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PostSubject: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 1:41

So the big reveal is now over and done with, with the console being released "this holiday season"

Did we see the presentation? Did we like what we saw of the new controller?
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 2:56

Seen bits & bobs as the stream I had wouldn't run very well on wiiU, I'm not exactly clamouring for it to be honest, some ideas sounded good ( recording/sharing) but I'm not convinced its as powerful as they say it is.

A few demos of how the touchpad works with the system/games was what I was hoping to see.
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 7:27

I'm hiding away on this forum today because CVG is all PS4 stuff. Aww!
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 8:24

I personally really enjoyed it, the graphics to start with were cracking, and Killzone looked better than Crysis. I was a bit concerned about there being nother infamous but after seeing that trailer it looks like they're taking the concept in a completely different direction (all be it a bit Prototypey, but probs better because infamous is Winky Face )Glad they got most of the dry techy speak out f the way too, so at E3 we can be expecting games, games, games I hope. Also how awesome does Watch Dogs still look! Woah!
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 10:54

i posted this via tumblet, to my tweetwr but its my ps4 thoughts

So my thoughts on the PS4 from last night or this morning if you like me and was up till after 1am, anyway im going to talk about everything that I can remember the happened last night.. So we started with hardware specs, I don’t know that much about specs but even I know 8gb of Ram and gDDR5 is pretty impressive, so really pleased with that and being more PC like means we might get some games we wouldn’t off got before. Next up we had the controller which is very much liked the leaked photo maybe slightly curvier, but when this shown on the screen also a bar with two cameras was shown (wonder where they got that idea from) , they didn’t go much into so not if it only tracks the controllers move (will be getting back to this a moment) like bit on the back or will rack you as well like kinect does. Then they went on about the online component of the PS4 now seems very good but to me it’s a copy of the miiverse on Wii U and some of the things you could do on OnLive (maybe even before this) but combined and taken one step further where you can see what your friends are playing, post stuff about games, take video clips, screenshots, even let your friends take the controller over virtually if your stuck a bit or something all very interesting the most could be that the online gets to know you so will no what I want to play how I play, so if im playing mainly FPS and my mates are playing this new FPS it will tell me about and even have it ready for me to buy and online if you download now it downloads in the background whilst your playing. Whilst they were talking about this they had the guy from gaikai on which is a cloud based service so trails etc will be done via this and so will the ps1,2 and 3 support the ps4 wont play ps3 games or older natively which to me sucks or does it whilst watching last night and tweeting Cliffy B tweeted you say you ant backs woods compatible but none off you every use it, to be honest is true I’ve got a 60GB PS3 so can play ps2 games ive never have though . But im still disappoint due to the fact sony has great games still coming to the PS3 this year that I would more then happy to play them on a PS4 but means ill having to keep my PS3 then which to me bad as that’s a few £ towards a PS4 gone. After all this we started to see the games 1st be krank which looked like a pixar film that good, whilst thus was shown sony showed another one of there original idea remote play with a vita, you can play any ps4 title on your vita (wonder they got this one from), they never said if it will work whilst near the console or fully portable. Next was a new kill zone looked great and is even in colour now, not really system with either off these titles kill zone has only ever been an okay shooter , next evolution (guys behind motorstorm) came out with there new racer club drive or drive club I cant remember I was staring to full a sleep about now it’s a good looking racer with some great social ideas but not really again something making want to go out and buy a PS4 day one, then we got sucker punch with a new infamous title looked good from the trailer but didn’t enjoy the first two but will hold judgment in till I play this one. After this lot of games shown from what I would call 1st party studios we got some tech demos and Indy stuff stating with a weird puzzler from the guys behind braid, looked okay but nice to see PSN stuff talked about. Then David I don’t like games I really want make films Cage came out and talked about polygons and emotions and showed a old man s face on the screen yes was really impressive but I would like to see that in actual game mr cage. Last out of this was media molecule showing off wait for it the move yes the move working with the PS4, is anyone bothered about the move. To close us out was the 3rd party’s we got a lovely showing all the companies supporting the PS4 , and a couple came on stage starting with capcom showing there new engine codename panta rai and a new IP called deep down at the moment which looked good it’s a medieval swords & sorcery setting by the looks of it. Then square-enix came out showing us the tech demo we saw at E3 that’s just been but now the demos running on PS4 WOW, but they did tell us one thing of interest final fantasy is coming and will be shown at E3. Now the next guy on was a bit of a shock he was from blizzard yes blizzard are coming back to console unfortuneally it wasn’t WOW but Diablo 3 which will be coming to both PS3 and PS4 ill get back to this is a moment, ubisoft like normal has the best showing with watch dogs now that’s a must buy and last was activision and bungie with destiny which is also coming to both PS3 & PS4 but PS4 version will have exclusive content not sure what this and will it make me want o go buy a ps4 to play destiny instead of playing it on my ps3. I think in my opion next gen could be a bit like now this week crysis 3 is coming out on PC but is also on 360/PS3 but we all no the PC will be the better I think we will be getting that ue to fact of costs of making a game and there being 77m PS3 and 75m 360, and currently 3m Wii U’s 3rd party’s will be silly to forget about them and I can see watch dogs for one coming at on PC, PS4 and 720 (would you guess ) being the full fat versions with the PS3, 360, and Wii U still getting it but more of light version. So my final thoughts good showing, shame we didn’t see the actual console, still questions to be answered at E3 like price, release, launch games HDD size and what the skus and how many will there be will there be one with it, a dual shock 4, move and a vita in for instance. You might be asking me if im going to get one that’s a intresting question nothing last there last night really Wowed me as some of them titles that I could play on my PS3, its what’s the differences between the two going to be, the price and future potential that will make me buy one now with blizzard on board will we see there new MMO titan on PS4 for instances, but as im a sucker for new hardware, I all ready have one preordered.

