Des and Ember. Because when you put them together, they... er... December.
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 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))

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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptyMon 1 Jan 2018 - 21:52

Here we go, gents and... er, other gents.  The 2018 grand gaming prediction thread!  You probably know how this goes, the 2017 one's floating around if you don't.  Mine below!


  1. The Switch has a worse 2018 than it did a 2017, on the basis that it has no 97%-ers.  As a result the Internet gets restless again, and starts to mutter about how it's rubbish.  After a quiet spell, Drunka's thread has a resurrection, and there's at least one attempt at serious discussion in it that isn't shut down quickly enough.
  2. Both of Metroid Prime 4 and Pokémon Handheld/Home are shown, but neither make 2018 release.
  3. We will however see the first shots of Pokémon Handheld/Home.  The jump from 3DS to Switch will be less than hoped for by many, and they'll still have those bloody digital cries.  (That last bit doesn't count towards my points total, it's too obvious.)
  4. We finally see the first of Smash 5 (NOT Smash 4 Deluxe), with playable Inkling.
  5. Some subset of the games above rescues Nintendo from a strangely mediocre E3, that otherwise raises more questions than it answers.
  6. Retro's game is revealed.  It's Half-Life 3.  Having been built up to semi-divine levels, it's a 2D platformer or something.
  7. Nintendo announce three new mobile games in the year, but only one for 2018 release.
  8. We see the first of the Switch VC.  It's disappointing, its launch line-up consisting of no more than two games in the N64 or post eras.  And no way to transfer previous gens. over.
  9. Switch paid online launches in the latter half of the year.  Is widely panned.
  10. Sushi Striker not worth giving a second glance at other than the theme tune music.

Other Platforms

  • Continue to gnash their teeth at the continued success of the Switch.  Inwardly, of course.

Over to y'all!
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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptyWed 3 Jan 2018 - 15:25


1.) Pokemon Switch info, release window, teasers

2.) Smash 5 news, Sakurai confirmed to again have lied over quitting the franchise, 2020 release, Squid Kids confirmed playable to everyones joy, newest Fire Emblem protagonist to also be confirmed to everyone's rage

3.) More Zelda news, only to reveal the name and a tentative "2019" placeholder date that actually translates into 2023

4.) A handheld dedicated Switch designed to truly replace the 3DS for the system that can slide in a pocket

5.) Fire Emblem Switch to be shown off early in the year, released in Japan December and March 2019 everywhere else

6.) Nothing big released for the entire year in major franchises, but a lot of "it's coming soon, we promise!!!" sweet-talk for all the Switch-only owners


1.) More Halo

2.) More Forza

3.) More Gears

4.) More non-existence of anything worth buying an Xbone for

5.) More "exclusives" also released on PC (see also: 4.) )


1.) The Last of Us delayed

2.) God of War to be lambasted for interesting father-son dynamic, proceed to be only God of War game I ever play

3.) Horizon Zero Dawn sequel announcement with CGI trailer


1.) Persona 5 Suplex Ultima Transcended Platinum Jazz Edition announced for the Switch so Nintendo-only gamers can enjoy the brilliance that is Morgana the cat

2.) Another expansion for the terrible Final Fantasy XV that fails to address any of the games chasm sized flaws

3.) EA to do something to rustle the internets jimmies.  Again.

4.) Ubisoft to release another Assasin's Creed, delay Beyond Good and Evil 2 another couple of years further confirming it as vapourware

5.) The Elder Scrolls 6 to be announced for 2019, still be a glitchy buggy mess that everyone should avoid in favour of Zelda Breath of the Wild

6.) Final Fantasy VII Remake and Kingdom Hearts 3 to be pushed back to 20999, instead Kingdom Hearts Remix 2.980794328017`247-31 to be released in their place.  Oh, and a CGi trailer for Final Fantasy XVI that promises the moon with pretty lights and nothing of substance


Will I be right?  Will I be wrong?  Probably a bit of both.
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The Next Miyamoto

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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptyWed 3 Jan 2018 - 16:57

@Athrun not sure how Last of Us Part 2 can be delayed when it has no release date what so ever but I do predict what that will be.  

