Des and Ember. Because when you put them together, they... er... December.
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 It's Mario's 30th Birthday! And General Mario Chat

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It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat Empty
PostSubject: It's Mario's 30th Birthday! And General Mario Chat   It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat EmptyTue 15 Sep 2015 - 14:08

It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat Mario-sunshine

Happy birthday Mario!  You're probably sick of cake though.

Some celebratory things.  First, spot the Google Easter egg.  And second, this is funny.
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Galactic Nova

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It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Mario's 30th Birthday! And General Mario Chat   It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat EmptyTue 15 Sep 2015 - 14:31

Do love me some Mario. In fact, once the couple of friends who have picked some up for me see me, I've got the whole set of McDonald's toys again! I'll send you a picture of my frankly ludicrous collection of Mario tat when it's done.
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It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Mario's 30th Birthday! And General Mario Chat   It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat EmptyTue 15 Sep 2015 - 16:04


Also not sure if this in a joke article or not. Laughing
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It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Mario's 30th Birthday! And General Mario Chat   It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat EmptyTue 15 Sep 2015 - 16:14

Pretty sure that's a joke.
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It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Mario's 30th Birthday! And General Mario Chat   It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat EmptyWed 16 Sep 2015 - 15:06

Videogamer interview with Charles Martinet
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Shiny Shuckle

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It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Mario's 30th Birthday! And General Mario Chat   It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat EmptyWed 16 Sep 2015 - 17:46

I watched that interview this morning. Charles Martinet comes across as a great chap.
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Galactic Nova

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It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Mario's 30th Birthday! And General Mario Chat   It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat EmptyWed 16 Sep 2015 - 18:13

Ah, imagine if Charles Martinet was your granddad. What a lovely man. Smile
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Galactic Nova

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It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Mario's 30th Birthday! And General Mario Chat   It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat EmptyThu 17 Sep 2015 - 11:37

Charles Martinet used to do a lot of fun vines, where he went around with Mario, Luigi and Wario figurines doing the voices. I love there's just something about Mario that attracts wonderful people to be involved. Just pure joy, the whole shebang.
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Galactic Nova

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It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Mario's 30th Birthday! And General Mario Chat   It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat EmptyFri 18 Sep 2015 - 23:20

Look at all this Mario tat. :

Ugh, what am I doing?
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It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Mario's 30th Birthday! And General Mario Chat   It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat EmptySat 19 Sep 2015 - 3:14

The one on the top is still the best!
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It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Mario's 30th Birthday! And General Mario Chat   It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat EmptySat 19 Sep 2015 - 8:43

What are the Transformers things? Are they official tat?
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The Next Miyamoto

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It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Mario's 30th Birthday! And General Mario Chat   It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat EmptySat 19 Sep 2015 - 8:51

I used to have the clock and still got the Mario hat.
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Galactic Nova

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It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Mario's 30th Birthday! And General Mario Chat   It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat EmptySat 19 Sep 2015 - 11:24

Balladeer wrote:
What are the Transformers things?  Are they official tat?

Fan - produced Mario and Luigi transformers which were the convention exclusive toy at the last Auto Assembly I attended.
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It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Mario's 30th Birthday! And General Mario Chat   It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat EmptySat 19 Sep 2015 - 11:26

They look pretty ace. Wouldn't mind some close-ups of them in various degrees of "transformed-ness" if you have the time/inclination, Drunka!
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Galactic Nova

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It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Mario's 30th Birthday! And General Mario Chat   It's Mario's 30th Birthday!  And General Mario Chat EmptySat 19 Sep 2015 - 11:30

I always have time to play with transformers and take pictures! Maybe after work.
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