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 Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)

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The Cappuccino Kid
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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyTue 18 Jun 2019 - 20:06

Ever since it emerged that Pokémon Sword/Shield wouldn't contain every Pokémon at launch, some people have been disappointed and a tedious few have been vocally upset, especially (natch) on Twitter.  But let's say, for the developers' and everybody else's sanity, that some Pokémon have to be scrapped.  Forever.  Which ones would they be?

The idea of this forum game/discussion thread is that we take Pokémon, generation by generation; and discuss which ones we'd bin, completely and utterly, for all further games and telly shows going forward.  There won't be any point-scoring, but I'll keep a log of the ones that consensus seems to decide we get rid of.

You don't have to care about Pokémon to participate: you can make decisions on a whim based on which Pokémon look bobbins to you with no prior knowledge.  The only thing I'd ask is that you're willing to consider binning Pokémon for the purpose of the thread.  If you love all Pokémon so much you can't even countenance pretending to want to scrap some, we have another thread for that.

Here's a list of all Pokémon, prior to their brutal culling.

The Damned:

Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Pokemon_fit_plushies_of_all_original_151_pokemon

Let's start!  Who would you get rid of forever out of the original 151 Pokémon?

I'll get the ball rolling by saying that I don't think there's any reason for Spearow and Fearow to exist any more.  Ash didn't own them, and there are more interesting normal/flying types out there.  They're taking up disc space.  Time to get rid.

Dull brown birds:

Last edited by Balladeer on Thu 17 Oct 2019 - 20:56; edited 9 times in total
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The Cappuccino Kid
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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyTue 18 Jun 2019 - 20:42

That's mad - I was thinking of starting a similar thread, although it was going to be called 'Who's The Fucking Shitest Pokemon Of Them All?'.

Bollocks to Jynx. You only got it in a trade with a shite nickname in RBY, and it's a big, massive racist too.

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Galactic Nova

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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyTue 18 Jun 2019 - 23:54

All Pokémon are precious. #BringBackTheNationalDexButOnlyAtTheHealthAndWellbeingOfTheDevTeam

In the spirit of the thread and our good forum though, I shall get involved.

Jynx is the correct answer. Even with the recolouring in later years, the racist roots of that Pokémon are unavoidable - and shouldn't be avoided, on that note. Even without that, it's just a shit design too.

I'm not a fan of Grimer and Muk. I feel that Koffing and Weezing did "pollution Pokémon" in a better way and had a much more interesting design to boot. I'm also not big on Tauros either. It's a bit dull. Just a bull, really.
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Galactic Nova

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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyWed 19 Jun 2019 - 1:00

Disgusting. Unacceptable. No.
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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyWed 19 Jun 2019 - 10:35

Ivysaur, Charmeleon, Wartortle

Starter middle evolutions are pointless and always the worst designs

Pidgeotto, Poliwhirl

On that note these can go too

Spearow, Fearow

Pidgey already got us covered, who actually chooses to use these?


Evolving Pikachu is a crime, and Raichu is just plain worse

Nidoran(f), Nidorina, Nidoqueen

Combine these with the male line, just have them look different between male/female like is possible now


Much like Pikachu, Psyduck should never change

Seel, Dewgong

These aren't pokemon they are animals

Grimer, Muk

Straight up rubbish (lol)


Why does Voltorb evolve into a recoloured design? Scrap it

Exeggutor (original forme)

Alolan or bust


It's racist

That's 19 dead pokemon, you're welcome
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The Cappuccino Kid
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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyWed 19 Jun 2019 - 17:00

Overthought this after a very slow and boring day at work:

Raichu might be fair game. You’d only evolve Pikachu for better stats, and even then, those stats aren’t great from what I remember. I like the psychic version of Raichu that uses its tail as a surfboard though, good design.

Muk is a beast in Pokemon Let’s Go though, learning loads of different moves. Muk was on my team, and he might have helped me through tough spots if the game weren’t so piss-easy. Grimer is totally rubbish. I think I stuck my Grimer in the daycare center, just so I didn’t have to battle with it.

