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 How Do You Use Your Switch?

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9 posters

How do you use your Switch?
100% TV mode
How Do You Use Your Switch? Vote_lcap0%How Do You Use Your Switch? Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
100% handheld mode
How Do You Use Your Switch? Vote_lcap0%How Do You Use Your Switch? Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
100% tabletop mode
How Do You Use Your Switch? Vote_lcap0%How Do You Use Your Switch? Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Mainly TV mode
How Do You Use Your Switch? Vote_lcap55%How Do You Use Your Switch? Vote_rcap
 55% [ 6 ]
Mainly handheld mode
How Do You Use Your Switch? Vote_lcap36%How Do You Use Your Switch? Vote_rcap
 36% [ 4 ]
Mainly tabletop mode
How Do You Use Your Switch? Vote_lcap0%How Do You Use Your Switch? Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Equal mix of all the modes
How Do You Use Your Switch? Vote_lcap9%How Do You Use Your Switch? Vote_rcap
 9% [ 1 ]
How Do You Use Your Switch? Vote_lcap0%How Do You Use Your Switch? Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 11


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How Do You Use Your Switch? Empty
PostSubject: How Do You Use Your Switch?   How Do You Use Your Switch? EmptySun 7 Jan 2018 - 10:13

Wholeheartedly and shamelessly stolen from our affiliate, SONM. Twisted Evil

To be fair, the original author didn't include tabletop mode in his poll. As a fan of statistics, I want to include all the options (and 'Other', to cover everything). Grin
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Galactic Nova

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How Do You Use Your Switch? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Do You Use Your Switch?   How Do You Use Your Switch? EmptySun 7 Jan 2018 - 12:44

I want to say TV mode. I love seeing Mario, Zelda, Monster Hunter on the big screen with the lights off and the sound up, holding the incredible pro controller and getting fully immersed. Unfortunately, opportunities to do so are limited and only likely to be fewer when I'm travelling. I end up doing lots of handheld, but I force myself to save the really exciting bits for the TV.

I only really use tabletop when I'm having a little Mario Kart session on the bar during a split shift at work. Which is always banging.
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Layton's Apprentice

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PostSubject: Re: How Do You Use Your Switch?   How Do You Use Your Switch? EmptySun 7 Jan 2018 - 12:50

I pretty much exclusively use mine in handheld mode. I only really get time to play it in short bursts so the lying on the sofa comfort is MAXIMUM!

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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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PostSubject: Re: How Do You Use Your Switch?   How Do You Use Your Switch? EmptySun 7 Jan 2018 - 14:56

I've gone for a mix, TV is my preferred method but I've been using handheld a lot when the missus wants to play it watch something on the TV. Don't really take it out and about unless it's a longer journey and tabletop only sees occasional use when I'm playing off TV multiplayer.
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PostSubject: Re: How Do You Use Your Switch?   How Do You Use Your Switch? EmptySun 7 Jan 2018 - 15:34

I have the disadvantage of being in a room without a telly for four evenings out of seven every week, as well as a decent commute twice a week, so handheld it is. I definitely agree with Drunka that it's much more immersive, and possibly outright better, to play the big moments on the big screen; and my current game, XC2, runs noticeably better when docked. It's a matter of logistics, not preference.

Tabletop is only for TV-free local multiplayer and fooilish fools engaging in foolish foolery.

ZeroJones wrote:
As a fan of statistics, I want to include all the options (and 'Other', to cover everything). Grin

Fun fact: 'Other' mostly refers to playing the Switch with all screens in another room, and playing via HD Rumble alone.
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How Do You Use Your Switch? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Do You Use Your Switch?   How Do You Use Your Switch? EmptySun 7 Jan 2018 - 17:17

99% mainly TV mode.

Balla wrote:
Tabletop is only for TV-free local multiplayer and fooilish fools engaging in foolish foolery.

Hey! I like table top mode in fact if I have the space & no access to a telly I'd play that way over handheld every time.
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PostSubject: Re: How Do You Use Your Switch?   How Do You Use Your Switch? EmptySun 7 Jan 2018 - 18:26

How Do You Use Your Switch? Tenor

Fair enough if it works for you - just interested in why you prefer it to handheld? Surely closer screen > further screen or sitting with funny posture?
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: How Do You Use Your Switch?   How Do You Use Your Switch? EmptySun 7 Jan 2018 - 19:59

I've gone for TV Mainly but weren't the official stats 20% TV only, 30% Handheld, 50% Mix?
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: How Do You Use Your Switch?   How Do You Use Your Switch? EmptySun 7 Jan 2018 - 20:01

I mainly use mine in TV, but the brilliance of being able to pop the machine out of the dock and lie down with the console in handheld mode has resulted in a fair few hours whiled away out of the dock. What a machine, eh?
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PostSubject: Re: How Do You Use Your Switch?   How Do You Use Your Switch? EmptySun 7 Jan 2018 - 20:26

My Switch has seen a bit of tabletop action - one afternoon at the in-laws when my nephews played a bit of everything. That's been it, though. I will admit to playing a bit of Puyo Puyo Tetris in handheld mode with the Pro Controller. It was tough. Winky Face
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How Do You Use Your Switch? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Do You Use Your Switch?   How Do You Use Your Switch? EmptyMon 8 Jan 2018 - 1:10

Balladeer wrote:
Fair enough if it works for you - just interested in why you prefer it to handheld?  Surely closer screen > further screen or sitting with funny posture?

Mentioned this before on the forum and although it varies from game to game I just don't find the handheld configuration to be all that comfortable (stupid flat joycons that should have grips on the back DAMN YOU! ) & funnily enough my posture is way better in tabletop mode too since I don't tend to stoop my head down like I do with all handhelds.
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PostSubject: Re: How Do You Use Your Switch?   How Do You Use Your Switch? EmptyMon 8 Jan 2018 - 5:36

I can see that. Never had any problem with holding the handheld, but that might be my KIU-loving hands talking...
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: How Do You Use Your Switch?   How Do You Use Your Switch? EmptyTue 9 Jan 2018 - 11:16

I generally use it in either tv or handheld. Handheld probably edges it because I can play like that in bed or in the kitchen, and I often have to unplug things to get it connected to the monitor I use. I've only ever used tabletop mode for multiplayer.

For me the only issue I've had with the joycons has been when sharing them between two people, they're just a bit too fiddly.
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PostSubject: Re: How Do You Use Your Switch?   How Do You Use Your Switch? EmptyTue 9 Jan 2018 - 11:32

Aye I'd definitely recommend getting some of those sideways grips for joycons if you play MP like that often, I actually played a lot of SK: Spectre of Torment with that set up.
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PostSubject: Re: How Do You Use Your Switch?   How Do You Use Your Switch? EmptyWed 10 Jan 2018 - 19:31

Muss wrote:
For me the only issue I've had with the joycons has been when sharing them between two people, they're just a bit too fiddly.

One Joy-Con each, I'm guessing? One between two really would be a problem! Shocked I just like that the machine comes, out of the box, with two Mario Kart controllers!
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