1. New Zelda game, which keeps up a Zelda game every year since about 2010, Hyrule Warriors for Switch
2. Dock-less / Handheld only Switch to launch alongside Pokemon for £229.99ish basically less than a docked version (£280) but costs more than buying dock and dock-less Switch on their own (£80 dock + £230 dock-less system = £310)  
3. Some sort of Peripheral announced, Yep Labo
4. Kid Icarus Switch
5. Animal Crossing Switch
6. No GameCube games on VC, as they've been updated to be HD'ed and have online multiplayer which Nintendo charges a premium for
7. Bravely Series to come to Switch (kinda 3rd party but it be an exclusive)
8. Digital Books
9. E3 booth to be based on one game
10. Retro's game to be the big surprise announcement this year

1. PS4 passes PS3 lifetime sells
2. From Software exclusive
3. Shenmue HD is real, It is
4. Shenmue III doesn't make 2018
5. Persona 5 Golden announced and has a new girl
6. The Last of Us Part 2 date announced at E3 for June 2019
7. We can change our PSN names
8. PSVR passes 3m
9. Sony bring back an old IP in some way, I sort of want to say Spyro counts
10. Death Stranding is actually a 2018 game
1. Announces new studio along with a game from them
2. Forza Horizon 4
3. Halo 6
4. VR showed which only works on One X
5. Crackdown 3 to be critically panned (less than 70 on Metacritic)
6. Gets a Japanese exclusive
7. Below finally comes out and is the 2018 version of Cuphead
8. Some sort of fan-service like last years OG Xbox games coming to Backwards Compatibility
9. A UI update after everyone gets used to this one
10.  Playground Games to show off their new game (I think this might be multi-format but as they've only done Xbox games putting here)

1. Beyond Good and Evil 2 BETA launches
2. Final Fantasy XVI is announced
3. New Final Fantasy VII trailer, still no date
4. SEGA does nothing of note with any of its classic IPs, I feel I'm wrong based on this week alone if just re-release type deals
5. Watch Dogs 3 to be the big Ubisoft game in November
6. Overwatch gets two new heroes and some sort of new co-op story mode, Yep on both
7. Red Dead Redemption 2 wins all the GOTY awards
8. Cyberpunk 2077 is re-shown
9. EA Access comes to PS4
10. Biomutant to be the surprise hit

Last edited by masofdas on Mon 16 Apr 2018 - 20:25; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : Quick update)
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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptyThu 4 Jan 2018 - 8:02

Athrun888 wrote:
6.) Nothing big released for the entire year in major franchises, but a lot of "it's coming soon, we promise!!!" sweet-talk for all the Switch-only owners

Would hope this didn't happen, it would suggest that they'd learned nothing from last year... but then that's the gaming industry all over.

Athrun888 wrote:
3.) EA to do something to rustle the internets jimmies.  Again.

Not sure you get any points for this one happening. Razz
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Bargain Hunter

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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptySat 6 Jan 2018 - 9:43


  • 2018 to not be as good as 2017. Mainly because that's probably impossible.
  • Pokémon Switch game turns out to be like Stadium but for your Suns and Moons.
  • Nintendo announce that there will be NO Virtual Console, after the NES/SNES mini success.
  • The prospect of doing another Breath of the Wild scares Ninty, so they announce more DLC instead. Everyone is OK at this. (Except you probably play as Spinch and his horse Spinch)
  • Yoshi is an 8/10-er. Kirby a 7.
  • Megaquarium to be another well-received Indie hit that doesn't get that many downloads as we're still reeling from the many great Indie titles we've got in our backlog


  • (carried over from 2017) The Final Fantasy VII Remake is cancelled this year.
  • (carried over from 2017) Detroit Become Human is as embarrassing as every other Cage story. F-F-F-F-F-F-Fifty-two percent! Trailers so far are both uncomfortable and ham-fisted, so bets are on for this.
  • (carried over from 2017) Dreams is an unplayable mess.
  • The Last of Us 2 is not going to be as well-received as the first; Naughty Dog are accused of "going too far"
  • Shenmue III? 2021. PS5.
  • That From Software trailer? Bloodborne Kart.