I’m telling Onix to GTF. When you first fought it in Brock’s Gym, you thought that it was an absolute tank, and definitely something you wanted on your team. When you caught it though, you seen how terrible it’s stats were. Everybody can leather Onix, an absolute jobber Pokemon. At least Rattata learns Hyper Fang and Pidgey gets Fly – what does Onix have? Strength? Wanker move. What a disappointment.

I think Zubat is rubbish as well, only existing to pad out RBY’s many, many caves. It’s very unlikeable too. Team Rocket Grunts never use good cunt Pokemon like Snorlax and Charizard, instead just using the Pokemon that you’re all right to hate. I think Ekans, Arbok, Koffing and Weezing get away with it because of the anime, but Zubat doesn’t. And: Supersonic. What a pain in the arse.

Venonat and Paras, who in Greek buggery had them or their evolutions on their team? And: Spore moves. What a pain in the arse.

Do we need Ponyta? Fire Horse is a magic idea, but there’s a better one, Rapidash. Just have that.

Getting rid of Slowpoke and Slowbro might be unpopular suggestions here, and I like their funny designs too. But you’re never having them on your team at the expense of Squirtle, Lapras, Staryu or any number of water Pokemon from the first gen. Although, in fairness, I really like the way you have to evolve Slowpoke in Pokemon Snap on the N64, clever stuff.

I might have said Omanyte and Omastar could be binned too, but they get off because of the Lord Helix stuff. You might disagree though.

Lastly, Diglett. I liked Diglett when I thought that it’s nose was it’s mouth, but know that I know it’s nose is it’s nose, I hate his stupid face.
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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyWed 19 Jun 2019 - 20:01

Woo, take-up!  Alright, let's break it down.


A couple of other ideas: does anybody actually like Magmar, or its other forms?  I think they're hideous.  I know Game Freak were trying to go for a duck-garuda hybrid, but to think that Red owners got the cool-looking Electabuzz and Blue owners got a flaming butt makes me seethe.  What else...

Drunkalilly wrote:
Disgusting. Unacceptable. No.

...thanks for reminding me!  Krabby and Kingler.  

OrangeRakoon wrote:
These aren't pokemon they are animals
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The Cappuccino Kid
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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyWed 19 Jun 2019 - 20:09

Magmar was my favourite Pokemon in RBY! I trained one up to level 100, without Rare Candies too. Him, Venasaur and Cloyster. I'll hear no bad words about any of them!

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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyThu 20 Jun 2019 - 10:07

The Cappuccino Kid wrote:
Venonat and Paras, who in Greek buggery had them or their evolutions on their team? And: Spore moves. What a pain in the arse.

Getting rid of Slowpoke and Slowbro might be unpopular suggestions here, and I like their funny designs too. But you’re never having them on your team at the expense of Squirtle, Lapras, Staryu or any number of water Pokemon from the first gen.

My Elite Four beating team in Let's Go Pikachu had both a parasect and a slowbro on it - two of my favourite pokemon! Parasect is literally a mushroom that has taken over the mind of a bug, that's rad. It also has the cutest wiggle, combined with Spore and leech life and whatever to make it Genuinely Good.

Slowpoke/Slowbro are just plain iconic, although my real love admittedly is for Slowking - but evolving it up is part of the appeal!
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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyThu 20 Jun 2019 - 11:55

Raichu is the best (I'm not a Pikachu fan)

Farfetch'd, Tangela, Jynx, can all go
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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyFri 21 Jun 2019 - 13:17

The only correct answer is: Your favourites. All of them. Everyones. No mercy or compassion. Every favourite must be dusted now that they're Thanosing the Pokedex. It is the only way to achieve perfect balance.

