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 Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters

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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySat 31 Dec 2016 - 17:41

Still no Axis.  Still this bastard setting them up.  Get them in before the 12th!  And no nicking leaks and claiming them as your own ideas.  Here's mine:


  1. The Switch lacks the initial sales of the PS4.  Cue the doomsayers, and Nintendo's share value plummeting 10% or more. Rolling Eyes
  2. The Switch has, in some way, integrated Miitomo, despite nobody caring about Miitomo.
  3. Zelda BotW finally makes grown men bloody cry!  (Measured 'objectively' by a 94+ Metacritic score.  Apostrophes in to please Drunka.)
  4. Super Mario Bad Hombrés is a shining star of gamedom, but not thought of as being as good as BotW or Galaxy.  (Measured 'objectively' by a 90+ Metacritic score that's below the other two games.)  I'll still prefer it to Galaxy though.
  5. SSB4+ to launch in Q4, includes all DLC, still no story mode. Sulk
  6. One, but only one, of the following franchises shown for Switch: Metroid, Star Fox, F-Zero, Pocket Card Jockey, Kid Icarus.
  7. No more than 6 decent GC games out on the Switch VC, three months after release.
  8. The Zelda franchise is announced for mobiles.
  9. PokéGo gets Hoenn monsters in the second half of the year.  Minimal figs given by that point.
  10. Nintendo do something weird at/around E3 again (i.e. not purely yer standard Direct), but this time it's actually good.  Half of the surprises are leaked prior to the event.

Everyone else:

Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Tumblr_m26jlrE0Rs1qb24r6o1_500
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 1 Jan 2017 - 14:14

It sales well big, but expectations are ludicrous so pundits immediately start writing off the little console that will as a bust.
The Switch launch lineup isn’t bad, but it doesn’t set the world on fire
Nintendo add share functionality but still don’t understand content ID.
The WWE Network won’t make its way to the Switch.
The Virtual Console is still overpriced and transferring purchases from the Wii/U is a mare.
Some Switch launch software showcases great uses of the hardware and peripherals, but the potential isn’t realised and is at best/worst tacked on by third party devs.


Microsoft gains on a lacklustre Sony, but the PS4 is still miles ahead in terms of sales

Babies continue to cry about which console is better

Steam is still a mess

VR Price drops, but not by enough to make if affordable

Jim Sterling.

Videogamer.TV is different but good


The GNamer Forum Meetup 2 – Is moved to Scotland to stop Katie Hopkins from attending, most decide to remain in Scotland because England’s a shithole.

ZeroJones: Forumwide requests for username change to SevenJones following a 7 second ban spree. Those requesting the change are then banned for an unspecified amount of time rumoured to be 7 seconds.

Masofdas: Makes a legitimate attempt to befriend a Masbot

Drunkalilly: Accidently posts links to his account.

Chris Scullion: Makes a few welcome returns to the forum over the year, continues to produce excellent articles.

Crumpy_Andy: Smiles

Tree_Smurf: Continues to enjoy Pokémon Go throughout the year.

Jimbob: Finishes Dark Souls 3!

The Cappuccino Kid: Finishes filming a pilot episode for some sort of video game based Bargain Hunt esque show. Rumour has it the show never aired because the Kid is an actual wizard and the world’s no ready.

Gjones Posts a couple of sizzlingly good articles out of nowhere on Gintendo about topics nobody else has thought about.

The_Jaster: Becomes an incredibly niche meme based on his frequent appearances in the World of Sport Wrestling studio audience.

Balladeer: Gets hooked on his Playstation. Ashamed, he creates an alternate account specifically to post in Nontendo.

JayMoyles: The return of the little running man avatar, but only for a few moments while nobody is looking.
Someone: Is annoyed at being left off this list
Someone else: Is relieved at being left off this list
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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 1 Jan 2017 - 14:51

SevenJones will be my Halloween name. Twisted Evil
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Galactic Nova

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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 1 Jan 2017 - 15:35


The Switch is totes amazeballs.
Mario is totes amazeballs.
Zelda is the best game ever made, I cry whenever I think about it for the rest of my life.
Stuff like Mario Kart and Smash works really nicely on the hybrid, multiplayer fun for all.
Something really surprising and cool comes out, I love it, it doesn't sell.


Shenmue and Final Fantasy are pushed back to 2049


Scalebound is the absolute tits.
We get a little peak at Halo 6.