  • (carried over from 2017) Sea of Thieves captures the spirit of the old Rare; i.e. they haven't really thought it through.
  • Microsoft upsets Rare by putting the Rare Replay games on Steam, individually. Please?
  • Crackdown 3 doesn't deliver on the scenery intelligence that was promised.
  • Tunic to be a surprise hit. It's an isometric Zelda-like with a widdle fox in it!

Other General Shiz

  • OK, apparently this wasn't true last year, but I think people will have stopped talking about VR in games this year - or perhaps, accepted it at the same level of mobile gaming, in that it's for 5 minute cheap things.
  • (carried over from 2017) Metal Gear Survive is actually great, leaving everyone to be completely confused as to what Konami are up to.
  • EA should implode under financial pressure, but strangely, the majority of their 2nd party studios are closed down...
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 is good. (Whoah, fucking Mystic Meg here...)
  • Bethesda do not announce ES6, but after an MMORPG and spin-off card game, the inevitable disappointing 4 player co-op arcade-fest is next.
  • Sonic Team disbands.
  • American conservative c***s spam Steam with negative reviews of Far Cry 5, because really there were fine cultists on both sides.
  • Psychonauts 2 to be delayed to 2019. But I'll forgive it!


  • I end this year with no further clue as to what's wrong with me physically, as I see a different doctor every month for a year and start from scratch again
  • At the end of year, there's a Japanese meme about something called "Basukariri-kun".

Last edited by Jimbob on Sun 7 Jan 2018 - 12:13; edited 1 time in total
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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptySat 6 Jan 2018 - 10:09

Jimbob wrote:
That From Software trailer? Bloodborne Kart.

People are amazing!

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The Next Miyamoto

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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptySat 6 Jan 2018 - 10:30

I think Jim has been drinking with Last of Us 2 under Xbox.
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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptySat 6 Jan 2018 - 10:43

I got two out of fifteen in the 2017 Prediction Thread. It is then with full confidence that I march proudly into this thread, knowing that it will be difficult to do much worse - and utterly hilarious if I do. Winky Face


1) Virtual Console (or newly named equivalent?) to be up and running by beginning of August
2) The "non-traditional Nintendo franchises" that have been mentioned as being in development to be only two of: F-Zero, Kid Icarus, Pilotwings, Wave Race, Wario Land. Others may occur
3) One of Metroid Prime 4 and Pokémon Switch to be out by the end of 2018
4) 3DS to have one, two big retail releases from Nintendo but be essentially wound down by the end of 2018
5) Captain Toad sequel on the Switch to be released or revealed by the end of 2018
6) One of Kirby: Star Allies and the Yoshi game to be unexpectedly brilliant (as judged by a Metacritic score of 85 or more)
7) Either Wii Sports or Wii Fit to make a comeback in some form
Cool Dude) A version of Dr. Mario is released onto the eShop
9) Fire Emblem Switch to be quite good
10) Captain Falcon to get his own game


1) Shovel Knight: King Of Cards to be good fun, still not hold a candle to Plague Knight in my opinion (will be honest! Winky Face )
2) The Nintendo Switch to be the best console to play Runbow on yet (as judged by a larger Metacritic score than any other version to date)
3) FIFA 19 to be only slightly better than FIFA 18
4) Brand new Ace Attorney game to be out on the Switch before the end of 2018 (half a point if just announced, right? Winky Face )
5) Either Activision or EA to have embraced the Switch before the end of 2018 (as judged by at least 50% of its multiplatform releases announced for release in 2019 having Switch versions)
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Bargain Hunter

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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptySun 7 Jan 2018 - 12:15

masofdas wrote:
I think Jim has been drinking with Last of Us 2 under Xbox.
Boh! There was another error there as well. Altered now. Cheers
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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptySun 7 Jan 2018 - 16:11

Jimbob wrote:


  • I end this year with no further clue as to what's wrong with me physically, as I see a different doctor every month for a year and start from scratch again
  • At the end of year, there's a Japanese meme about something called "Basukariri-kun".

