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 Abort or A Port

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The Next Miyamoto

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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptySun 30 Sep 2018 - 11:46

I do like a forum game and this one came to me from something Balla (and Game Scoop) said regarding Castlevania Requiem which is coming to PS4 but not Switch, however, Switch does have Bayonetta.

I'm not sure how those two games are related but I do have a forum game for you I will post two games which are related in some fashion and the next poster has to bin one of them and the other gets a Switch port and they post two games and the next posters does the same and so on till we get to 10 or 25 games or whatever.

The two games I'd like to see on Switch
Abort or A Port Overwatch-is-the-new-esports-shooter-game-from-blizzardAbort or A Port Facebook-share-default-04812acb25dba13239f3dbe52750ff0f4ae58cc52b5924e7cf6ffea5e1b8993d4f07bb5918b25cb9f8bb8f626f694e20e579f8eb50a43de1c1fd2fc1d6c81a60

Which one get's a port and which is going in the bin?

Games Getting a Port
Overwatch, Now ported
Resident Evil 4, Now ported
Cuphead, Now ported
Catherine, Been rated in Korea
Super Mario Sunshine
House of the Dead Overkill
Street Fighter V
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Red Dead Redemption
The Witcher III, Now ported
Fire Pro Wrestling
Crash Team Racing, Now ported
F-Zero GX
Persona 5
Hogs of War
Theme Hospital, You've got Two Point
Apex Legends
Ori and the Blind Forest, Now ported
Ready to Rumble Boxing
Soul Calibur II
NBA Street 2
Halo: Combat Evolved
Picross 3D
GTA Chinatown Wars
Wheel of Fortune
Borderlands 2
Day of the Tentacle
Gex: Enter the Gecko
SEGA Rally
Def Jam
Pokemon Snap
Guitar Hero II
TMNT: Turtles in Time
Wario World
Pokemon B&W2

Binned and never coming to Switch
Burnout Paradise
Power Stone
Life is Strange Season One
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Tekken 7
Skies of Arcadia
God of War (2018)
PES 2018
Forza Horizon 4
F-Zero X
Nier: Automata
Worms Armageddon
Theme Park
Titanfall 2
Sunset Overdrive
Toy Commander
Tekken 3
Mr Driller
FIFA Street 2
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
Picross DS
Aliens Infestation
Deal or No Deal
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
Weakest Link
Curse of Monkey Island
Beyond Good and Evil
James Pond
Daytona USA
WWE All-Stars
Pokemon Stadium
Dance Dance Revolution
Maximum Carnage
Superman 64
Wario Land Shake Dimension
Pokemon Platinum

Last edited by masofdas on Sat 14 Mar 2020 - 17:32; edited 15 times in total (Reason for editing : Update)
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Galactic Nova

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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptySun 30 Sep 2018 - 14:40

I'd keep Overwatch for sure. It did sound fun when you guys were playing it, but as you know I don't want to play anything on a console I can't take on a Shinkansen.

So, wait, do I add two new options now?
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The Next Miyamoto

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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptySun 30 Sep 2018 - 14:48

Yes, so you post two games and one gets binned like Hearthstone just did.

Last edited by masofdas on Sun 30 Sep 2018 - 15:04; edited 1 time in total
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Galactic Nova

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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptySun 30 Sep 2018 - 15:01

Ah, okay. In that case, get these round ya:

Abort or A Port 220px-Burnout_Paradise_Boxart_2
Abort or A Port Image?url=8Oaj9Ryq1G1_p3lLnXlsaZgGzAie6Mnu24_PawYuDYIoH77pJ.X5Z.MqQPibUVTcI_SHUnYfpXKFYMJD810IWw42qIAh4BWKmggm0sxHteUMxm5p8H1g.e6ES7H5ogT7HMhJWahH6Fd8a0Lc9B8MzXubQW.iJzKpn_j01n4EHC_fdX8K14Ylkj70QD8uMq4juh56KApf_3ag1G1OJfT.1xbF.bHth
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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptySun 30 Sep 2018 - 17:45

I'm keeping RE4 since it's a classic and there's better burnout games than paradise.

My two choices are:



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The Next Miyamoto

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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptySun 30 Sep 2018 - 17:56

I'm keeping Cuphead as I'm yet to play it and might be great on the go plus Power Stone 2 is better.

Abort or A Port Life-is-strange Abort or A Port Catherine-FB-Ann_12-19-17
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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyMon 1 Oct 2018 - 12:36

Whoa whoa whoa!  While this might have the makings of a fun forum game, and possibly the best thread title we've had in a while, I want to discuss all of y'all's choices!  They're good discussion topics as well.


