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 How did I not see that before?

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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyMon 29 Apr 2013 - 13:26

Just today, I was watching a video on YouTube about Ocarina of Time and it hit me only now that the Biggoron Sword and Biggoron are named as such because it's a big Goron. I'd been pronouncing it as "biggeron" for years. It was such a stupid stupid realisation for me.

Anyone else had a "duhhh" moment from videogaming?
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The Cappuccino Kid
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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyMon 29 Apr 2013 - 13:35

I didn't notice for years that Yoshi's Circuit in Double Dash was shaped like Yoshi. Naturally, I realised this slap-bang in the middle of a multiplayer session with my mates, blurted it out and rightly got slagged rotten.

How did I not see that before? Tumblr_ln7qfbOBCh1qbrj6ao1_400

Same thing with the map from Hogs of War:

How did I not see that before? D0d826c560b2
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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyMon 29 Apr 2013 - 13:37

Yes, everyone knows that Ekans is snake backwards, but did you know about Arbok? Eh?

You did? All of you? Oh...
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Dusty Knackers
Bandana Waddle Dee
Dusty Knackers

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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyMon 29 Apr 2013 - 14:35

Tails = Miles Prower etc.

(Away from gaming, but on a similar theme, someone I follow on the 'T' website only realised the other day that Tom Hanks did the voice of Woody in Toy Story. Thought it was obvious...)
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyMon 29 Apr 2013 - 17:39

Phillips wrote:
I didn't notice for years that Yoshi's Circuit in Double Dash was shaped like Yoshi. Naturally, I realised this slap-bang in the middle of a multiplayer session with my mates, blurted it out and rightly got slagged rotten.

I can see where you'd not notice it in Hogs of War, but wow, Yoshi's Circuit is hard to miss.

@Balla: Mewtwo's named like that because he's cloned from Mew, did you know that?

@Dusty: Yeah, I had a moment of realisation with Miles Prower too, I think it's relatively subtle.

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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyMon 29 Apr 2013 - 18:35

Yes, thank you Jay, I did. Nah nah! Loving the names on that Hogs of War map, my favourite being Arstria. Laughing Yes I know I'm immature.

Now that I think of it, probably my biggest Duh! moment was starting Pokémon Blue and not knowing how to get out of the house. How was I to know that you walk into the little grey rectangle at the bottom of the screen? Neutral
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyMon 29 Apr 2013 - 18:43

A lot of the Pokemon "cheats" I was told as a child are Duh! moments in hindsight. "Beat the Elite Four 100 times then walk up and down the pier at Vermillion City 500 times and you'll get Mew!" ...sigh.
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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyMon 29 Apr 2013 - 19:54

Jay, it was 501 times I got a mew that way and it was shiny too and had 5 moves and it came out of the pokeball butt first. *sigh* good times... Tongue
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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyMon 29 Apr 2013 - 20:20

Another one here that didn't appreciate Miles Prower for years. I tweeted a day or so ago that 'Navi' is probably from 'navigate'... there are probably lots of puns in Ace Attorney that I've still not worked out - Wendy Oldbag took me a while, f'r example.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyMon 29 Apr 2013 - 20:29

ZeroJones wrote:
I tweeted a day or so ago that 'Navi' is probably from 'navigate'...

I...I... damn it, how did I not see this?! Duh! Duh!
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Flock Step Bird

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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyMon 29 Apr 2013 - 21:05

ZeroJones wrote:
'Navi' is probably from 'navigate'

Also, Tatl from Majora's Mask is short for Tattle. Her brother is also called Tael.
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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyMon 29 Apr 2013 - 23:54

JayMoyles wrote:
A lot of the Pokemon "cheats" I was told as a child are Duh! moments in hindsight. "Beat the Elite Four 100 times then walk up and down the pier at Vermillion City 500 times and you'll get Mew!" ...sigh.
The fact that this was discovered a few years later didn't help the rumours.
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Stability Update

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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyTue 30 Apr 2013 - 11:16

Ekans = Snake is a snake

Arbok = Kobra and is.

Muk = . . . Shocked
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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyTue 30 Apr 2013 - 11:17

... Pale
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Disciple of Greener

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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyTue 30 Apr 2013 - 12:59

Balladeer wrote:
Now that I think of it, probably my biggest Duh! moment was starting Pokémon Blue and not knowing how to get out of the house. How was I to know that you walk into the little grey rectangle at the bottom of the screen? Neutral

I didn't understand Pokemon Centres for ages. I thought the nurse was behind a wall and there was no door into her room, so I just went on my merry way blacking out every once in a while and being revived automatically instead.
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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
The Cappuccino Kid

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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyTue 30 Apr 2013 - 13:01

Similar thing in Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon: I couldn't figure out how to leave the first room. I didn't understand that the Japanese didn't have doors, but rather those slidey-wall things (political correctness), so I spent my first twenty minutes with the game jumping about the first room thinking it was broken.

Walking into a slidey-wall thing: how did I not see that before?
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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyTue 30 Apr 2013 - 13:03

Turns out, if you hit Mario's head on this blocks with '?' on them, coins come out! Sometimes there's even mushrooms, too.
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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyTue 30 Apr 2013 - 13:05

Reminds me of my family's first try on Super Mario Land. It was the first proper videogame we ever had beyond Pac-Man, and it took us collectively about three game overs to realise that you could and should jump over the toddling mushroom, as opposed to walking into it.

Last edited by Balladeer on Tue 30 Apr 2013 - 13:22; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Ever heard of a "viodeogame"? Neither have I.)
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Crumpy Andy
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Crumpy Andy

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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyTue 30 Apr 2013 - 13:22

I remember in Pokemon Red I couldn't leave the first room. I just did not think that icon was stairs. Eventually my Mum figured it out for me Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyTue 30 Apr 2013 - 18:54

beemoh wrote:
Turns out, if you hit Mario's head on this blocks with '?' on them, coins come out! Sometimes there's even mushrooms, too.

How did I not see that before? Pt4vx

Say what now?
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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyTue 30 Apr 2013 - 18:57

The_Jaster wrote:
beemoh wrote:
Turns out, if you hit Mario's head on this blocks with '?' on them, coins come out! Sometimes there's even mushrooms, too.

How did I not see that before? Pt4vx

Say what now?

Mind = blown.
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Dusty Knackers
Bandana Waddle Dee
Dusty Knackers

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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyFri 3 May 2013 - 15:41

He doesn't really punch the blocks, there's a hand sensor underneath that unlocks the blocks.
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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
The Cappuccino Kid

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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyFri 3 May 2013 - 15:51

Dusty Knackers wrote:
He doesn't really punch the blocks, there's a hand sensor underneath that unlocks the blocks.

How did I not see that before? WiiVitalitySensor

That's what it's for.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyFri 3 May 2013 - 17:46

What is that even used for?
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Disciple of Scullion

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PostSubject: Re: How did I not see that before?   How did I not see that before? EmptyFri 3 May 2013 - 23:14

Phillips wrote:
Similar thing in Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon: I couldn't figure out how to leave the first room. I didn't understand that the Japanese didn't have doors, but rather those slidey-wall things (political correctness), so I spent my first twenty minutes with the game jumping about the first room thinking it was broken.

Walking into a slidey-wall thing: how did I not see that before?

I had this problem with DK64!

I spent about an hour playing the game with my brother on Christmas day, wondering where I was meant to go next after Donkey's arrival on DK Island because we couldn't make out the cave-like entrances as the brightness on our TV was too low.
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