I bloody well hope not. Aww! The health thing, not the meme - although what's a basukariri thing when it's at home...

...oooooooooooh. I actually didn't get it until I'd typed the rest of this post. Embarrassed
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Bargain Hunter

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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptyTue 9 Jan 2018 - 21:54

Balladeer wrote:
Jimbob wrote:


  • I end this year with no further clue as to what's wrong with me physically, as I see a different doctor every month for a year and start from scratch again
  • At the end of year, there's a Japanese meme about something called "Basukariri-kun".

I bloody well hope not. Aww! The health thing, not the meme - although what's a basukariri thing when it's at home...

...oooooooooooh.  I actually didn't get it until I'd typed the rest of this post. Embarrassed
Speaking of which: the "Savage" part of your sig... I take it "that's the joke"?
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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptyWed 10 Jan 2018 - 19:49

Er... no? Sorry, not sure what the joke is? Although 'savage breasts' took on new and unpleasant overtones the first time I looked at Pyra properly... I should probably change it.
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Bargain Hunter

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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptySat 13 Jan 2018 - 8:54

Oh sorry - I thought it was supposed to be beasts and was Freudian.

Jimbob - spoiling the fun since 1982 Aww!
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Galactic Nova

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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptySat 13 Jan 2018 - 11:30

I also spent this whole time thinking it was meant to say beasts. Was it deliberately breasts? What the hell man?
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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptySat 13 Jan 2018 - 14:06

Was being classy, honest.

Although: come on, XC2. We don't need stuff like this.
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The Next Miyamoto

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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptySat 13 Jan 2018 - 16:32

Hey Mas said a Zelda game would come out this and Hyrule Warriors is coming to Swich, what a prediction.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptySat 13 Jan 2018 - 17:49

I've just decided to stick with my forecast from the 2015 predictions thread:

Quote :

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker to be available from UK high street and online retailers prior to it's January 2nd 2015 release date
Another new IP at E3, more specifically some sort of boring-ass MMOG
Pokémon Red/Blue on 3DS Virtual Console
Still no N64 on Wii U Virtual Console as of December 31st 2015
Another Super Mario 3D Land on 3DS
Paper Mario on Wii U
3DS games ported to Wii U to fill in the release gaps. Let's go for Kid Icarus: Uprising and Luigi's Mansion 2
Xenoblade Chronicles X delayed until 2016
No new Pokémon 3DS game - not a remake, not an X/Y update, not even Pokémon Snap 2. That Pickachu decective game won't go anywhere either.

Let's wait and see. Only time will tell.

Last edited by The Cappuccino Kid on Sat 13 Jan 2018 - 19:03; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Thunder)
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The Next Miyamoto

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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptyWed 13 Jun 2018 - 23:47

Post E3 update

masofdas wrote:

1. New Zelda game, which keeps up a Zelda game every year since about 2010, Hyrule Warriors for Switch
2. Dock-less / Handheld only Switch to launch alongside Pokemon for £229.99ish basically less than a docked version (£280) but costs more than buying dock and dock-less Switch on their own (£80 dock + £230 dock-less system = £310,) Japan has got one without a dock now
3. Some sort of Peripheral announced, Yep Labo and Pokeball, I guess Cube Controllers as well
4. Kid Icarus Switch, Not yet
5. Animal Crossing Switch, Been dated for 2019
6. No GameCube games on VC, as they've been updated to be HD'ed and have online multiplayer which Nintendo charges a premium for, Not yet unless you count those ones in China
7. Bravely Series to come to Switch (kinda 3rd party but it will be an exclusive), Not yet
8. Digital Books, Not yet
9. E3 booth to be based on one game, Yep SMASH
10. Retro's game to be the big surprise announcement this year, Not yet