From Software release a new Armored Core which is, for all intents and purposes, a sci-fi Souls game with mechs.


Sleeps on my sofa more than in his own home

Zero Jones

Has a lovely wedding and is a very happy man

The Balls Man

Balladeer luuuuuuvvvvsss the Playstation!

Jay Moyles

Decides to retrain as a palaeontologist, the rest of us get sick of him resuing the same dinosaur facts on every episode of Monster Mash


Eats an unprecedented four prawn crackers


Using his VR, he enters the New York Stock Exchange and discovers it is a self-aware AI which he must battle for the fate of mankind. Does not stop smiling throughout, even in the third act when it appears he might be mortally wounded.

The Jaster

Superplexes Mas off the top rope after one Konami reference too many.


Encounters a race of elf-like mages who can properly pronounce his real name. They speak it in unison, ending the age of man.
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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 1 Jan 2017 - 15:50

I'd love to get into the PlayStation, but making it off Team Ico HD would be a good start!
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The Next Miyamoto

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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 1 Jan 2017 - 18:48

I love me some good predictions and hopefully this I won't delete everything halfway through the year just because I want to tell you all so.  

@Balla just put Ni No Kuni in the console

1. Switch VR to be out by year end, Could still happen
2. Pokemon Stars to be out by year end, Nope but Ultra versions and a Core game coming to Switch
3. More then 4 Wii U games come to Switch Mario Kart 8, Rayman Legends, Dragon Quest X, Cube Life: Island Survival, Just Dance 2017, LEGO: City and I can go on
4. Paid online service for Switch Correct
5. LEGO amiibo, I don't think this will happen now
6. Sonic Mania to be a launch title for Switch Nope
7. The big EA series coming to Switch to be a annualised game (FIFA, Madden, NHL, Need for Speed etc) Just one so far
8. App liked store on Switch, Could still happen
9. Monster Hunter gets announced for Switch, Yep
10. Beyond Good and Evil 2 is shown and is a Switch timed exclusive, Well the game is real

1. Xbox One S to have official price cut to £199.99, I'm not sure if it has not as I only ever see it that price
2. Scorpio to launch at £349.99+, Yep £449.99
3. Crackdown (3) to come out in Scorpio launch window, Launch game/b]
4. Scalebound to come out in Scorpio launch window [b]WRONG

5. Sea of Thieves to come out in Scorpio launch window, Nope
6. Forza Motorsport 7 to come out in Scorpio launch window, Pretty much
7. One of the above to run very differently on Scorpio (Likely Crackdown), Could still happen
8. One of the above to be delayed in to 2018 (Likely Sea of Thieves) , Sea of Thieves has and Scalebound has been cancelled
9. Halo 6 to be shown at E3, Seems it won't be
10. Cuphead is slightly disappointing (like less then 80 on metacritic), Could still happen if it ever comes out

1. PS4 Slim to have official price drop to £199.99, Could still happen
2. PS4 to be the best selling console in Britain for the 4th year in a row, Could still happen but Switch may give it a run for its money
3. Final Fantasy VII Remake Episode One to come out by the end of the year, I was funny with this one
4. Kojima shows more Death Stranding even though we won't see the game to at least 2019, Bound to happen
5. Nier Autometa to be higher reviewed on Metacritic then Scalebound YES I guess be default  
6. Detroit to have a shower scene, Could still happen
7. Dreams to be VR compatible, Could still happen
8. Bloodborne 2 is announced, I think a new From Software game only PS4 is more likely now
9. Thatgamecompany next game comes out by year end, Could still happen
10. Sony brings back a old franchise (hopefully Dark Cloud), Does SotC count?

1. Assassins Creed: Osiris is actually good but sufferers in the sales department, Could still happen but called Origins
2. Red Dead Redemption 2 to be the highest rated game of the year on metacritic, Nope
3. ReMake 2 to be shown, Could still happen
4. Mass Effect Andromeda to be delayed beyond Spring 2017 March is Spring
5. Crytek to be bought, Could still happen
6. Cyberpunk 2077 to be shown, Could still happen
7. Overwatch to get two new characters, Looks like it
8. Project Sonic gets a metacritic score of 75+ , I think Forces will get a decent score
9. Dreamcast gets two new games in 2017 Already has
10. Final Fantasy XVI to be announced and will be based on Agni's Philosophy, Could still happen

Last edited by masofdas on Wed 12 Jul 2017 - 18:17; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : Post-E3)
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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 1 Jan 2017 - 18:55

Muss wrote:
The_Jaster: Becomes an incredibly niche meme based on his frequent appearances in the World of Sport Wrestling studio audience.

