op, no multiplayer really doesn't sound like a £40+ game. I think they're taking the piss frankly.
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The Next Aonuma

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The Order: 1886 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Order: 1886   The Order: 1886 - Page 2 EmptyThu 5 Mar 2015 - 12:28

Yeah most of those points are true, would rewatch a film right have you watched it though.

There's been far worse games then this come out at full retail price but this is the game that getting bashed where the content that is there is decent I'm not saying it's 10/10 or anything more like a 7 but I think must be just doing it for clicks or not seeing the game for what it is a filmic experience.

£40 for 7hrs movie as some have said isn't bad or 7hrs of enjoyment, for me and my dad to watch man city for 90 minutes would of cost nearly £300 and we decided wasn't worth it for a game of football ever how nice it would of been to watch a game at the etihad but there's far more expensive ways of entertainment.

And I found I was entertained for 7hrs for my money and I will likely trade in towards ONE stuff
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Bandana Waddle Dee

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The Order: 1886 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Order: 1886   The Order: 1886 - Page 2 EmptyThu 5 Mar 2015 - 12:39

I completely agree with you Mas, in that value for money is an entirely subjective point. If you believe what you spent for what you got is value, then you are correct. For me, because it isn't a must have have game, I can wait 12 months to play it at 1/5th the price and get what I perceive as value for money. No one can tell you that you are wrong, because they aren't you. I know I don't judge a game by the length of play, I buy based on what I think I will get in return and that will vary enormously - must have games get purchased early at near full price and everything else can wait.
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The Next Aonuma

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The Order: 1886 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Order: 1886   The Order: 1886 - Page 2 EmptyThu 5 Mar 2015 - 12:42

Thumbs Up! Thumbs Up! to Oldschool
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Galactic Nova

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The Order: 1886 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Order: 1886   The Order: 1886 - Page 2 EmptyThu 5 Mar 2015 - 22:47

masofdas wrote:

And adding a MP mode to The Order I doubt would of changed many peoples experience of the game maybe someone's but I sooner RAD made what they wanted to make a filmic experience then just a gears of war clone.

Fair enough if you enjoy that, but if I wanted a cinematic experience I'd go to the cinema - RAD are using this "filmic" reasoning to excuse bad game design. That really really irks me.
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The Next Aonuma

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The Order: 1886 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Order: 1886   The Order: 1886 - Page 2 EmptyThu 5 Mar 2015 - 22:55

But its not bad game design it's a different type of game design at least there doing something different then make a gears of war clone they would also be getting stick for that of they did for not bring original.

But like I said I enjoy these sort of games Heavy Rain remains one of my favourite PS3 exclusive games, so might be bad for you but good for me but a rpg with lots of grinding might be good for you but bad for me and I would say that's bad design nowadays but people like that.
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Galactic Nova

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The Order: 1886 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Order: 1886   The Order: 1886 - Page 2 EmptyThu 5 Mar 2015 - 23:25

But from what I gathered from the playthrough I watched on YouTube and the various reviews I've read/seen, it isn't particularly original in its game design. It's just uninspired and in some cases, bad. I don't have anything against you liking it - as you rightly point out, I do like a grindy RPG, which is pretty atrocious game design in this day and age - but I don't think it's particularly original.

Yahtzee Croshaw says it better than I can in his review - have a look, just so you can see where I'm coming from, even if you don't agree.
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The Next Aonuma

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The Order: 1886 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Order: 1886   The Order: 1886 - Page 2 EmptyFri 6 Mar 2015 - 9:30

Watched like he says at one point it, it's not bad e.g. Duke Nukem Forever or good like Gears of War (I couldn't see what he put on his little graphic) and yes it does use lot's of ideas from other games especially COD that you go down a corridor shoot some dudes but the  you have a nice cutscene which is all in game and looks outstanding then repeat.

There might be some QTE parts during that cutscene to make you feel engaged with the game, like you said you watched on YouTube I am surprised no one has edited it so it's just the cutscenes together to make what would be a okay movie maybe on par with underworld.

He brings up about this feeling like a launch title which it kinda does and remember it was meant to come out in October which would of been in the PS4's first months which now everyone seems to think is a launch window (looking at you Nintendo) but was delayed for etc polish which like he says went for that detail on those pipes and possibly for marketing reasons as this game has sold well still.

Like I said my review is coming but the game isn't bad it shouldn't be getting 4's and be down with things like Duke Nukem Forever, Ride to Hell: Retribution compared to them it's Last of Us quality but compared to a Last of Us it's crap.

If you were to look up what a 7/10 is in a dictionary The Order would be that it does nothing horrendously bad, it works (which seems to be a new concept for a 8th gen game which isn't from Nintendo) and can be fun but that's it.

It's not something really that should be talked about this much unlike others on this list which should be for how great or bad they are and remember for that this should just come out and kinda go unnoticed but like he points out in the video it's a exclusive so was never going to be.

But surprised he brings up some bits surely he played previews, as I've been keeping my eye for a while and played at EGX the demo there was about 15mins long with only about 5mins gameplay I knew then from what I played and what were saying what it would be like but was hoping that it would be slightly better at what it wants to do.

So when we do the sequel which we will Sony don't invest that much and not try to make this a series (also it's selling), just the next game needs to pick what it wants to be make something even more cinematic if that's what want to do or focus more on the game mechanics of the shooting if you want to be TPS.

Here's a good piece on the game
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