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 Steam Summer Sale Scalping

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Galactic Nova

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Steam Summer Sale Scalping Empty
PostSubject: Steam Summer Sale Scalping   Steam Summer Sale Scalping EmptyFri 12 Jun 2015 - 13:09

It's that time of year again. The Steam Sale has rolled around to rob gamers of their hard-earned pennies with cheap games. However, it seems as though some developers aren't too keen about letting their games go up on sale.

There's been some shady business occurring, with games being mysteriously raised in price days before the sale and then reduced to their original price, games being bundled with microtransactions and other shady practices, all in the name of being able to be featured as "on sale" on Steam's lucrative store home page.

Here's some details on some of the worst offenders: (Scroll down to price history)

Lionhead Studios and Day Z's developers have also been at it, although it looks like those have been rectified.


I think this is really crappy behaviour from these devs - I can understand not wanting to lose out on that Steam Sale money, but all this does is lower public opinion of these devs. Also, I'm fairly certain these sort of practices are illegal under UK sales laws.
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Crumpy Andy
Zeta Metroid
Crumpy Andy

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Steam Summer Sale Scalping Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steam Summer Sale Scalping   Steam Summer Sale Scalping EmptyFri 12 Jun 2015 - 14:02

You can't blame them with the likes of GTA V, it's simply too soon for a discount and at the end of the day you are getting stuff for free which is a sale, even if not on the base game. I don't see the issue there, but the Wolfenstein one is pretty shaky.
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Galactic Nova

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Steam Summer Sale Scalping Empty
PostSubject: Re: Steam Summer Sale Scalping   Steam Summer Sale Scalping EmptyFri 12 Jun 2015 - 14:40

I agree it's too soon for a discount, but adding microtransactions just so they could have it featured on the homepage doesn't sit right with me. Also, by adding the microtransaction to the bundle, you can't refund it through Steam's new refund policy as the microtransaction is instantly used upon purchase. It screams of a blatant money grab to me.
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PostSubject: Re: Steam Summer Sale Scalping   Steam Summer Sale Scalping Empty

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