I'd be the crazed Joe Coffey fan. The guy is just the best all round UK wrestler I've seen in years.

Drunka wrote:
The Jaster

Superplexes Mas off the top rope after one Konami reference too many.

It'd be a piledriver from the second rope. Winky Face
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Shiny Shuckle

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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 1 Jan 2017 - 19:06

masofdas wrote:
Red Dead Redemption 2 to be the highest rated game of the year on metacritic

I'm going to work so hard to get Gintendo up to a level in which A) Metacritic regongise the site, and B) Rockstar send us Red Dead Redemption 2, just so I can force Red Dead into second place on Metacritic. Razz

Those are some good predictions there to be fair though, although I think Ass Cred is going to sell very well after its hiatus.

The_Jaster wrote:
I'd be the crazed Joe Coffey fan. The guy is just the best all round UK wrestler I've seen in years.

I've only really been exposed to British Wrestling via What Culture, and that was really great live, so I'll remember the name and have a look at some of his work when I can.
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Bargain Hunter

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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 1 Jan 2017 - 19:25

Right. Right. Alread everyone's had better ideas than me!

Zelda is amazing as could possibly ever have been imagined. Or everything is ruined forever.
The Switch does a bit better than the WiiU, given that it's also the new 3DS. Still assume the same 3rd party drop-off will happen.
New Mario game is excellent.
Mario/Rabbids crossover is received as well as… Knack.
This is difficult because the big Switch reveal is in a couple of weeks' time and we don't know owt yet (do not attempt to "correct" this by pointing towards rumours you've linked to).
Mario Kart 9 is amaze-balls… but this sentence is moved to 2018.
The Sonic game that appears is a,  to quote Martin Kitts MBE: "a big pot full of bum".

Last of Us 2 revealed to be as wonderful and movie-like as Naughty Dog's predecessors.
Crash remakes used in dictionaries as an example of Polishing a Turd.
Final Fantasy VII is cancelled.
Horizon Zero Dawn is given a new name. It's Zero Dawn Horizon.
Detroit Become Human is as embarrassing as every other Cage story. F-F-F-F-F-F-Fifty-two percent
Dreams is an unplayable mess.

Xbox (and for argument's sake, Microsoft-specific, so also on PC, calm down)
Sea of Thieves captures the spirit of the old Rare; i.e. they haven't really thought it through.

Other Gamery
Yooka-Laylee is amazing as could possibly ever have been imagined. Or everything is ruined forever.
No-one in the games industry is talking about VR by the end of the year.
Metal Gear Survive is actually great, leaving everyone to be completely confused as to what Konami are up to.
South Park the Fractured But Whole is an amazing game… that we never get to play as it's banned.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is delayed to 2018. However, getting a 2018 prediction in: it's amazing.
Team17, now in mega publishing mode, go a bit do-lally and publish a Smash Bros. clone, but based on British educational TV shows of the 70s and 80s. Cosmo and Dibs are like the Ice Climbers.
I actually make some kind of game.

Athrun - runs out of anime grabs for the crickett thread, so takes an interest in many other sports, just to use more anime grabs.
Balla - Just play something on the PS3 Balla
Cappuccino - wakes up to discover his house is actually a CEX
Crumpy Andy - says "just… no" at some point
Donald Trump - actually starts an account, to complain about something we wrote. "GNamer, which many are saying is a bad forum, were very rude to Konami. Apologise!"
Drunka - Might still be alive at the end of the year.
GJones - solely responsible for typing out the entirety of 13 issues of NGamer, so that 2 of us can say we'll read them later.
Jaster - explains to Mas that he was just saying
JayMoyles - Starts an Overwatch podcast, thus ending up on a higher percentage of the world's audio content than even Drunka - 3.7% in fact
Mas - explains to Jaster that he was just saying
Muss - Actually comes up with new ideas for things on the forum that we all say we'll do, but forget
Zero - Has a nice wedding, but during the ceremony, Gus cat hacks into his account. In fact it's him that upsets Trump.
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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 1 Jan 2017 - 19:32

Best GNamery section so far. Applause Jas, Mas, and Trump are favourites among a strong line-up.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 1 Jan 2017 - 19:36

You know no way in hell The Last of Us 2 is coming out in 2017 (If it does I will but it for you Jim), also do I not count as people when it comes to VR seeing I do a PlayStation VR news show and soon will be talking about Switch VR on Switch Guru and Xbox Scorpio getting VR.

