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 Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!

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Crumpy Andy
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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyWed 14 Jan 2015 - 16:59

The next installment of the Fire Emblem franchise is on its way!  Promising more awesome fire emblem action for 3ds owners!  So, what's everyones tentative thoughts so far?  I'm pretty happy personally, partly because Awakening was flawed but fun, and partly because I'm glad that the 3ds isn't turning in to a deadzone just yet.

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyWed 14 Jan 2015 - 17:01

(camps in thread, waits for Vidofnir to respond) Winky Face
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Galactic Nova

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyWed 14 Jan 2015 - 17:54

I'm happy - I liked Awakening a lot, and this seems to be more of the same. Really, it's not surprising that they're retreading some of Awakening's mechanics based on how well that game sold.

I liked how they seemed to be going down more Eastern-influenced designs this time as opposed to the very Western fantasy of previous Fire Emblems. Oh, and that battle camera transition? Gorgeous.
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Flock Step Bird

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyWed 14 Jan 2015 - 18:53

Ah, I will try and dispel my negativity. The style of the game did look quite cool, a sort of eastern theme that was touched on in Awakening....

There was just so much I didn't like about Awakening though, the pairing up system is completely unbalanced which almost negated the use of singular units. The maps were dull, mainly a scattering of forts and forests which had no implementation into the plot, coupled with the fact that the only 'victory' objectives were routing all units which is dull as hell and an excuse to implement lazy AI who bum rush you every map and have no strategic movement!

The ridiculous promotion system allowed anyone to be anything which is just ridiculous and promoted the use of grinding through 'skirmish' battles which were also shit. I'm going to go play Path of Radiance and cry tears of frustration now... Hissy fit

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Galactic Nova

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyWed 14 Jan 2015 - 20:16

Vidofnir wrote:

The ridiculous promotion system allowed anyone to be anything which is just ridiculous and promoted the use of grinding through 'skirmish' battles which were also shit. I'm going to go play Path of Radiance and cry tears of frustration now...  Hissy fit

Yeah, I could do without this to be honest. I didn't mind the team-up mechanic though, especially considering the game's emphasis on relationships. I can't see them relying too heavily on that again.
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Crumpy Andy
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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyWed 14 Jan 2015 - 20:48

I generally don't use the Master Seals as it is so I didn't even touch the Second Seals so that bit wasn't an issue here. It would've made up for the lack of archers though.
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The Next Aonuma

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyThu 15 Jan 2015 - 0:03

FE:A is still my fav 3DS game, so more of the same sounds good to me.
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Ice Climber

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyThu 15 Jan 2015 - 10:48

I don't care for Fire Emblem at all, yet some part of me is sad that this new game is FE and not Advance Wars. Poor Advance Wars.
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Crumpy Andy
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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyThu 15 Jan 2015 - 10:51

Fire Emblem is worth a thousand Advanced Wars Razz Though admittedly I'd like to see another Advanced Wars too. All of the strategy pls.
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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyThu 15 Jan 2015 - 10:54

Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! 39875-Emma-Stone-no-no-no-no-no-gif-bGod
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Raging Pedant

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyThu 15 Jan 2015 - 11:11

I actually wouldn't mind seeing a battalion wars on the 3ds
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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyThu 15 Jan 2015 - 13:29

Stylish fantasy is always better than technology*, so by extension I'm afraid I'm going to have to say them going back to fire emblem over advance wars was the far better move!  Nah nah!

*Unless it's stylish technology like Freedom Wars, nothing beats running around tearing apart giant robot tigers with a laser Excalibur, nothing.

Jokes aside it's not all that surprising they did another fire emblem over advance wars.  The last Advance Wars tanked didn't it?  It certainly didn't pull in the numbers awakening did at any rate, so I imagine advance wars currently resides in the same place F-zero does.  And the gaming world is all the worse for it.  Aww!
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Ice Climber

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyThu 15 Jan 2015 - 14:02

Awakening was supposedly a last-ditch attempt to make FE a big seller, if I remember rightly. Let's hope this next installment keeps the momentum going.
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Galactic Nova

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyThu 15 Jan 2015 - 17:22

Stu_the_great wrote:
Awakening was supposedly a last-ditch attempt to make FE a big seller, if I remember rightly.

It was, and you could really tell, especially considering how all the DLC was almost like a tour through old Fire Emblem games.
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Flock Step Bird

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyThu 15 Jan 2015 - 19:37

Haha, I should just be glad one of my favourite franchises is continuing Grin. I'd take a new Fire Emblem over Advance Wars any day.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyTue 20 Jan 2015 - 0:53

I do hope it keep the title "The next instalment in the Fire Emblem Series". Maybe add a "3D" at the end for good measure.

Last edited by Treesmurf on Tue 20 Jan 2015 - 0:54; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : and a "super" at the beginning as well as a "turbo" after the "3D")
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The Next Aonuma

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyTue 20 Jan 2015 - 17:55

Anyone else seen Nintendo of Kangaroo Land outed this a 2015 game with TBC then took it down, I can see it being the BIG holiday game for 3DS this year.
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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyTue 20 Jan 2015 - 18:48

masofdas wrote:
Anyone else seen Nintendo of Kangaroo Land outed this a 2015 game with TBC then took it down, I can see it being the BIG holiday game for 3DS this year.

I read this, forgot what thread I was in, and thought you were talking about a kangaroo-based follow-up to Nintendo Land that was briefly outed. I'd be up for that!
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Raging Pedant

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyTue 20 Jan 2015 - 23:14

Yep and then they retracted it in another email as soon as the Internet went crazy with the idea of it being 2015.. It's now placed as TBC
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The Next Aonuma

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyTue 20 Jan 2015 - 23:32

Yeah we saw,

You would hope it's year though as they can build on the foundations set by Awakening
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyTue 20 Jan 2015 - 23:53

To be honest I was kinda always expecting a 2015 release date from it, not sure why but I'm fairly sure we'll see it before the year end.
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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyWed 21 Jan 2015 - 6:21

It would certainly help boost what is a meagre release list for 2015 for the 3DS. Thumbs Up! As we know, there's been a move towards publishers announcing games much closer to their release dates in recent years, too.
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The Next Aonuma

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyWed 21 Jan 2015 - 10:53

Didn't they do similar last year with hyrule they showed it with TBC then only a few months later it's out.
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Disciple of Scullion

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyWed 21 Jan 2015 - 15:13

More variety in the map designs is something I'm looking for here. I really enjoyed Awakening, but the maps were pretty uninspired, most of them being open expanses of land or vertical struggles to the top. Compare that to the best of what Intelligent Systems have put out and it's pretty weak.

I'm really liking the look of the new visuals on this, too. The seamless change from tactical map view to battle scene still amazes me. Such a big step up from Awakening.
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Raging Pedant

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Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE!   Fire Emblem: Fates - CHOOSE A SIDE! EmptyWed 21 Jan 2015 - 17:54

Yeah I'd say that the game will be out by the end of the year but I'm willing to bet that Nintendo just didn't want to say that yet
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