sorry its so long
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 11:01

I think I could build an actual house with that post Laughing

I quite liked what they showed, I'll probably get it at launch, the PS4 and WiiU should cover all my gaming needs.
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Raging Pedant

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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 12:43

I may read that post at some stage when no so tired..

As for me I usually get 2 consoles being Nintendo and Sony so I will most likely get it at some stage but doubtful at launch
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 12:55

masofdas wrote:
i posted this via tumblet, to my tweetwr

That's upwards of 35 tweets worth of content, folks!
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 13:13

Yeah... Masofdas, I don't want to sound harsh, but that is almost illegible. There's a comment I read somewhere about the best posts being like skirts (long enough to cover everything, short enough to keep things interesting), but since I write long posts myself I can't say that: what I can say is that a long post needs to be paragraphed, or otherwise broken up. Otherwise, reading it becomes a chore: and for something whose sole purpose is to be read by other people, that's not a good thing.

Again, sorry if this is coming across as mean. I just want to help make sure that the good things you have to say are read, rather than TL;DR-ed. Aww!
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 16:26

By "out holiday 2013" which holiday is it actually referring to?

But that aside, it does seem awfully nice, There is no chance of me getting it but I'm sure it will do well for itself, I have a knack for sensing these sort of things. Dance
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 17:56

NintenDUCK wrote:
By "out holiday 2013" which holiday is it actually referring to?

Thanksgiving/Xmas. So, November time for a release most likey. In NA, anyway, knowing us in Europe it'll be like 2014 at best.

Anyway, the PS4 itself. Too much social crud, the touch pad and light bar stuff on the DS4 seems pointless, cloud streaming is prolly going to rape most internet connections, no proper backwards compat, no carrying over of PSN purchases, the seeming lack of privacy (somehow doubt Sony will have enough logic to realise some people don't want to use their real name, have their gameplay watched, etc), the list of things i'm far from impressed with about PS4 is already quite long. No doubt i've forgotten things too.

But, at least, it won't block used games. And, i have to admit, even though i dislike the series Killzone looked nice. Graphically, anyway. The games themselves don't look interesting. The only stuff i saw that was were Watch Dogs and Destiny....neither of which is an exclusive. Already, the PS4 is falling down the "nice kit, no games" route for me that Sony seem to love to go. Did note the long list of developers though, even included some niche/unexpected, i'm hopeful that might change. Prolly not knowing Sony, though.

Also one last note: it was super weird seeing Bungie on stage at a Sony event. Super weird.
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 18:06

I've not had a piece of Playstation hardware, handheld or home console since PS2, so I was actually seriously considering getting a PS4, but the main draw for me was that it would be backwards compatible. It seems like this isn't the case then.

