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 VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight

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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight   VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight EmptyTue 19 Nov 2013 - 22:20

So the VGA's I'm still calling it this has it's vote's open. These are the categories that Nintendo are in.

Game of the Year

Super Mario 3D World
BioShock Infinite
Grand Theft Auto V
The Last of Us
Tomb Raider

Best RPG

Fire Emblem: Awakening
Pokemon X/Y
Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

Best Nintendo Game

Pikmin 3
Rayman Legends
Super Mario 3D World
The Wonderful 101

Best Handheld Game

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Pokemon X/Y
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

Best Casual Game

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Disney Infinity
Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time
Skylanders SWAP Force

You can see the lot here and even vote if you want.

Last edited by masofdas on Sat 7 Dec 2013 - 18:17; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight   VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight EmptyWed 20 Nov 2013 - 17:13

Mario 3D world got my GOTY and most anticipated and best nintendo game. Fire Emblem got my votes for best RPG although I'm confused as to why it didn't get a say in best handheld or best soundtrack.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight   VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight EmptyThu 21 Nov 2013 - 12:02

I found it strange I can vote for Bioshock Infinite in nearly everything apart from PS3.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight   VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight EmptySat 7 Dec 2013 - 18:20

So this is tonight 11pm in the UK and ending at 2am. I will be staying up and will be updating here with the awards but really the only real reason to watch for those announcements.

Telltale Games are making a game set in the borderlands universe coming 2014.

Tomb Raider is getting re-released for next gen on January 28th (my birthday), Lara will have better hair.

Nintendo live demoed Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze and Cranky Kong, also the hosts grilled Reggie whom brought it.

Quantum Break is shown.

South Park is being shown and the creators of south park are presenting GOTY which goes to GTAV but it didn't win action adventure AC4 did.

Destiny is shown can't f'ing wait.

Broken Age that famous kickstarter game from double fine being shown with the voice actors such as Elijah Wood.

The Division is up now showing what the snowdrop engine can do.

Telltale up again with Game of Thrones.

Indy game called No Man's Sky from Hello Games (Joe Danger) looks very pretty.

Dying Light being demoed on PS4 running in 1080p looks okay game.

Thief now up.

Bioshock Infinite won shooter of the year, don't get me started about this ohh and the Lutece Twins also won best character.

Witcher 3 is looking very nice but didn't like the 2nd, so I'm iffy on this.

Naughty Dog win's studio of the year, I'm so confused as GTAV wins GOTY not last of us but rockstar & naughty dog have the same amount of games come out in 2013 but GTAV couldn't win best action adventure AC4 did.

Titanfall up now with a new titan, want a xbox one just for this. It doesn't use Kinect.

So that's pretty much it, as now there's a 20 mins GTAV music concert which will take us to the end.

I will ad in trailers as soon as i can.
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Garreg Mach Geography Teacher

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PostSubject: Re: VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight   VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight EmptySun 8 Dec 2013 - 1:50

Not sure about the Telltale Borderlands game. Hopefully it focuses on the humour side, as the games are weak in terms of characters and story.

Tomb Raider announcement is a bit dull (the PC hair is lovely, though). The game does deserve extra attention.

Cranky Kong looks like Scrooge McDuck.

Quantum Break looked immensely dull, especially coming from the creators of Alan Wake.

I was never interested in South Park.

I'm waiting to see more information on how Destiny works, is it like Borderlands or will playing on your own be a better experiance?

Broken Age looks lovely.

I wanted to know more about The Division. While the graphics are lovely, that was not what I wanted to know about it.

Telltale's Game of Thrones should be good.

No Man's Sky was easily the best game of the show. I've been wanting a procedural space exploration game for a while (especially as Space Engine has shown that the technology is ready) and this looks perfect.

Dying Light looks like it could be fun, but the zombie aspect puts me off.

Thief looks very good. I haven't played the previous ones, but it reminds me of Dishonoured.

Witcher 3 looks interesting. I wonder if the combat will be improved and the character will be decent this time.

Titanfall I haven't been interested in since I found out that it was like Brink and omitted any kind singleplayer.

As for the show, it was utterly terrible. The awards conveniently allowed for multiple studios, GTAV did not deserve any awards (it did a ton of stuff well, but it was great at nothing). And the hosts - they were horrendous. Pretty much all the "viral" stuff was just as bad. How does this show get the exclusive trailers?

It was painful to watch, most of the exclusive trailers showed us pretty much nothing new, some of the announcements (Game of Thrones and Cranky Kong) were already known, but overall it was worth it for No Man's Sky.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight   VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight EmptySun 8 Dec 2013 - 5:27

The only two things in all of that which were exciting for me were the Telltale announcements. A comedy styled Borderlands game would be great as none of the preexisting characters are suited for a serious game, so they'll have to introduce new protagonists to root this in a bit of seriousness. And I am SO ready for Telltale to tackle Game of Thrones.
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PostSubject: Re: VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight   VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight EmptySun 8 Dec 2013 - 10:19

Cranky Kong. Rolling Eyes
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight   VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight EmptySun 8 Dec 2013 - 10:28

JayMoyles wrote:
And I am SO ready for Telltale to tackle Game of Thrones.
Hells to the YEAH!
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight   VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight EmptySun 8 Dec 2013 - 11:07

I think everyone's being a tad harsh on the event. Sure it wasn't amazing but it had some nice stuff there. The awful jokes were only as bad as a ubisoft e3 conference too.
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PostSubject: Re: VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight   VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight EmptySun 8 Dec 2013 - 12:13

ZeroJones wrote:
Cranky Kong. Rolling Eyes
Surprised Fronky hasn't come in here to complain about how it should be a certain other Kong...
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PostSubject: Re: VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight   VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight EmptySun 8 Dec 2013 - 15:19

You can watch the full 3 hours here....

Note: I posted this in the Wii U News thread too.
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PostSubject: Re: VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight   VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight EmptySun 8 Dec 2013 - 18:35

andyman949 wrote:
I think everyone's being a tad harsh on the event. Sure it wasn't amazing but it had some nice stuff there. The awful jokes were only as bad as a ubisoft e3 conference too.
^this. A lot of the complaints, it seemed to me, were because Spike had the audacity to aim a games event at the Spike market.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight   VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight EmptyMon 9 Dec 2013 - 17:13

You all know what happened now, so don't really need to post trailers do I.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight   VGX (what was VGA's) Tonight EmptyTue 10 Dec 2013 - 17:55

Mat Lees does an amusing abridged version, of that's anyone's cup of tea. I might watch more of his work at some point.
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