Honestly I'd keep the full original 151. Even the s***e ones like Weedle are iconic. If I had to throw some in the bin I'd go with Farfetch'd, Jynx. Those two serve no purpose, to the point that Jynx was completely ignored when it came time to give her two peers evolutions in gen 4.
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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyFri 21 Jun 2019 - 16:28

To be fair there’s a reason I enjoyed Black and White more than any other Pokemon game since R&S. Bin em all

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Galactic Nova

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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyFri 21 Jun 2019 - 23:51

masofdas wrote:

Yeah, I could get behind this. Not a fan of Tangela - its evolution is pretty pants, too.
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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptySat 22 Jun 2019 - 10:04

+1 for Tangela.  Originally it had the niche of being a pure grass type: now lots of Pokémon are and it just looks bobbins.

I'm going to defend Farfetch'd.  It's just so... daft and pointless.  I'd love it to get an evolution, but right now it's just a weird throwback, and I like the occasional weird throwback. It's better than chuffing Dunsparce.

Athrun and Andy's viewpoints basically cancel out. Razz What about Mr. Mime?  It's pretty horrendous and creepy, Detective Pikachu role aside.

Will probably move onto Gen. 2 tomorrow, unless anyone has any objections?
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Galactic Nova

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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptySat 22 Jun 2019 - 15:02

Balladeer wrote:

Will probably move onto Gen. 2 tomorrow, unless anyone has any objections?

Oh, son.
I've got some objections.

Spearow and Fearow:


JayMoyles wrote:
All Pokémon are precious. #BringBackTheNationalDexButOnlyAtTheHealthAndWellbeingOfTheDevTeam
Good man! Nice to see someone else speak out.
JayMoyles wrote:
In the spirit of the thread and our good forum though, I shall get involved.
You rat fucking coward.

Grimer and Muk:

Middle evolutions:


Kanto Formes:



Seel and Dewgong:




Venonat and Paras:

Slowpoke et al:






Mr Mime:

Balladeer wrote:
The only thing I'd ask is that you're willing to consider binning Pokémon for the purpose of the thread.  
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Galactic Nova

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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptySat 22 Jun 2019 - 15:03

I hope y'all appreciated that. I had plans tonight and its now 11pm and I've done nothing. Felt good though. Grin
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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptySun 23 Jun 2019 - 12:59

And that's the important thing!  Anyway, looking at those who haven't wanted to bin 'em all or bin none of 'em and have entered into the spirit of the thread, I think we have the list below of people getting booted out the 'Dex from Gen. 1:


with the others all being disputed or only one person getting behind them.  (For Raichu I'm including Shanks' out-of-thread defence as well as Mas' in-thread one.)

Gen. 2!  Which of the Pokémon introduced in Gold and Silver can get the feck in the bin?  

Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) 4fd03450d7ffc793e69ae7838d9c9bc4

Here are some suggestions to start off:
  • Sunkern and Sunflora's biggest claim to fame is because their stats. are bobbins.  That says a lot about them.  Get rid.
  • Steelix is out be default because Onix is out, unless people strongly disagree.
  • Miltank is just weird.  It's just a cow, but it's best known for making 'mon fall in love with it and rolling all over them.  Also it's the counterpart for Tauros, and we binned Tauros.

What about youse blokes?

Last edited by Balladeer on Mon 24 Jun 2019 - 19:47; edited 1 time in total
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Galactic Nova

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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptySun 23 Jun 2019 - 15:43

Drunkalilly wrote:

JayMoyles wrote:
All Pokémon are precious. #BringBackTheNationalDexButOnlyAtTheHealthAndWellbeingOfTheDevTeam
Good man! Nice to see someone else speak out.
JayMoyles wrote:
In the spirit of the thread and our good forum though, I shall get involved.
You rat fucking coward.


In regards to Gen. II... I'm fond of nearly all of these guys! The only one I would potentially bin is Smoochum due to the Jynx connection, of course, but due to the fact that it's also pretty damn creepy. I was almost tempted to say Ursaring purely as a troll move and to incur The Wrath of Luke, but that's a cool bear so I couldn't think of a decent reason, even as a joke. Laughing

I'll defend some of the 'Mon you've mentioned Balla:

Sunkern/Sunflora - We all need our jobbers in life. These Pokémon are your Barry Horowitzes, your Heath Slaters, your fall guys. Plus, seed into flower is a neat concept.

