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 Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?

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Galactic Nova

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyWed 25 Oct 2017 - 7:23

Cross Animals on your telephone.

Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Nvijyzbywgpe8tqqn4yr

Out next month. Looks like a slightly simplified, but otherwise pretty standard, AC game. Albeit one set in a camp rather than a village. Has some standard free-to-play bollocks (excellently, all real-world money grubbery is handled by Tom Nook), but waiting patiently for stuff is Animal Crossing anyway.

I'm into it. Remember how hooked I was on New Leaf? imagine that on my phone! I've pre-registered my interest.
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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyWed 25 Oct 2017 - 9:57

That's better than any subtitle I had in mind - layered. Kudos! Applause

Whilst I enjoyed New Leaf, my only AC experience to date, I had to get rid of it to break the cycle. As such, I'm probably not going to invest in the game. I'm over the moon for those fellow forumites who'll get right into it, though. I hope it delivers for y'all.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyWed 25 Oct 2017 - 10:07

It looks like something in-between Happy Home and a proper Animal Crossing. I'm not about moving the villager around on a mobile device but I can already see how it would work with a proper animal crossing.
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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
The Cappuccino Kid

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyWed 25 Oct 2017 - 17:58

This looks the bollocks, and I'm gantin for a new Animal Crossing, although my phone battery is shiteing itself.

I hope that this has more going for it than Miitomo though. Even something close to Happy Home Designer or Disney Magical World (a game which it seems to share a few similarities with as well) would be class.
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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyWed 25 Oct 2017 - 19:50

This looked really impressive for a mobile game: almost the full AC experience on your 'phone. If I'd even a passing interest in getting back into Animal Crossing I'd do so here, especially with the new multi-catch mechanics shown. As it is, as I've said a couple of times, until they give every animal their own unique personality and dialogue options I'll keep my distance.
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Galactic Nova

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyWed 25 Oct 2017 - 20:35

I hope they never do that, I'd hate to think I was missing out on content by not having every animal, that would ruin the game for me.
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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
The Cappuccino Kid

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyWed 25 Oct 2017 - 20:43

Balladeer wrote:
As it is, as I've said a couple of times, until they give every animal their own unique personality and dialogue options I'll keep my distance.

That's just daft. Neutral
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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyWed 25 Oct 2017 - 20:52

Nah. The thing that interests me the most about this franchise, in theory, is meeting new peopanimals in your village. Yet when an eagle has exactly the same dialogue (after a couple of your sayings have gone popular) as an octopus, or a bear as a cow, that snaps me right out of my gaming immersion. I'm not meeting individual characters, I'm meeting eight personalities stuffed into individual shells.

As soon as I stop caring about them, for someone who doesn't care much about the cosmetic side of his town, the remainder of the game becomes a rather dull collect-a-thon. A race to complete the museum. And I've done that twice already, giving up both times before completion.

Don't get me wrong, I wish I could enjoy this. It looks really shiny and polished for a mobile game. It looks like the full AC experience, on a device you have in your pocket at all times. But the core experience needs to change for me, without becoming a stupid amiibo-centric board game or something.
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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
The Cappuccino Kid

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyWed 25 Oct 2017 - 21:11

No, I mean your expectation for them to give every animal a unique personality. How's that possible?

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PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyWed 25 Oct 2017 - 21:40

Ah, understood.  I'll admit, they've got a large cast to go around, but I'd rather have a stripped down selection of potential villagers where each one's different.  A mobile game would have been the perfect opportunity to do just that.
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Galactic Nova

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyWed 25 Oct 2017 - 23:22

Balla, have you met real people? There are like three of you, repeated forever, all thinking you're unique and original and interesting.
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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyThu 26 Oct 2017 - 19:47

Yes, but 13% of those repetitions don't have an abdominal named Negative Juan.
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Bargain Hunter

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyThu 26 Oct 2017 - 19:50

I basically came here to tell Nintendo to shut up and take all of my money! I'm no fan of mobile movement either, but I think it'll work just fine here (it's not like it's a twitchy puzzler).

However, I feel I'm interrupting something, so
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Giphy
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Galactic Nova

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyThu 26 Oct 2017 - 20:52

I'm quite keen for this - my only Animal Crossing experience is Wild World, which I enjoyed but never properly got into like the rest of you normally do with Animal Crossing. Maybe this will be the game to get me hooked on Animal Crossing!
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Bargain Hunter

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptySun 19 Nov 2017 - 22:22

A few signs point to a release maybe as soon as Tuesday, and there have been some good reviews - are we taking the mobile plunge?
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Galactic Nova

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyMon 20 Nov 2017 - 12:16

Hells yes.
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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyMon 20 Nov 2017 - 13:44

We have Wednesday - repeat, Wednesday. I'm out, though.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyTue 21 Nov 2017 - 17:04

Started the game and seems cool but I'm not really felling touch where I want to move but has got me more excited for a proper Animal Crossing for Switch.
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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
The Cappuccino Kid

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyTue 21 Nov 2017 - 18:57

My ID is 4431 0207 039 if you're wanting to come to my gaff. My first impressions are much the same as masofdas': bring on Animal Crossing: Concentration Camp on Switch.
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Galactic Nova

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyWed 22 Nov 2017 - 0:27

Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? 23758410

Well. I guess I'll just die then.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyWed 22 Nov 2017 - 5:39

The first problem is you own a iPhone.
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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyWed 22 Nov 2017 - 5:50

There's no need to rub it in like that, mas. Aww!

Drunka, I'm really sorry, man. Are you able to upgrade your phone any time soon?
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Galactic Nova

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptyWed 22 Nov 2017 - 8:27

Its alright, he's not wrong! Laughing
My old (android) phone finally died recently after years of abuse, so I'm using an old iPhone 4 of my dad's. I could upgrade tomorrow if I wanted, but I feel like that would be a waste when I'm gonna be in Akihabara in two months.
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Bargain Hunter

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptySat 25 Nov 2017 - 11:44

Ah boy. That's sad.

For anyone who's on it - 95358887502 is me. I don't know what I'm doing!
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Galactic Nova

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Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people?   Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - Are these animals more camp than the village people? EmptySun 26 Nov 2017 - 17:50

I think your ID is missing a number, Jimmers!

Mine's is 6798 1302 272 for anybody playing who's keen on adding me!

I'm enjoying this - very relaxing. I've never properly got into an Animal Crossing game, but I can totally see why they're so addicting even just through playing this mobile game. Plus, it looks pretty good playing on my iPad.
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