1. PS4 passes PS3 lifetime sells, Yep
2. From Software exclusive, Yep that VR game
3. Shenmue HD is real, It is
4. Shenmue III doesn't make 2018, Yep
5. Persona 5 Golden announced and has a new girl, Not yet
6. The Last of Us Part 2 date announced at E3 for June 2019, No date was announced
7. We can change our PSN names, Yep
8. PSVR passes 3m, Yep
9. Sony bring back an old IP in some way, MediEvil and PS1 Classic, could also count Spyro
10. Death Stranding is actually a 2018 game, Nope
1. Announces new studio along with a game from them, Well no new game unless Forza Horizon 4 counts as they now have 5 new studios which one is doing Forza Horizon
2. Forza Horizon 4, Yep
3. Halo 6, It was shown
4. VR showed which only works on One X, Nope VR is dead on Xbox even though it was annouced
5. Crackdown 3 to be critically panned (less than 70 on Metacritic), Might still be but isn't making 2018
6. Gets a Japanese exclusive, Nothing exclusive that I can think off but I was close with all those games showing up at E3  
7. Below finally comes out and is the 2018 version of Cuphead, It is coming in 2018
8. Some sort of fan-service like last years OG Xbox games coming to Backwards Compatibility, Battletoads
9. A UI update after everyone gets used to this one, Not yet
10.  Playground Games to show off their new game (I think this might be multi-format but as they've only done Xbox games putting here), Spencer almost said it but even if he did nothing was shown

1. Beyond Good and Evil 2 BETA launches, Nope
2. Final Fantasy XVI is announced, Nope
3. New Final Fantasy VII trailer, Technically this is true due to ports for Switch and Xbox
4. SEGA does nothing of note with any of its classic IPs, I feel they're doing things be it Mania+, Racing, AGES etc that I'm wrong on this one
5. Watch Dogs 3 to be the big Ubisoft game in November, Dam I should have gone for Assassins Creed
6. Overwatch gets two new heroes and some sort of new co-op story mode, Yep on both
7. Red Dead Redemption 2 wins all the GOTY awards, Not yet
8. Cyberpunk 2077 is re-shown, It was glorious
9. EA Access comes to PS4, Nope
10. Biomutant to be the surprise hit, I don't think it's even coming out in 2018 now
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The Next Miyamoto

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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptyMon 31 Dec 2018 - 15:53

Unless something happens tonight I think it's safe for me to go back over these


1. New Zelda game which keeps up a Zelda game every year since about 2010, Yes we got Hyrule Warriors for Switch
2. Dock-less / Handheld only Switch to launch alongside Pokemon for £229.99ish basically less than a docked version (£280) but costs more than buying a dock and dock-less Switch on their own (£80 dock + £230 dock-less system = £310), In Japan, we sort of got this but overall No
3. Some sort of Peripheral announced, Yep Labo
4. Kid Icarus Switch, Nope
5. Animal Crossing Switch, Announced
6. No GameCube games on VC, as they've been updated to be HD'ed and have online multiplayer which Nintendo charges a premium for, I'm wrong with both
7. Bravely Series to come to Switch (kinda 3rd party ist it be an exclusive), Nope
8. Digital Books, Yes we got the comic app thing
9. E3 booth to be based on one game, Yes SMASH
10. Retro's game to be the big surprise announcement this year, Nope