Also Crash Bandicoot games are the best says 7 year old Masofdas.

@Muss I think we could get on metacritic but we would have to have a universal review score

We did talk about a Overwatch podcast which Jay seemed keen for.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptyWed 4 Jan 2017 - 21:08

Has anyone ever played Game Dev Story, and tried out some of the 'Not Good' game combinations? I can see Nintendo releasing a load of those in 2017; after all, in recent times we've been 'treated' to a Chibi-Robo! 2D platformer, an Animal Crossing board game simulator and those mad Zelda and Metroid co-op games. Nobody asked for any of that keech.

While there's ultimately no point in trying to predict what Nintendo will do next, in the spirit of both the thread and of Game Dev Story, I'll guess that in 2017 we'll see an Samurai Music game based on Wave Race, a Baseball Audio-Novel based on Star Fox and Virtual Pet Racing game based on Golden Sun.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptyThu 5 Jan 2017 - 20:24

masofdas wrote:

9. Dreamcast gets two new games in 2017

Its had two already and were only 5 days into the year, legends never die
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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 8 Jan 2017 - 11:51

*cracks knuckles*

*shakes shoulders*

*jumps on spot a couple of times*

*tilts neck to one side, holds for a couple of seconds, repeats but tilts to opposite side*

*steps up to podium, microphone*

So as I'm no longer a neophyte in the old prediction game, I feel like I have to step up my - step up my - approach. To that end:


1) The Switch presentation has at least one aspect that enrages the Internet, most likely that Retro aren't working on Metroid Prime IV
2) Breath Of The Wild is not the best game ever (its sequel might be, but that's a prediction for, like, 2023)
3) At least one of Nintendo's Wii U games that will be updated for Switch to be not as good as original, most likely Splatoon
4) Miiverse on Switch to have a brilliant update, revitalise the service, but art takes a hit (no touch screen means you have to Etch-A-Sketch your drawings No )
5) No StreetPass equivalent on Switch (want this one to be wrong but don't see the point of it when you're taking the whole console with you, and 3DS needs to keep the gimmick)
6) Switch has some stock issues on launch (really had to stare hard at my crystal ball for that one Rolling Eyes ) but a reasonable Holiday period
7) 3DS totters to 70 million sold by the end of the year
Cool Dude) Ever Oasis to be good but not great (as evidenced by being between 80 and 86 on Metacritic)
9) Mario Sports Superstars to lack depth in certain modes but overall be seen as good (as Ever Oasis criteria)
10) Captain Falcon to get his own 2D platformer


1) Shovel Knight update to not wow me as much as Plague Of Shadows (will be honest! Winky Face )
2) Lady Layton to be well received in Japan, not out in West by year end
3) News Of Bravely Default 3 by year end
4) Capcom to announce The Great Ace Attorney for West before year end (obvs downloadable only)
5) Shantae: Half Genie Hero second campaign to add some of what was missing from original release but not 'complete' the game (will be honest again! Winky Face )
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Galactic Nova

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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 8 Jan 2017 - 12:41

I think it's been confirmed the handheld does have a touch screen . . .
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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 8 Jan 2017 - 13:04

I've found heavy rumours of that being true but they stop short of official confirmation. It's so rumoured it's probably true - I may be eating these words in five days! Grin - but the idea of an asymmetrical Etch-A-Sketch tickled me so much that I used it. I used it in the face.
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Galactic Nova

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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 8 Jan 2017 - 13:29

Oh I thought it had been in an actual statement but I stand corrected.
Man, this whole rumours and leaks thing. . . It must be a deliberate Nintendo strategy, right? We're all agreed on that at least?
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 8 Jan 2017 - 14:46

Yeah it's meant to be a 6.2" 720p multi-touch screen on the Switch which was sort of confirmed from a studio in Germany along, The Motion Controls in the Joy-Cons but I guess Ubisoft sort of announced that at E3 with Just Dance 2017.

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PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 8 Jan 2017 - 15:53

Drunkalilly wrote:
Man, this whole rumours and leaks thing. . . It must be a deliberate Nintendo strategy, right? We're all agreed on that at least?