Miltank - That Whitney battle is iconic. Getting hammered by Rollout was a moment of learning for us all.
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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyMon 24 Jun 2019 - 0:12

Balladeer wrote:
Anyway, looking at those who haven't wanted to bin 'em all or bin none of 'em,
. . .
with the others all being disputed or only one person getting behind them.

Ahem. I agreed that Jynx should probably go. I'm therefore not someone who thinks they should all stay. Ergo, the other Pokemon you list as "undisputed" were in fact disputed by me.
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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyMon 24 Jun 2019 - 11:21

Ah gen 2, my favourite gen.  But at the same time there is loads of crap that could be jettisoned without a second thought.  My Snap is dusting the following!

-Sentret/Furret: Tedious, useless, ripoffs of Rattata.  They have awful stats, look meh, and add nothing to the games not called Gold and Silver.  

-Hoothoot/Noctowl: See Sentret.

-Sunkern/Sunflora: See Sentret.  Also see their designs.  Nobody likes these useless Pokemon, not even as memes.  They're anti-memes, the memes you use when you want to meme making an ironic meme of another ironic meme.  

-Dunsparce: this thing should go purely because of how utterly useless it is.  Remember first finding one early on, catching it, then using it thinking it'd become something amazing down the road only to have it waste your time and valuable exp?  Yeah, either give it an evolution or give it the boot!

-Corsola: I'm tempted to let this one be as it's my go-to response whenever someone says "name me a Pokemon I can't remember", but honestly it's just pathetic.  Looks ugly, plays ugly, it's just bad.  

-Smoochum: Everyone basically agreed to give Jynx the flick, so why keep its baby around?

-Lugia: "OOGH, LUGIA'S SO COOL!"  The words of casuals everywhere after that damned movie in 2000.  Where's the Ho-Oh love?  The superior bird, nay, the only bird that should exist!  You have no need for the overrated surfbird with a literal phoenix around.  Bin it.  

Beyond all of those I feel gen 2 is solid.  The rubbish is super bad, but the rest is either great or gives Johto some character.
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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyMon 24 Jun 2019 - 11:51

Athrun888 wrote:
-Sentret/Furret: Tedious, useless, ripoffs of Rattata.  They have awful stats, look meh, and add nothing to the games not called Gold and Silver.  

Get the hell out of here

Have you /seen/ how big Furret is??
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Galactic Nova

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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyMon 24 Jun 2019 - 20:18

Another round of defences from me.

Athrun888 wrote:

-Sentret/Furret: Tedious, useless, ripoffs of Rattata.

Nope nope nope. Cuddly and lovely lads, those two. Comparing them to disgusting rat boys is a true disservice.

Athrun888 wrote:

Whilst there are cuter owls in the series now, I love Hoothoot still. He's basically an owl balloon. I also thought for years that he only had one leg and I felt sorry for him because of that. Noctowl is a wise Kaepora Gaebora type without the screeds of text.

Athrun888 wrote:

Loveable goof. He looks silly but he owns it. He stays.

Athrun888 wrote:

Lugia felt genuinely mythical to me, more so than any other legendary at the time. He was squirelled away in some islands and looked rad to boot. The movie helped, but that's just the anime doing its job then. No legendary so far deserves the boot, and that's no different with Lugia.
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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyMon 24 Jun 2019 - 20:34

Drunkalilly wrote:
Ahem. I agreed that Jynx should probably go. I'm therefore not someone who thinks they should all stay. Ergo, the other Pokemon you list as "undisputed" were in fact disputed by me.

Apologies, edited.

JayMoyles wrote:
The only one I would potentially bin is Smoochum due to the Jynx connection, of course, but due to the fact that it's also pretty damn creepy.
Athrun888 wrote:
-Smoochum: Everyone basically agreed to give Jynx the flick, so why keep its baby around?


JayMoyles wrote:
Miltank - That Whitney battle is iconic. Getting hammered by Rollout was a moment of learning for us all.