1. PS4 passes PS3 lifetime sells, Yep
2. From Software exclusive, Yep
3. Shenmue HD is real, Yep
4. Shenmue III doesn't make 2018, Yep
5. Persona 5 Golden announced and has a new girl, P5R has been announced and a bunch trademarked
6. The Last of Us Part 2 date announced at E3 for June 2019, Nope
7. We can change our PSN names, Yep
8. PSVR passes 3m, Yep
9. Sony bring back an old IP in some way, Medievil HD announced along with some ties such as Spyro, CTR
10. Death Stranding is actually a 2018 game, Nope

1. Announces new studio along with a game from them, Announced a new studio and bought some but no new games
2. Forza Horizon 4, Yep
3. Halo 6, Yep annouced
4. VR showed which only works on One X, Nope
5. Crackdown 3 to be critically panned (less than 70 on Metacritic), Nope
6. Gets a Japanese exclusive, Nope
7. Below finally comes out and is the 2018 version of Cuphead, It came out
8. Some sort of fan-service like last years OG Xbox games coming to Backwards Compatibility, Kinda with how they've continued with services
9. A UI update after everyone gets used to this one, Nope
10.  Playground Games to show off their new game (I think this might be multi-format but as they've only done Xbox games putting here), Nope

1. Beyond Good and Evil 2 BETA launches, Nope
2. Final Fantasy XVI is announced, Nope
3. New Final Fantasy VII trailer, Nope
4. SEGA does nothing of note with any of its classic IPs, They have done things like Shenmue HD, so it's a nope
5. Watch Dogs 3 to be the big Ubisoft game in November, Nope
6. Overwatch gets two new heroes and some sort of new co-op story mode, Yep
7. Red Dead Redemption 2 wins all the GOTY awards, Nope it seems God of War is picking up the big ones
8. Cyberpunk 2077 is re-shown, Yep
9. EA Access comes to PS4, Nope
10. Biomutant to be the surprise hit, Nope

Nintendo 4.25/10 I'm giving myself 0.25 for the dockless Switch in Japan
PlayStation 7/10 I'm giving myself half for P5R and Medievil
Microsoft 3.5/10 I'm giving myself some 0.75 for studios, Halo 6 along with 0.5 for Below and Fan Service
Others 2/10

Total 16.75/40
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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptyMon 31 Dec 2018 - 16:15

It is that time again, isn't it?

Balladeer wrote:

  1. The Switch has a worse 2018 than it did a 2017, on the basis that it has no 97%-ers.  As a result the Internet gets restless again, and starts to mutter about how it's rubbish.  After a quiet spell, Drunka's thread has a resurrection, and there's at least one attempt at serious discussion in it that isn't shut down quickly enough. No 97%-ers is right, and there were talks of drought (self included). Drunka's thread got a couple of resurrections, but no serious discussion, happily. So... 0.75?
  2. Both of Metroid Prime 4 and Pokémon Handheld/Home are shown, but neither make 2018 release. Nope, not if Handheld/Home are the 'proper' Gen. 8 games.
  3. We will however see the first shots of Pokémon Handheld/Home.  The jump from 3DS to Switch will be less than hoped for by many, and they'll still have those bloody digital cries.  (That last bit doesn't count towards my points total, it's too obvious.) All of this did apply... just to Let's Go! Half.
  4. We finally see the first of Smash 5 (NOT Smash 4 Deluxe), with playable Inkling. Very true.
  5. Some subset of the games above rescues Nintendo from a strangely mediocre E3, that otherwise raises more questions than it answers. Mediocre was right, Smash and Pokémon was right; but Smash contributed to the mediocre E3 rather than relieving it. Half.
  6. Retro's game is revealed.  It's Half-Life 3.  Having been built up to semi-divine levels, it's a 2D platformer or something. Not a sausage.
  7. Nintendo announce three new mobile games in the year, but only one for 2018 release. We got Mario Kart, Dragalia Lost, and that weird cube Pokémon game; but saw two of those. Half.
  8. We see the first of the Switch VC.  It's disappointing, its launch line-up consisting of no more than two games in the N64 or post eras.  And no way to transfer previous gens. over. Bang on, although 'no more than two' was bloody optimistic.
  9. Switch paid online launches in the latter half of the year.  Is widely panned. It's too linked to the above for this to get a full mark, so half a point.
  10. Sushi Striker not worth giving a second glance at other than the theme tune music. No! It was a very good game, that sadly went all of the way under the radar.

