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 Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.

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Crumpy Andy
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Galactic Nova

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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyThu 4 Jun 2015 - 5:45

I didn't see any chatter about this on the forum thus far, so I figured a thread was in order! Awful thread subtitle inspired by Balla.  Winky Face

Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Fallout_4_logo_trailer

We have footage!

Boston seems to have been confirmed judging by the shots of Harvard and other Boston landmarks. Other things to take away from the trailer are the higher level of graphical fidelity, a more vibrant colour palette than before and seemingly, a voiced protagonist.

Thoughts? I personally love the colour choice this time around - the turgid greens and burnt oranges of the last two games got old fast, so to see some variance in the colour palette is properly refreshing. Here's hoping it's more like New Vegas in terms of its quests!
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Galactic Nova

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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyThu 4 Jun 2015 - 6:59

I've never played a Fallout. It will be nice to get it on one on day one, mind.

A lot of chat on the Internet about the graphics being dodgy but this is a really early build, I'm assuming, of a game we won't see for a while. Also, would those same people honestly have preferred a CG trailer?
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The Next Aonuma

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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyThu 4 Jun 2015 - 7:33

I have said else where and you all know I've not liked Fallout games in the past but from the trailer 4 looks good.

I was thinking it's this year Drunka as I think Bethesda are the sort of publisher to announce something close to launch then do a ubisoft & announce 2 years before launch.
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Galactic Nova

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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyThu 4 Jun 2015 - 9:31

Drunkalilly wrote:

A lot of chat on the Internet about the graphics being dodgy but this is a really early build, I'm assuming, of a game we won't see for a while. Also, would those same people honestly have preferred a CG trailer?

They didn't seem too ropey to me. Fallout 3 and New Vegas looked pretty awful for their time, yet were still fantastic games. This looks decent graphically - I'm not concerned.

I don't think this is an early build though. I reckon it'll be coming this year, as Mas says. Maybe late October/November. I reckon we'll get a release date at E3.
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Crumpy Andy
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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyThu 4 Jun 2015 - 13:50

Can't believe I forgot to post in here. I was so excited when I saw the trailer. I love 3 & NV so I'm well up for another trip into that world. Boston should also make up for the slightly lacking map of NV. I'm also hoping they keep at least the faction system from NV, though I am worried by how negatively the game is perceived.
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Bandana Waddle Dee

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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyThu 4 Jun 2015 - 14:24

I have made my opinions clear about Fallout 3 before, but in short, it was horribly ugly to look at and just so boring to play. I wanted to like it, I really did, I just couldn't. From the trailer, it is definitely a whole lot better looking, especially the colour palette, and so it should, but the actual gameplay would have to change dramatically for me to care.

At this stage, it certainly won't be enough for me to splash out on a PS4, not even close really, but if it is good, which I am sure it will be, I will just get it really cheap in 2 years time and try it out, with much lower expectations than last time.
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The Next Aonuma

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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyThu 4 Jun 2015 - 17:54

I'm pretty much the same as you OldSchool on Fallout series and 4 so far.
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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyThu 4 Jun 2015 - 18:19

JayMoyles wrote:
Drunkalilly wrote:

A lot of chat on the Internet about the graphics being dodgy but this is a really early build, I'm assuming, of a game we won't see for a while. Also, would those same people honestly have preferred a CG trailer?

They didn't seem too ropey to me. Fallout 3 and New Vegas looked pretty awful for their time, yet were still fantastic games. This looks decent graphically - I'm not concerned.

I don't think this is an early build though. I reckon it'll be coming this year, as Mas says. Maybe late October/November. I reckon we'll get a release date at E3.

While the visuals where no where near ps2 quality that some people suggested/joked about I did think the character models and some textures weren't up to scratch for a AAA ps4/XO title.