With Xbox's new effort touted to have an always-online-to-work function and that stupid, stupid one-game-one-console thing to try and drive out the second-hand games market, I don't know if I'll be picking up a next-gen console. Maybe it's time for me to get a Wii U after all, which is also totally next-gen.

Last edited by JayMoyles on Thu 21 Feb 2013 - 19:55; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Jaster.)
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 19:28

Quote :
I don't know if I'll be picking up a next-gen console. Maybe it's time for me to get a Wii U after all.

Indeed it is (also wii U is next gen Winky Face )
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 19:33

It's out now, therefore it's this gen., surely?
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 19:45

Of course! I was just making a joke about him saying "he isnt getting a next-gen console"

(folk often say/said wii U isnt next gen)
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 19:55

Edited, just for you Jas. Nah nah!
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 22:28

as you can tell English wasn't one of my strongest subjects in school, and I normally don't right anything that long hence why I like twitter I can say what I want in 140 characters or less. It wasn't 35 tweets it was one tweet whichwas a link to my tumbler. I did think about splitting it in to sections like social, games but thought it would make it even longer.
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyThu 21 Feb 2013 - 23:18

JayMoyles wrote:
Edited, just for you Jas. Nah nah!


@masofdas I'd still say grammar is important even on twitter.
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyFri 22 Feb 2013 - 0:15

Truth be told I think most of those Xbox rumors are a pile of balls, PS4 had the same rumours flying around so it's unlikely.
Wii U is kind of tough to judge, whilst it will spend most of its life alongside PS4, and Nextbox it won't have the same power. It's barely, if at all more powerful than the PS360 so it's kind of not.
Personally I tend to consider Nintendo consoles as their own thing. I get Nintendo Consoles for its exclusives, I have no reason to get multiplats on the nintendo consoles. I love the trophy system on PS3 and if I can get that as well as the basic game that's something it has over it. It'd take some pretty decent Wii U exclusive stuff to convince me otherwise. So with the trophy system going forward, the more powerful console, as well as the playstation exclusives I've grown to love, I see this being my main console, like the PS3 this gen.
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptySat 23 Feb 2013 - 20:55

The no backwards compatibility is rubbish, what's the point; seriously?
Plus your games from PSN apparently can't be transferred to your PS4, so effectively no point buying anything on PSN any more.
I'm still content with the PS3, I wont be rushing to buy.
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Fancy Fancy
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptySun 24 Feb 2013 - 10:09

Considering that I've just bought a new PS3, I can't see me rushing out to buy a PS4 on day of release. I didn't see anything in that conference that really interested me, so it's definitely wait & see.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptySun 24 Feb 2013 - 12:39

mine is now preordered, with every game shown and an extra pad
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptySun 24 Feb 2013 - 22:24

SuperPaperLink wrote:
The no backwards compatibility is rubbish, what's the point; seriously?
Plus your games from PSN apparently can't be transferred to your PS4, so effectively no point buying anything on PSN any more.
I'm still content with the PS3, I wont be rushing to buy.
Very much my view, bought Wii U straight away as it was something different (don't use it for backwards compatibility) but the PS4 doesn't seem to offer anything that'll make me buy immediately.
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 22:16

So far the only thing I've seen is the new controller, which is the ugliest thing ever. From the videos shown, does it look like Wii U will be left in the dust once the devs get their claws into the unit's raw power? I'd like to say I'm not bothered about all this, but I'm worried that Wii U will suffer once the other next-gen systems hit the shops.

Not that it makes any difference to me personally.
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PostSubject: Re: Playstation 4   Playstation 4 EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 22:22

Stu_the_great wrote:
So far the only thing I've seen is the new controller, which is the ugliest thing ever. From the videos shown, does it look like Wii U will be left in the dust once the devs get their claws into the unit's raw power? I'd like to say I'm not bothered about all this, but I'm worried that Wii U will suffer once the other next-gen systems hit the shops.

Not that it makes any difference to me personally.

For me that depends if you want to believe in what they showed as in game footage, Killzone being the most believable but even that could've been touched up in post production, Sony are known for over exaggerating the true power of their systems.
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