Other Platforms

  • Continue to gnash their teeth at the continued success of the Switch.  Inwardly, of course. Was there any doubt?

5/10 (or 4.75/10, I've rounded up). My usual level of prediction 'skill' I think. Expect a 2019 thread soon!
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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptyMon 31 Dec 2018 - 21:41

Athrun888 wrote:

1.) Pokemon Switch info, release window, teasers Sort of.

2.) Smash 5 news, Sakurai confirmed to again have lied over quitting the franchise, 2020 release, Squid Kids confirmed playable to everyones joy, newest Fire Emblem protagonist to also be confirmed to everyone's rage  Half right, date was slightly off and no Fire Emblem characters got in, but aside from that everything else was bang on.

3.) More Zelda news, only to reveal the name and a tentative "2019" placeholder date that actually translates into 2023 Nope, but it'll happen one of these years!

4.) A handheld dedicated Switch designed to truly replace the 3DS for the system that can slide in a pocket  Oh yeah, I should edit this into my 2019 predictions.  This'll happen, I just have to keep predicting it until it does, then I can claim to be Nostradamus!

5.) Fire Emblem Switch to be shown off early in the year, released in Japan December and March 2019 everywhere else  Yep and nope.  Announced, but not released anywhere yet.

6.) Nothing big released for the entire year in major franchises, but a lot of "it's coming soon, we promise!!!" sweet-talk for all the Switch-only owners Not entirely accurate unless you count spinoffs not being big titles.  Smash being a thing kind of mitigates most of this, but it is only one game so I wasn't exactly miles off.


1.) More Halo Yep.

2.) More Forza Yep.

3.) More Gears Nope surprisingly

4.) More non-existence of anything worth buying an Xbone for Biggest yep on the list.

5.) More "exclusives" also released on PC (see also: 4.) )  Yep.  I think?  


1.) The Last of Us delayed Nope.

2.) God of War to be lambasted for interesting father-son dynamic, proceed to be only God of War game I ever play  Nope, still haven't picked it up.  It's on my plan list someday though.

3.) Horizon Zero Dawn sequel announcement with CGI trailer  Nope.


1.) Persona 5 Suplex Ultima Transcended Platinum Jazz Edition announced for the Switch so Nintendo-only gamers can enjoy the brilliance that is Morgana the cat Argh, only a couple of days off being right!

2.) Another expansion for the terrible Final Fantasy XV that fails to address any of the games chasm sized flaws Hooboy did this end up being on the money.

3.) EA to do something to rustle the internets jimmies.  Again.  Yep, but to be fair that's like predicting the oceans to have water in them.  It's not really a prediction when it's simply stating a fact of life.

4.) Ubisoft to release another Assasin's Creed, delay Beyond Good and Evil 2 another couple of years further confirming it as vapourware  Yep and I'll take the lack of anything about BGaE to basically be the latter.

5.) The Elder Scrolls 6 to be announced for 2019, still be a glitchy buggy mess that everyone should avoid in favour of Zelda Breath of the Wild  Wrong franchise but otherwise bang on.  And at long last people are finally shitting on Bugthesda for being a hack of a developer.

6.) Final Fantasy VII Remake and Kingdom Hearts 3 to be pushed back to 20999, instead Kingdom Hearts Remix 2.980794328017`247-31 to be released in their place.  Oh, and a CGi trailer for Final Fantasy XVI that promises the moon with pretty lights and nothing of substance  Yep, sort of, and not at all.


Will I be right?  Will I be wrong?  Probably a bit of both.