Abort or A Port MV5BYmViYzlkMTItZWE5Zi00OTQyLWI1MjAtYzJkMDNiOWRmMjU5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzM4MjM0Nzg@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,1332,1000_AL_
Abort or A Port 89643-paper-mario-the-thousand-year-door-gamecube-screenshot-a-battle
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The Next Miyamoto

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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyMon 1 Oct 2018 - 19:29

Not going to pick one, going to leave that for the next person but I find it funny you picked Catherine which has at least 6 endings and I'd gather Full Body will have three more due to the 3rd C/Katherine Rin.

On the other games, I would have gone for RE4 as Switch could take all the HD stuff and add Wii motion controllers with Joy-Cons but not sure what Burnout is better then Paradise, if there is one, well I've not played it.

Power Stone, I guess people would call it a SMASH-like now even it's more of its own thing and the first didn't have four players.
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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyMon 1 Oct 2018 - 20:08

Balla wrote:
Drunka's two: I've been curious about BP, so that.  Jas, I thought Paradise was considered the epitome of the series?  Am I badly wrong?

Jas' two: What the bloody 'ell's Powerstone?  So the other one I guess.

I know a lot of folk like Paradise but I don't think anything beats Burnout 2 point of impact as the focus was on pure arcade fun, for me the later games lost a bit of that.


This is Powerstone.

Definitely has some similarities to Smash bros (since you use weapons/stage items or hazards to your advantage) like mas said but it's way more arcade-y and I just think it's a great fit for Switch.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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The Cappuccino Kid

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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyMon 1 Oct 2018 - 22:22

Your Games:

Abort or A Port?

Abort or A Port Affded0af5eeaff41caa886ba90612df


Abort or A Port Mad-World-Wallpaper
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Galactic Nova

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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyTue 2 Oct 2018 - 20:29

Good thread idea!

Your games so far...


As for Cappa's duo, I've not played either. From what I've seen of Madworld, it looked fine, but I suspect it garnered a lot of its attention from being a visually striking gory action game on Wii as opposed to being a world-class action title. I think I'll go for HotD simply because it comes across as being the more interesting title to me. Although, I'm not sure how they'd sort the shooting out on Switch with no dedicated pointer.

Here are my two:

Abort or A Port Maxresdefault
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The Next Miyamoto

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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyFri 5 Oct 2018 - 17:46

I'd would have gone for Paper Mario TTYD as it's the best one and the Switch doesn't have any, sure Sunshine might be my fav 3D Mario the Switch does have Odyessy.

Then the next two hard choice, both SEGA, both Mature Wii games, but only Madworld is from Platinum.

Anyway on to Jay's games and I have played both and thought they were both disappointing but I think SFV has improved leaps and bounds since launch along with the art-style suits the Switch better.

Abort or A Port Skies-arcadia-wpAbort or A Port Azel_panzer_dragoon_rpg_-_japan_-_saturn_begagnad-38998845-19652003-org
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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyFri 5 Oct 2018 - 20:58

masofdas wrote:
Not going to pick one, going to leave that for the next person but I find it funny you picked Catherine which has at least 6 endings and I'd gather Full Body will have three more due to the 3rd C/Katherine Rin.

Yes I remembered that after posting. Aww! Still, though. Catherine and its crazy sheep puzzling for me.

The_Jaster wrote:
I know a lot of folk like Paradise but I don't think anything beats Burnout 2 point of impact as the focus was on pure arcade fun, for me the later games lost a bit of that.

I think I might still prefer it without the 'pure arcade fun'. I'll be honest: arcade racers irritate me a bit. Why do you have to make it through all the checkpoints in time while the other cars don't? What have you done wrong to be cursed this way!? DAMN YOU!

Cappa: Madworld looks cool. Neither are really my sort of thing, but I can see myself picking up Madworld because of the striking visuals, if it was on offer at a bargain price and I was bored.

Jay: I'm going to guess that Tekken 7 wasn't ripped to shreds and shoved out piecemeal. Because they're not really my genres, I can choose based on ideology and go with that.

Mas: This is my genre! Both would be great, I think, but only one lets you fly around on dragons. So, that one.

Abort or A Port 220px-Red_Dead_RedemptionAbort or A Port 220px-Grand_Theft_Auto_V
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Galactic Nova

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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyMon 8 Oct 2018 - 19:57

I prefer RDR, so I'll go for that. I think it spins a better story than GTA V.

