Des and Ember. Because when you put them together, they... er... December.
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 Flashback - October 1999

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The Next Miyamoto

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Flashback - October 1999 Empty
PostSubject: Flashback - October 1999   Flashback - October 1999 EmptyWed 2 Oct 2013 - 17:11

Slightly different rules to before, don't bother with daily just talk about the whole month and see what happens, it's October 1999.

I've just finished playing resident evil 3 nemesis which I got late last month great game, I hope we don't have to wait long for 4 and we get to see Jill again.

I've got my Dreamcast preordered can't wait for it, I'm getting sonic adventure, blue stinger, power stone, sega rally 2, virtua fighter 3tb.

I should be able to get Pokemon Yellow as well on my gameboy from the local indy store if they import it in from the states. I doubt I will get anything else this month but I've been waiting for a new console for a while my ps1 & n64 seem old now, and pokemon yellow should be good and tide me other till gold is out.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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The Cappuccino Kid

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Flashback - October 1999 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flashback - October 1999   Flashback - October 1999 EmptySun 27 Oct 2013 - 11:25

I've just seen this!


Going into October 1999, it's all about two games: Pokémon Red and Blue. I've convinced my best mates to get the games and we've had tons of conversations about which starters to pick, after being crushed by the discovery that you can't have all three. I'm just about finished with WWF Attitude on the PlayStation, and am looking forward to Donkey Kong 64 after seeing the amazing screenshots in N64 Magazine. I'm toying with the idea of buying a Dreamcast, but I've just had a shot of Sonic Adventure and SEGA Rally 2 in Electronics Boutique and I don't think they're as good as Banjo-Kazooie or Gran Turismo. I might ask for one for Christmas, but it needs a good WWF game.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Flashback - October 1999 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flashback - October 1999   Flashback - October 1999 EmptySun 27 Oct 2013 - 16:07

Thanks for posting TCK, but I don't think I'm going to bother do a November Flashback. Due to no one posting here.
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