A decent 50/50 hitrate.
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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptyMon 31 Dec 2018 - 22:12

You know we saw three Gears games and neither them or Halo 6 came out also Xbox is more relevant then it's ever been.
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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptyTue 1 Jan 2019 - 20:36

Are you suggesting that Athrun doesn't care much about XBox? Perish the thought!
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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptyTue 1 Jan 2019 - 21:51

Personally he might not but the prediction for 2018 and then 2019 is they're irrelevant when Spencer has made huge strides so their not.

I know really the pain off won't be till next gen as this one is over for them but showing goodwill and what is likely going to be the future with new studios, services etc makes them relevant.
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2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless))   2018 Embarrassing Gaming Prediction Failures (And Some Successes (God Bless)) EmptyFri 4 Jan 2019 - 21:19

Some dickhead with a bootleg Shrek Avatar wrote:

  • 2018 to not be as good as 2017. Mainly because that's probably impossible. Well, yes, but you should see the rest of the world
  • Pokémon Switch game turns out to be like Stadium but for your Suns and Moons. Happily wrong
  • Nintendo announce that there will be NO Virtual Console, after the NES/SNES mini success. I'm having great fun with the NES games on my Switch. So happily wrong again.
  • The prospect of doing another Breath of the Wild scares Ninty, so they announce more DLC instead. Everyone is OK at this. (Except you probably play as Spinch and his horse Spinch) BOO
  • Yoshi is an 8/10-er. Kirby a 7. Second one is bang-on! I want crafty Yoshi now Sad
  • Megaquarium to be another well-received Indie hit that doesn't get that many downloads as we're still reeling from the many great Indie titles we've got in our backlog Was this coming out on Switch? What happened?


  • (carried over from 2017) The Final Fantasy VII Remake is cancelled this year. Oh that's silly
  • (carried over from 2017) Detroit Become Human is as embarrassing as every other Cage story. F-F-F-F-F-F-Fifty-two percent! Trailers so far are both uncomfortable and ham-fisted, so bets are on for this. DING DING DING
  • (carried over from 2017) Dreams is an unplayable mess. Money still on this
  • The Last of Us 2 is not going to be as well-received as the first; Naughty Dog are accused of "going too far" Everyone seems to be into this still...
  • Shenmue III? 2021. PS5. *waits*
  • That From Software trailer? Bloodborne Kart. Oh Jimbob you are a funny man.


  • (carried over from 2017) Sea of Thieves captures the spirit of the old Rare; i.e. they haven't really thought it through. YUP
  • Microsoft upsets Rare by putting the Rare Replay games on Steam, individually. Please? BOO
  • Crackdown 3 doesn't deliver on the scenery intelligence that was promised. Aren't there rumours this is true?
  • Tunic to be a surprise hit. It's an isometric Zelda-like with a widdle fox in it! *waits* *pleeeeeease*

Other General Shiz

  • OK, apparently this wasn't true last year, but I think people will have stopped talking about VR in games this year - or perhaps, accepted it at the same level of mobile gaming, in that it's for 5 minute cheap things. I know, I know, people still like VR... even people who aren't Mas.
  • (carried over from 2017) Metal Gear Survive is actually great, leaving everyone to be completely confused as to what Konami are up to. Heh, no. I don't know what I'm talking aboutp.b[

  • EA should implode under financial pressure, but strangely, the majority of their 2nd party studios are closed down... hm
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 is good. (Whoah, fucking Mystic Meg here...) Yay
  • Bethesda do not announce ES6, but after an MMORPG and spin-off card game, the inevitable disappointing 4 player co-op arcade-fest is next. WRONG
  • Sonic Team disbands. Well - not exactly - but - Yuji Naka went
  • American conservative c***s spam Steam with negative reviews of Far Cry 5, because really there were fine cultists on both sides. No, instead they spammed Chuchel with negative reviews, after they decided to go out of their way to make a change, to avoid any cultural insensitivity.
  • Psychonauts 2 to be delayed to 2019. But I'll forgive it! *EXCITEMENT INTENSIFIES*

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