As for the Fallout series I've never been massively interested despite how some folk rave about them and the trailer for the new one hasn't convinced me either but I guess they are only aiming for fans of the series.
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Galactic Nova

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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyThu 4 Jun 2015 - 18:53

It's the engine holding them back, I reckon. I'm still looking forward to it - Fallout, and Elder Scrolls by extension, is not about the graphics to me.
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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyThu 4 Jun 2015 - 22:01

Yeah I doubt it'll take anything away from the gameplay.
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Galactic Nova

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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyWed 14 Oct 2015 - 16:51

It's getting close to launch now! I'm ridiculously excited for this game.

I don't know if any of you have been watching the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. animations that have been going up over the past few weeks, but they've been drip-feeding us little bits of information in those videos. The latest one revealed that whilst we can still sneak up on enemies, apparently they can do the same to us as well. Eep. No
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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyWed 14 Oct 2015 - 18:47

I might put this one down on the Christmas list.
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Crumpy Andy
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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyWed 14 Oct 2015 - 19:11

I'm on a bit of a Fallout lockdown, considering taking the week off for it as well as I've got 6 days of holiday lying around expiring rapidly...
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Galactic Nova

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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyThu 15 Oct 2015 - 18:09

Here's a pre-rendered trailer that you're inevitably going to see pop up on TV soon:

I've got this pre-ordered - I never preorder games, but this is something I have to make an exception for. Got it for a decent price too.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyFri 16 Oct 2015 - 1:19

I've not seen anything of this since the launch trailer and don't intend to until launch, luckily I have the week off after it's release which happened by pure coincidence. Grin
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Crumpy Andy
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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyTue 24 Nov 2015 - 21:26

Mostly for Jay, I've uploaded my end game map & stats
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Galactic Nova

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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyTue 24 Nov 2015 - 21:43

I still can't fathom how my playtime's the same as yours yet you're done with the game. Have you been clearing locations? I've spent ages just fannying about the Wasteland going from location to location and clearing them out of loot.
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Crumpy Andy
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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyTue 24 Nov 2015 - 21:45

I didn't actually take an incredible amount of loot because I simply couldn't carry it. I carry too many weapons, so I only had room for aluminium nad rubber for fixing up my Power Armour. I also didn't often go into places without a reason. I didn't realise there were so many emergent quests until I was collecting the bobble heads
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Galactic Nova

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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyTue 24 Nov 2015 - 21:48

Yeah, I think it'd be a shame to miss out on some of those quests. I was pottering about the Wasteland when I came across a talking fridge sitting by a house - it wasn't near a location, or by a main road, but it started a little sidequest for me to do. Pretty neat, and FO4's stacked with things like that.
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Galactic Nova

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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyMon 6 Jun 2016 - 18:40

Anyone had a chance to play Far Harbour yet?

I rattled through it myself over the past couple of days, and I really liked my time with it. Despite a few nasty performance issues, I had a blast gunning down all the deformed swamp beasts and the story was a grade above your standard Bethesda fare. Worth the price, I'd say.
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Crumpy Andy
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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyMon 6 Jun 2016 - 19:22

I was waiting for the fix as I had heard it ran really badly on PS4, will be delving into it when I'm done on Witcher I think.
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Galactic Nova

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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyMon 6 Jun 2016 - 19:25

I wouldn't say it was really bad - the framerate noticeably chugs whenever you're outside, but it's not unplayable.

What was unplayable was the fact that the DLC's best loot is gated behind an awful puzzle section that looks ugly as sin and uses the finicky settlement building controls. You'll know it when you see it, and boy does it grind the game to a halt.
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The Next Aonuma

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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyMon 6 Jun 2016 - 22:26

The game has been fixed by getting rid of the fog on PS4.
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Crumpy Andy
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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyMon 6 Jun 2016 - 23:17

You may have played post patch though, it dropped a couple of days ago.
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The Next Aonuma

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Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little.   Fallout 4: War... War's changed a little. EmptyMon 6 Jun 2016 - 23:24

I've not played it, you wouldn't catch me playing Boreout. But I thought I'd let you guys know.
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