Surely they wouldn't have blacklisted a journalist for leaking stuff (LKD) if that were the case?
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 8 Jan 2017 - 16:39

Maybe not every leak was deliberate and she went too far, but they waited until 6 months after everyone already knew what it was to show it to us, and all the speculation and rumour-mongering has kept them in the headlines better than their marketing department ever could have.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySat 30 Dec 2017 - 20:42

Going back through mine as the year is almost over:

1. Switch VR to be out by year end, Nope
2. Pokemon Stars to be out by year end, Nope but Ultra versions and a Core game coming to Switch
3. More then 4 Wii U games come to Switch, Mario Kart 8, Rayman Legends, Dragon Quest X, Cube Life: Island Survival, Just Dance 2017, LEGO: City and I can go on
4. Paid online service for Switch, Correct even if not up and running yet
5. LEGO amiibo, Nope
6. Sonic Mania to be a launch title for Switch, Nope
7. Big EA series coming to Switch to be a annualised game (FIFA, Madden, NHL, Need for Speed etc), Yep just FIFA
8. App like store on Switch, Nope unless you want to count Hulu
9. Monster Hunter gets announced for Switch, Yep
10. Beyond Good and Evil 2 is shown and is a Switch timed exclusive, Well the game is real


1. Xbox One S to have official price cut to £199.99, I'm not sure if it has or not but I only ever see it that price
2. Scorpio to launch at £349.99+, Yep £449.99
3. Crackdown (3) to come out in Scorpio launch window, Nope
4. Scalebound to come out in Scorpio launch window Nope  Sad
5. Sea of Thieves to come out in Scorpio launch window, Nope
6. Forza Motorsport 7 to come out in Scorpio launch window, Pretty much
7. One of the above to run very differently on Scorpio (Likely Crackdown), Could still happen in 2018
8. One of the above to be delayed in to 2018 (Likely Sea of Thieves), Sea of Thieves has and Scalebound has been cancelled
9. Halo 6 to be shown at E3, Nope
10. Cuphead is slightly disappointing (like less then 80 on metacritic), Nope and glad I'm wrong


1. PS4 Slim to have official price drop to £199.99, No as I don't see often it at that price often
2. PS4 to be the best selling console in Britain for the 4th year in a row, I think it is
3. Final Fantasy VII Remake Episode One to come out by the end of the year, Nope and I doubt we will see to 2020
4. Kojima shows more Death Stranding even though we won't see the game to at least 2019, Yep but I think I will be wrong about 2019
5. Nier Autometa to be higher reviewed on Metacritic then Scalebound, I guess be default
6. Detroit to have a shower scene, I got this feeling the demo at Paris may have had a brief clip of Kara in a shower or cleaning herself
7. Dreams to be VR compatible, I believe it is
8. Bloodborne 2 is announced, Nope and I think a new game From Software game only on PS4 is more likely now
9. Thatgamecompany next game comes out by year end, Still says Q4 2017 on their site but I'm thinking not
10. Sony brings back a old franchise (hopefully Dark Cloud), Medievil, SotC, LocoRoco, Patapon, Crash, Wipeout either came out or announced


1. Assassins Creed: Osiris is actually good but sufferers in the sales department, Is good it seems and has done well in the sells department from what I've heard meaning a No for me
2. Red Dead Redemption 2 to be the highest rated game of the year on metacritic, Nope
3. ReMake 2 to be shown, Nope
4. Mass Effect Andromeda to be delayed beyond Spring 2017, March is spring, so nope but maybe they should have
5. Crytek to be bought, Don't think they where
6. Cyberpunk 2077 to be shown, Nope
7. Overwatch to get two new characters, Yep
8. Project Sonic gets a metacritic score of 75+, I was wrong
9. Dreamcast gets two new games in 2017, I think it may have gotten like 12
10. Final Fantasy XVI to be announced and will be based on Agni's Philosophy, Nope

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PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 31 Dec 2017 - 10:10

Sure, why not.


4.5/10. Not bad, not bad. Expect the 2018 thread at some point next week, if I can be fussed.
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Bargain Hunter

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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 31 Dec 2017 - 16:06

I forgot about this! Wow, time to look like an idiot...

Jimbob wrote:
Right. Right. Alread everyone's had better ideas than me!

