Also the residual yelling after you've had your back teeth out
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 Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters

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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters - Page 2 EmptyMon 1 Jan 2018 - 21:36

You're not wrong, I ran a duster over my PS3 on Saturday! Laughing
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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters - Page 2 EmptyWed 3 Jan 2018 - 16:52

ZeroJones wrote:
SevenJones will be my Halloween name. Twisted Evil

Forgot about that, didn't I? Duh!

Drunkalilly wrote:
Zero Jones

Has a lovely wedding and is a very happy man.

Confirmed! We had lovely weather on the day itself which, given the variability of things in late March in the UK, was great. Folk had a lovely time, including us, and I am indeed a very happy man.

Now for me. I'm hoping for either a zero ( Winky Face ) or a seven ( Nah nah! ).


1) The Switch presentation has at least one aspect that enrages the Internet, most likely that Retro aren't working on Metroid Prime IV Slightly off target here. Winky Face Retro aren't working on MPIV but that didn't come from the Switch presentation, so 0 for Zero
2) Breath Of The Wild is not the best game ever (its sequel might be, but that's a prediction for, like, 2023) EDGE made Breath Of The Wild their best game ever in an update to their Top 100 Games Of Ever publication. Plus, y'know, some of y'all seem to reckon it's pretty good, so 0 for Zero
3) At least one of Nintendo's Wii U games that will be updated for Switch to be not as good as original, most likely Splatoon They've all been better, haven't they? So 0 for Zero
4) Miiverse on Switch to have a brilliant update, revitalise the service, but art takes a hit (no touch screen means you have to Etch-A-Sketch your drawings No ) Miiverse stopped existing completely, so 0 for Zero Sad
5) No StreetPass equivalent on Switch (want this one to be wrong but don't see the point of it when you're taking the whole console with you, and 3DS needs to keep the gimmick) Is this a correct prediction I see before me?! 1 for Zero
6) Switch has some stock issues on launch (really had to stare hard at my crystal ball for that one Rolling Eyes ) but a reasonable Holiday period Everything went well, so 0 for Zero
7) 3DS totters to 70 million sold by the end of the year Not officially confirmed but I reckon so? As a scientist, however, I must go on evidence. So 0 for Zero
Cool Dude) Ever Oasis to be good but not great (as evidenced by being between 80 and 86 on Metacritic) 76 on Metacritic, so 0 for Zero Click here
9) Mario Sports Superstars to lack depth in certain modes but overall be seen as good (as Ever Oasis criteria) Decidedly not, as it got 62. So 0 for Zero Click here
10) Captain Falcon to get his own 2D platformer His time will come, you mark my words! So 0 for Zero

One out of ten is a relatively low score. Embarrassed


1) Shovel Knight update to not wow me as much as Plague Of Shadows (will be honest! Winky Face ) True. So 1 for Zero
2) Lady Layton to be well received in Japan, not out in West by year end I've played and beaten the game, so 0 for Zero
3) News Of Bravely Default 3 by year end Not a sausage... or Bravely Banger, if you will. Ah, you won't. Oh well. So 0 for Zero
4) Capcom to announce The Great Ace Attorney for West before year end (obvs downloadable only) Not a sausage... or Ace Attorney Andouille, if you will. Ah, you won't. Oh well. So 0 for Zero
5) Shantae: Half Genie Hero second campaign to add some of what was missing from original release but not 'complete' the game (will be honest again! Winky Face ) I don't think it did add much, if I'm honest - Friends To The End is looking much meatier than Pirate Queen's Quest. So 0 for Zero

One out of five is twice as much! Yes! Dance

And yet still No
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Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters - Page 2 EmptyWed 3 Jan 2018 - 16:55

ZeroJones wrote:
3) News Of Bravely Default 3 by year end Not a sausage... or Bravely Banger, if you will. Ah, you won't. Oh well. So 0 for Zero

One might say this was Project Octopath. Same studio, same oldie-worldie-JRPGie feel. Would've preferred BD3 though. Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters - Page 2 EmptyWed 3 Jan 2018 - 17:24

BD3 proper is coming, you mark my words! That sequel hook will catch its fish.

Er. Eh?
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters   Get'cher Gaming Predictions In for 2017 You Chuffsters - Page 2 EmptyThu 4 Jan 2018 - 9:45

ZeroJones wrote:
BD3 proper is coming, you mark my words! That sequel hook will catch its fish.

Er. Eh?

It's one of my 2018 predictions that the series comes to Switch in some way.
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