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 I Choose You!

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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: I Choose You!   I Choose You! EmptyMon 15 Sep 2014 - 10:22

Right if you have a looked at the turn back time thread, I said I had another idea and Balla also added to this without realising it.

In our weird GNamer time now we've got two console manufacturers Nintendo & Sony are still working together whom own RARE, SEGA are still around as well, Microsoft tried to enter the market but were foiled by an unknown manufacturer problem and some guy going by the name drunka has bought spurs after investing heavily in apple back in 1976.

Bare with me as back in the early to mid 90's we had more than three console manufacturers with the likes of Panasonic, Phillips giving it a go and Atari still around.

So in GNamer time is there anyone you would want or think would make a good third option (or whom you would want to take on the three now).

Me personally can see Samsung being a decent one for a few reasons they would make decent hardware and being Korean would be more likely to tap in to that country dev's to bring us some of those games out there which the others can't offer also they would have the money to back it all up.

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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: I Choose You!   I Choose You! EmptyMon 15 Sep 2014 - 14:19

So in this world, Nintendony and Sega have a two horse race going on and we're suggesting who might potentially enter as a third manufacturer?

Samsung's a good shout. Maybe I'd use my fortune to launch the Gamelilly 5000, possibly through Apple who I'm surprised haven't launched a decent, more games-focused machine in reality.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: I Choose You!   I Choose You! EmptyMon 15 Sep 2014 - 14:33

Yeah basically Drunka also being fairly realistic, the reason I don't think apple would be a good choice even if they have had a go before is lack of there own studios without buying some unlike Samsung they wouldn't have any patriotic power or you gather it would just be iOS based you'd think and Ouya etc haven't done great with the same idea but based on droid.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: I Choose You!   I Choose You! EmptyMon 15 Sep 2014 - 22:40

I think the zealous Appe-heads would give any potential game device a big initial push, and once it had that insall base it might do better than Ouya et al.
I'm still excited to see Steamboxes properly unleashed on the world.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: I Choose You!   I Choose You! EmptyMon 15 Sep 2014 - 23:56

Same steamboxes I'm curious about as valve does downloads right and I've not got a good rig but they seem so expensive and how much would I benefit from owning one apart from older titles and indies.
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Disciple of Scullion

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PostSubject: Re: I Choose You!   I Choose You! EmptyTue 16 Sep 2014 - 19:14

masofdas wrote:
Yeah basically Drunka also being fairly realistic, the reason I don't think apple would be a good choice even if they have had a go before is lack of there own studios without buying some unlike Samsung they wouldn't have any patriotic power or you gather it would just be iOS based you'd think and Ouya etc haven't done great with the same idea but based on droid.

Huh, this is precisely what Apple do well: they run a store that's entirely third party, and they differentiate through software and great developer tools, this being the latest. Now watch this and tell me that they don't plan to release a games box soon? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZaQ--Xti-k
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: I Choose You!   I Choose You! EmptyTue 16 Sep 2014 - 19:37

Not saying they wouldn't,  I just can't see it appealing to gamer's that much or taking much of the console market share.  I wouldn't be surprised if it was the top selling of its type of thing though..
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