Zelda is amazing as could possibly ever have been imagined. Or everything is ruined forever. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
The Switch does a bit better than the WiiU, given that it's also the new 3DS. Still assume the same 3rd party drop-off will happen. YEEAAAAAAAAAH!
New Mario game is excellent. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!
Mario/Rabbids crossover is received as well as… Knack. Oh - I was wrong there. In the best possible way
This is difficult because the big Switch reveal is in a couple of weeks' time and we don't know owt yet (do not attempt to "correct" this by pointing towards rumours you've linked to). Er... correct?
Mario Kart 9 is amaze-balls… but this sentence is moved to 2018. mmmmm... does 8D count? It is amaze-balls, but negates the need for a 9th game.
The Sonic game that appears is a,  to quote Martin Kitts MBE: "a big pot full of bum". C'rect! Sanic Furces

Last of Us 2 revealed to be as wonderful and movie-like as Naughty Dog's predecessors. Too early to say; I'm a-feared though...
Crash remakes used in dictionaries as an example of Polishing a Turd. Apparently people liked it...
Final Fantasy VII is cancelled. No, but I think I know what's going into my 2018 list
Horizon Zero Dawn is given a new name. It's Zero Dawn Horizon. Past me wasn't very funny. I still hate the name, but I am quite taken with the game, and will pick it up at some point.
Detroit Become Human is as embarrassing as every other Cage story. F-F-F-F-F-F-Fifty-two percent Not officially yet.
Dreams is an unplayable mess. Not officially yet, again.

Xbox (and for argument's sake, Microsoft-specific, so also on PC, calm down)
Sea of Thieves captures the spirit of the old Rare; i.e. they haven't really thought it through. Everything takes so long to do!

Other Gamery
Yooka-Laylee is amazing as could possibly ever have been imagined. Or everything is ruined forever. Oh dear. Everything wasn't ruined forever though
No-one in the games industry is talking about VR by the end of the year. Would it be safe to say this is almost true?
Metal Gear Survive is actually great, leaving everyone to be completely confused as to what Konami are up to. ?
South Park the Fractured But Whole is an amazing game… that we never get to play as it's banned. Wrongy
Red Dead Redemption 2 is delayed to 2018. However, getting a 2018 prediction in: it's amazing. Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep
Team17, now in mega publishing mode, go a bit do-lally and publish a Smash Bros. clone, but based on British educational TV shows of the 70s and 80s. Cosmo and Dibs are like the Ice Climbers. Booo
I actually make some kind of game. I did! I did! I did!
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The Next Miyamoto

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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 31 Dec 2017 - 16:14

People do still talk about VR but isn't at forefront of gaming media as much as other things and will remain like that until Moss comes out.
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Galactic Nova

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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters EmptySun 31 Dec 2017 - 16:20

Drunkalilly wrote:

The Switch is totes amazeballs. CORRECT
Mario is totes amazeballs. CORRECT
Zelda is the best game ever made, I cry whenever I think about it for the rest of my life.CORRECT
Stuff like Mario Kart and Smash works really nicely on the hybrid, multiplayer fun for all. CORRECT
Something really surprising and cool comes out, I love it, it doesn't sell. ARMS? I'mma say CORRECT


Shenmue and Final Fantasy are pushed back to 2049 CORRECT


Scalebound is the absolute tits.  Sad  Sad  Sad
We get a little peak at Halo 6. INCORRECT


From Software release a new Armored Core which is, for all intents and purposes, a sci-fi Souls game with mechs. INCORRECT


Sleeps on my sofa more than in his own home INCORRECT - he was at Uni and I've been living with my parents for 6 months to save up yen.

Zero Jones

Has a lovely wedding and is a very happy man Hopefully CORRECT

The Balls Man

Balladeer luuuuuuvvvvsss the Playstation! INCORRECT? Switch has been a banger so I've not played much third-party, let alone Balla.

Jay Moyles

Decides to retrain as a palaeontologist, the rest of us get sick of him resuing the same dinosaur facts on every episode of Monster Mash INCORRECT, he still knows very little about dinosaurs.


Eats an unprecedented four prawn crackers INCORRECT, the world would surely have ended


Using his VR, he enters the New York Stock Exchange and discovers it is a self-aware AI which he must battle for the fate of mankind. Does not stop smiling throughout, even in the third act when it appears he might be mortally wounded. INCORRECT, I think

The Jaster

Superplexes Mas off the top rope after one Konami reference too many. INCORRECT, for now


Encounters a race of elf-like mages who can properly pronounce his real name. They speak it in unison, ending the age of man. CORRECT. This is the reason for 2017
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