Abort or A Port Maxresdefault
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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyMon 8 Oct 2018 - 20:32

Witcher 3, always wanted to play it and Switch could use another sprawling rpg/adventure game.  

I give you Sports vs Sports entertainment.

Abort or A Port 167969

Abort or A Port 2Q==
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The Next Miyamoto

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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyTue 9 Oct 2018 - 11:28

@Balla sure it's not for the fan-service or waifu

On the games since, I would have gone RDR as I don't really like GTA or to be honest much of Rockstars work, I find them along with the likes of Bethesda to beheld highly but find almost nothing that interesting they do apart from that odd thing which in Rockstar case is Red Dead, which I think is down to the story.

Even though I think God of War (2018) is maybe of the best games of this generation, I would have gone Witcher 3 as well as from what I know that is also one of the best games of this gen and I see thronebreaker coming and playing as Geralt in SCVI makes me want to play in that world, but I'm daunted by the scope of game and finding the time to do so.

On Jas games, now I liked the look of PES this year (Smurf wasn't that kind about it on twitter) and I don't much of Fire Pro but #FucKonami so Fire Pro is my choice

Abort or A Port Forza-Horizon-4-Racing-legend-performs-CRAZY-stunt-to-celebrate-FH4-release-date-704455Abort or A Port Crash-team-racing-ps4.original
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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyTue 9 Oct 2018 - 13:05

mas wrote:
On Jas games, now I liked the look of PES this year (Smurf wasn't that kind about it on twitter) and I don't much of Fire Pro but #FucKonami so Fire Pro is my choice

The thing is PES always finds a way to improve the gameplay side of things each year but sadly the Master league and My club modes have barely changed in years and that's where most people will spend their time with the game and that's what I think smurf was getting at on twitter. Both games actually suffer from similar problems which is one reason why I chose them, their gameplay is top notch and have edit modes/communities that are phenomenally good and you'll have a lot of fun building your team or roster (for Fire pro) then playing friends locally with your fantasy match ups.

Other features like the career or online stop them from being true out and out classics.
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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyTue 9 Oct 2018 - 20:45


masofdas wrote:
@Balla sure it's not for the fan-service or waifu

I would make the most apologetic story choices possible.

Anyhoo!  Another one where I don't care much, really.  Probably Crash, I don't get the appeal for big fast cars at all.  Not unless they can hover.  Speaking of which!

Abort or A Port F-zero-expansion-kit-05_1024x1024  Abort or A Port Maxresdefault

(You can assume X gets a lick of paint.)
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The Next Miyamoto

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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyTue 9 Oct 2018 - 22:06

I've not heard that about CD and I know I'm not one to talk with my boycotting of Konami but it does seem to be something that happens a lot in gaming, like even Nintendo and the factory conditions.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyThu 9 May 2019 - 9:54

F-Zero GX is the answer there

Looking back at this a few of the games we wanted have now come to Switch and at the moment I'm playing Nier Automata, which I don't know just sort of feels it be sort at home on Switch. I'm not sure how it would run as base PS4 and Xboxes aren't too great.

However, I put the question to you Abort or A Port of these two?
Abort or A Port 158334-nier-automata-pcAbort or A Port 220px-Persona_5_cover_art
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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyThu 9 May 2019 - 19:14

It's definitely somebody else's go (people probably know my views on this one), but I'd be happy to see this game resurrected! I thought it was fun.
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Galactic Nova

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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyFri 10 May 2019 - 1:05

I own both on PS4 so I've no real horse in the race, but P5 would definitely work better on Switch and probably sell like gangbusters to boot.
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Shiny Shuckle

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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyMon 13 May 2019 - 23:03

I'm guessing that's a vote for Persona 5 then?

Bollocks to all this new trash anyway, let's see them port over one of these two gems.

Abort or A Port D803277fada70ee67b4c87e2e97bcad292430c70


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The Next Miyamoto

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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyTue 14 May 2019 - 9:31

I guess so but Jay didn't put forward another game.

Hopefully, someone picks one of those two Muss and puts forward something.
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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
The Cappuccino Kid

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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port EmptyTue 14 May 2019 - 9:38

That's the toughest one to choose yet, but Hogs of War is a truly special game. Port Hogs of War, have Worms Armageddon as a pre-order bonus or something. 👍

I'll put something forward later today 👌

EDIT: Abort or Port?

Abort or A Port 51AM8C3051L._SX342_


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Abort or A Port Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abort or A Port   Abort or A Port Empty

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