I can't really argue with that, although I still don't think it's a great design.  Unless you're Nursey from Blackadder.

OrangeRakoon wrote:
Athrun888 wrote:
-Sentret/Furret: Tedious, useless, ripoffs of Rattata.  They have awful stats, look meh, and add nothing to the games not called Gold and Silver.  

Get the hell out of here

Have you /seen/ how big Furret is??

I... am... very torn.  I'm going to go in to bat to defend Linoone next generation, and Furret offers less than its fellow mustelid from a 'normal-type rodent' point of view.  On the other hand, its design is pretty cool, and it did a meme.  Abstain.

Athrun888 wrote:
-Hoothoot/Noctowl: See Sentret.

Yep, there are better normal/flying types.  If Noctowl was psychic/flying like it should have been I'd have been interested.  It's not.

Athrun888 wrote:
-Dunsparce: this thing should go purely because of how utterly useless it is.  Remember first finding one early on, catching it, then using it thinking it'd become something amazing down the road only to have it waste your time and valuable exp?  Yeah, either give it an evolution or give it the boot!

Dunsparce has one thing going for it: its origins in the tsuchinoko.  However it's a bad version of the tsuchinoko that Yo-Kai Watch, of all franchises, puts to shame.  Get rid of this abomination.

Athrun888 wrote:
-Corsola: I'm tempted to let this one be as it's my go-to response whenever someone says "name me a Pokemon I can't remember", but honestly it's just pathetic.  Looks ugly, plays ugly, it's just bad.  

It does have one thing going for it, and that's the relationship with Mareanie in Sun/Moon.  The fact that you have to chain-battle Corsola to find a Mareanie, which then spends all its time eating the Corsola, is priceless.  That aside, bin.  Mareanie ain't all that either.

Athrun888 wrote:
-Lugia: "OOGH, LUGIA'S SO COOL!"  The words of casuals everywhere after that damned movie in 2000.  Where's the Ho-Oh love?  The superior bird, nay, the only bird that should exist!  You have no need for the overrated surfbird with a literal phoenix around.  Bin it.  

There will come a day when I strike a legendary off the list for being appallingly designed (Jay's wrong, no monster should be protected just because they appear on a box).  Today is not that day.  Ho-Oh's better, but Lugia's still cool.

Couple of other suggestions:
- Pineco and Forretress.  Pineco looks like Banjo and Kazooie got their hands on a pinecone, and Forretress... just no.
- Aipom, the least cute monkey there has ever been. The smile alone is enough to give me nightmares.
- Qwilfish joins the cavalcade of mediocre fish designs.  We'll find worse, but I really don't see what it adds and feel it's taking up space.
- Finally, if somebody could tell me what lumps of molten useless goop Slugma and Magcargo add to the world I'll be happy to listen, but they're terrible 'Mon with mediocre designs and Magcargo in particular has a typing that can only be reasonably termed, 'a mistake'.
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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyTue 25 Jun 2019 - 20:50

Blimey! Yeah, the Gen 2 Pokemon are pretty good (I missed the Gen 1 cull). Athers' point on Smoochum I'd agree with - if we universally get rid of Jynx, it'd create a weird paradox, so it needs to go. And I don't like Dunsparce - I know what it's based on etc., but it looks a bit bleh. But all the others are great! I won't hear bad words about Hoothoot I tells ya.

Actually, I think Unown causes too many greater philosophical problems and should be eradicated. Or it should evolve into Unicown, and come in several thousand varieties.

That might be the cleverest thing I have ever said
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Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex)   Pokémoff (#BuggerOffNationalDex) EmptyWed 26 Jun 2019 - 21:01

You know what, I agree about Unown (although I don't get the pun).  In Gold and Silver they had the whole lore thing surrounding them and the Unown radio and it was all pretty cool... since then they've been utterly useless, with one unpredictable move and lousy stats. and only serving to make true Pokédex completion more annoying (since you need all twenty-chuffing-eight forms).  Give them an improved form, or bin. GSC are still in existence.

Any thoughts on my three/five?  (puppy-dog eyes)
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