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 Tales of Hearts R

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Disciple of Scullion

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Tales of Hearts R Empty
PostSubject: Tales of Hearts R   Tales of Hearts R EmptyThu 27 Nov 2014 - 10:30

Did anyone pick this up? I've quite enjoyed my time so far with this, mainly because it's a classic Tales game in the literal sense: it sticks to the template of old and then some. It's also nice that it isn't stupidly long and padded out, either, and the battle system is engaging, though mechanically speaking it doesn't flow quite as well as it should.

I've also warmed to how it is as a remake. It is pretty low budget but it does ultimately feel made with love despite the stiff animation and dull backgrounds.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Tales of Hearts R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Hearts R   Tales of Hearts R EmptyThu 27 Nov 2014 - 12:19

It's on my VITA to buy list lol
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Crumpy Andy
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Crumpy Andy

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Tales of Hearts R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Hearts R   Tales of Hearts R EmptyThu 27 Nov 2014 - 14:19

I've not clicked with any of the 4 Tales games I've tried (finished Graces f, but couldn't get on with Abyss, Xillia and Symphonia), so it's certainly not high on my priority list. Think my gf's getting it for Christmas so I might give it a spin at some point.
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Disciple of Scullion

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Tales of Hearts R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Hearts R   Tales of Hearts R EmptyMon 8 Dec 2014 - 17:59

Ah, if you didn't click with Abyss and Symphonia then it's probably not going to be your cup of tea. Still worth a try I guess: it's only 30 hours long as well so not a gigantic time investment.

I've put this on hold for now: the latter segments of game just aren't interesting and the story is pretty convoluted without seeming like it fits together in a satisfying way. I do love how puzzles have returned though, but random battles mean you can't solve them without being interrupted every few seconds...
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Bandana Waddle Dee

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Tales of Hearts R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Hearts R   Tales of Hearts R EmptySun 8 Feb 2015 - 13:48

fronkhead wrote:
Ah, if you didn't click with Abyss and Symphonia then it's probably not going to be your cup of tea. Still worth a try I guess: it's only 30 hours long as well so not a gigantic time investment.

I've put this on hold for now: the latter segments of game just aren't interesting and the story is pretty convoluted without seeming like it fits together in a satisfying way. I do love how puzzles have returned though, but random battles mean you can't solve them without being interrupted every few seconds...

Definitely on my list of Vita games to pick up. I do have the DS version of the game, in Japanese, so it goes without saying that I got nowhere with it. Whistle
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Wii U Port

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Tales of Hearts R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Hearts R   Tales of Hearts R EmptySat 4 Apr 2015 - 12:12

I am a big tales fans they're my favourite games to play on different consoles, apart from pokemon of course with Nintendo handheld but from the anime adults point of view this a got to be the best RPG's for games out there and hope they do more in the future on the NX handheld and PS4 looking forward to it. I actually wanted to get a vita but knowing in a week advance tales of hearts R was coming out was a luck timer. It isn't the best tales game but it's one that not to be missed to play, it's not a terrible game nor it is the popular tales version.

I have played Tales of hearts on the DS lite in Japanese, it was pretty easy to do because I am very use to knowing where everything is despite I don't understand Japanese fully. It was very enjoyable indeed to play, a lot of fans from USA and Euro wanted this game a lot of a remake and BOOM it's done. We quite lucky that the tales team bring this, yes it's a cheaper remake from the DS version but this is what the fans wanted, it wasn't the plan of future gaming bring out to begin with. They'e forcing on tales of zestiria on the PS3 which is more important. Ninja

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