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 Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo

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Crumpy Andy
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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptyThu 9 Nov 2017 - 22:21

If I remember correctly, that's pretty much the end of the demo. You can saunter over to the next town and meet up with the heroine of the other demo path, but there's no real meat to Olberic's path after smashing the bandits in the cave.
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Bargain Hunter

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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptySun 12 Nov 2017 - 22:28

Fair enough so.

I wish I didn't have this Turn-Based Allergy - I want to love this game.
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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptySun 12 Nov 2017 - 22:37

Might I ask what rubs you up the wrong way about RPG's, Jim?
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Bargain Hunter

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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptySun 12 Nov 2017 - 23:02

Ah, yes - I thought I'd elaborated on my previous post, but it looks like I deleted is at it was a bit ranty.

The problem I have with turn based RPGs is that, for the most part, you can't get out of the way of at least a partial clobbering; discovering you don't have enough <letter representing super power magic abilities>P to activate your ultra sword attack, and will have to wait three turns to use it and rely on a regular attack, which you know based on previous encounters won't be enough to kill the bads. It's too easy to find yourself in an unwinnable (or even "almost unwinnable") situation 4 turns before you actually succumb to it (which has also taken 1 minute with button hammering). With Zelda - take BotW for example, I died loads of times in a row to Lynels and Guardians, but I accepted that as it wasn't over until it was over, if that makes sense.

Disclaimer: This isn't a smarmy opinion - I don't like that I don't like turn-based RPGs. The stories and environments always have me intrigued, and I'd love to play an early Final Fantasy, and I've technically got Chrono Trigger lined up; I've also just seen the trailer for Lost Sphear, and I immediately thought "oh wow I definitely want to run round that place" and then it cuts to the battle screen...

Anyway - Octopath Traveller.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptyFri 13 Jul 2018 - 9:31

Did we all forget this was coming out?

Anyway mine should be here today and from reviews sounds good.

Looks like only need to play once and everyone's stories can be done but who are we maining?
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Crumpy Andy
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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptyFri 13 Jul 2018 - 17:38

No, I think there just wasn't much to say having had 2 demos for it Laughing I've picked it up and fired up H'aanit's path.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptyFri 13 Jul 2018 - 18:36

Could have talked about the demos etc
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Galactic Nova

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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptyFri 13 Jul 2018 - 21:17

My copy's arrived! No idea who I'm going to choose to start off with, but I'll steer clear of the two from the original demo as I've already played those.
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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptyFri 13 Jul 2018 - 21:30

I've not played the demos and I will look into picking it up in late August.
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Layton's Apprentice

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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptyFri 13 Jul 2018 - 22:19

Im waiting for payday either this month or August but im very excited for this!

I'll interested to see how everyone enjoys the game based on which character they go for the first time around!
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Crumpy Andy
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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptyFri 13 Jul 2018 - 22:51

I'm assuming the initial choice makes literally no difference aside from getting their bit first. It doesn't seem like there would be any reason to restart with anyone else.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptyFri 13 Jul 2018 - 22:53

I've read a few reviews and seems people have a main and do bits of pieces of the others.
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Galactic Nova

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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptyFri 13 Jul 2018 - 23:17

I started with Ophelia because I am a nutcase and decided that picking the healer to start off by herself was a great shout. Laughing

The scholar looks ace from the trailer I watched just now - his path action seems unique, so I'm making a beeline to him now that I've finished with Ophelia's first chapter.
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Crumpy Andy
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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptySat 14 Jul 2018 - 11:08

Just found out your main character is locked in until you beat their path. Seems like a bit of a naff choice considering benched characters don't earn XP...
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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptySat 14 Jul 2018 - 11:52

Muss wrote:
I've not played the demos and I will look into picking it up in late August.

This is my position! Birthday present for me. I'll lurk in the thread, though, and enjoy it vicariously for a while.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptySat 14 Jul 2018 - 12:04

I've started with Tressa the Merchant as not seen many people talk about her but do like the look of a few of the others such as the healer, that will likely do those chapters next.
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Galactic Nova

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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptySat 14 Jul 2018 - 20:28

Crumpy Andy wrote:
Just found out your main character is locked in until you beat their path. Seems like a bit of a naff choice considering benched characters don't earn XP...

Hm. I think I'm going to change who I chose first then as I don't like the idea of having a healer/mage as my locked in character, plus her path action is pretty naff all told. Scholar lad awaits me, I think.
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Crumpy Andy
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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptySun 15 Jul 2018 - 10:02

If anyone wants recommendations on who to start with I've picked up 6 characters so far and Therion the Thief is a safe bet. Always useful to have someone to steal and he can use both Knife and Sword
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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptySun 15 Jul 2018 - 11:55

JayMoyles wrote:
Hm. I think I'm going to change who I chose first then as I don't like the idea of having a healer/mage as my locked in character, plus her path action is pretty naff all told. Scholar lad awaits me, I think.

Every JRPG party I've ever had has a healer in. I'll probably go with her first and stomach the naff action.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptySun 15 Jul 2018 - 12:31

Do you have to get all 8 characters? as could I just di the healer, hunter, thief etc and go that's my team

Therion is the one I've seen most talk about in reviews, I wonder if he's like the easy one and someone like healer is the hard one.

It's an odd game from the outside at the moment (I've played 30 mins) that it has these 8 paths and interlinked characters but you can beat via one story but do others through that one and they all have their own goals not just beat the big bad.

I feel come the end when we've all played it and beat it we will all very different experiences as you know me, I won't do all 8 stories, I'll be in the mindset of that was my story but can see Muss if money is tight rinsing the game.
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Galactic Nova

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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptySun 15 Jul 2018 - 15:58

I plan to power through all 8 stories - I think by picking each character up, I'll have an interest in seeing their tale through to its completion. It's only fair.

I've now got a party including Cyrus the Scholar and Ophelia the Cleric. Turns out the townspeople in Ophelia's town don't like it when Cyrus walks up to them and gleans their entire life's story from staring at them and I've now got to pay 5000 gold to be able to speak to anybody again. Laughing
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Crumpy Andy
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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptySun 15 Jul 2018 - 17:41

There's really no reason not to pick them all up, all of the chapter 2s are designed for level 22 + and after completing all 8 origins only H'annit is sitting above level 20.

I can't say I like the sound of your Ophelia/Cyrus combo there Jay Laughing Need some damage dealers!
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The Next Miyamoto

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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptySun 15 Jul 2018 - 17:52

I think I'll do all of Chapter 1s and maybe 2 as well but not sure I'll do all 12 or however many a character has though especially if I don't like a character.
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Layton's Apprentice

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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptySun 15 Jul 2018 - 17:57

The second I can afford it ill be buying and rinsing it 😂
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Galactic Nova

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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo   Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo - Page 3 EmptySun 15 Jul 2018 - 18:50

Crumpy Andy wrote:

I can't say I like the sound of your Ophelia/Cyrus combo there Jay Laughing Need some damage dealers!

They're doing well enough so far with the Chapter One content as most of the mooks take big damage from Ophelia's light magic, but I reckon SP items will be a must for me. Fortunately, Cyrus's path action has revealed the location for loads of them, so I'm not short of cash. I'm concerned about the levels of damage I'm taking and the overall beefiness of my team, so I'm heading towards Olberic to get some beef into my team. I've stopped to pick up Tressa along the way though.
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Octopath Traveller: Square Enix also celebrating the Year of the Octoling/Octopath 2: Octopus Boogaloo
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